Still waiting.......
I am experiencing first hand every example of frustration that's been posted in this thread. I ordered a Flip Pac back in march and I'm still waiting for delivery. I liked the idea of the Flip Pac but was skeptical from the start because of the cost. 4000K seems like a lot of cash for what boils down to a glorified tent. I decided to pay a little extra by ordering mine through Adventure Trailers in Prescott, AZ because they are a lot closer to Albuquerque and also the AT units are built to their own specifications and better tailored for off road.
Anyway, my wife and I have been repeatedly calling and emailing both FRP and AT about a delivery date and have been rewarded with nothing but runaround and mis information and we still have no confidence in an actual delivery. I agree with others in this thread that the guys at AT are at least responsive and appear genuinely frustrated themselves but they are also apparently helpless and at the mercy of FRP when it comes to delivering to their customers and, frankly, I am buying the unit from AT. THEY are the ones who took my order. THEY are the ones who took my deposit. THEY are the ones who should ensuring they can deliver to their customers or at least offer a reasonable explanation and possible compensation for the repeated delays.
I apologize for the rant but we were told to expect ten weeks for delivery and I believe we have now entered week 17. We have now rescheduled our vacation trip three times in hopes of getting our camper and it still looks as if we will have to take the trip without it because we can't reschedule a fourth time and yet.... still no Flip Pac. I have since reached the point that I have serious doubts about the overall quality and workmanship of the product. If the manufacturers customer service and management/scheduling skills are any indication, then one has to question quality control as well. Again, 4000K for a camper shell with a tent...and probably poorly made. And on top of that it's going to take half a year to get it!
I'm seriously thinking i should get my money back asap.