Time for a bit of backtracking to our departure from Brisbane in March...
Every journey has it’s challenges. When you depend on a motorized vehicle for your travels, sooner or later you have to fix something. We were one day out on our journey, just North of Brisbane QLD when my wife said. What’s that noise from the front of the Landcruiser as she was standing outside with the windows down… The sound was: click, click click coming from the passenger side wheel on full turn. I was pretty sure that it was a CV. Strange as I had got to the effort of disassembling, cleaning, inspecting, greasing and rebooting both of them approximately 12 months ago. Did I miss something?
One of the benefits of online forums and ExPo in particular is that you get the chance to meet lots of like minded individuals. Back in 2008 when I was discussing our move to Brisbane Australia, I received a PM from an ExPo member to put me in contact with his Aussie cousin, Andrew, also a 4WD fanatic but even better a LandCruiser nut! Andrew invited me to hit some of the local tracks on a 40 Series run and I got to meet Ray another LandCruiser aficionado, the real important bit here is that Ray is a qualified mechanic and thankfully I managed to keep in touch with Ray over the years. This chance meeting would pay off. I rang Ray and booked in to his garage for some diagnosis and repairs.
Can you remember the days when you pulled into a service station and the owner came out to greet you? He fills up your gas tank, helps out if you need to put a bit of air in your tires and is generally up for a chat as long as it’s about fishing, the weather or any mechanical issues you are experiencing with your vehicle. Well that’s exactly what Hendra Motors is all about. It was like stepping back in time.
The offending CV being inspected for damage. There was a bit of pitting but nothing major.
All good thanks a big thanks to Ray and Abboud at Hendra motors.
If you are ever in Brisbane and need mechanical repairs, give them a call and tell them Pierre sent you. I’m confident that they will take care of you without mention of my name…