Dave Bennett
I like chairs with a cupholder.
Yeah, me too. We have two of these chairs actually (one green and one gray), the gray one has a table on the side
I like chairs with a cupholder.
A search on Amazon yielded a few similar options, including a Coleman that looks the same but with a little table attached to the side for $49.00.
Seems like the table might be nice for holding a plate and/or drink?
Oh yeah, we have a second chair that has the table, IIRC it is a Coleman. Very nice feature, and takes up the same space.
Same dimensions, but they fold flat to about 4-5 inches. The sides come together, or in other words, the width of both arm rests is how thick they are when folded. But the height and depth remain the same at all time.
They are a great chairs, very comfy.
I'm considering ordering one of these (with table) at the last minute (tonight) before a trip.
Amazon lists the dimensions as: 23.5 by 31 by 21 inches (W x H x D) and weighs 7.7 pounds, I assume this is the size when open.
Can someone supply some rough dimensions when closed so I can decide if I can bring one along?
I have some chairs that I purchased from Costoc back in 2000 that have held up great. The closest chair I have found to it can be purchased here, the only diffrence I can tell between this chair and the ones I bought at Costco are the Costco chairs armrests are covered with padded fabric, everything else appears to be the same.
Here is a pic of of the current version of the Costco like chair and it has a weight capacity of 350 pounds for us bigger guys
Those collapsible style chairs are a non-starter for many of us, because after you sit in them for about 15 minutes the front crossbars start eating into your thighs...
I'm looking hard at the PICO line, but their weight gives me pause. I'll be taking it backpacking on occasion, and 9 pounds is more than I want to add to my current loadout. The Coleman might be a good compromise, but still looking.
All of those plastic pieces and rivets going through the thin tubes give me nightmares about picking myself up off the ground. I am done with those types of chairs, although that does look like a little better design.
Hey bmonday, I got home and re read your post and I know what you are saying about the crossbars on most of the cheap collapsible chairs digging into your thighs, the chairs I mention above do not have this problem as the front crossbars (X) are set back about 8 inches and the way the chair is designed is that when you sit in the chair your weight is used to spread apart the side bars and stretch the seat fabric so it is very tight and has little to no sag (even for a 280 pounder like me). Before you discount these chairs I would recommend you try to find one and test it out, you might be pleasantly surprised. The difference in the chairs is how the front legs and X bar are designed. They also work good on uneven ground whereas the coleman type chair may have issues.
Ok, I'm done with the camping chair debate :wings:
P.S.Camping World has a chair very similar to the chairs I recommend above for 19.99, called the patio bag chair, anyone could test these Tension type chairs for comfort at their nearest store.