The lighter side of owning a Rover


New member
Well folks let me start off by introducing myself. I've been a member for a while, but have just been lurking around wishing I was on a trail.

Thanks to a friend a fellow member Exporover, I got hooked on the green oval.

So a few weeks ago I picked up this 95 Classic


And since the purchase I have noticed this strange phenomenon..

When I am passing or being passed on the interstate, people begin to pace me to look at the truck. This has resulted in quite a lot of laughs for me.

Today in fact I passed this little Suzuki sx4 and then five minutes later it passed me back and the guy in the passenger seat started waving frantically.. Once he had my attention, he threw me a big thumps up.

I have a bunch more stories like this and since I've only had this thing a month, I know you guys have some good ones too. So if you don't mind sharing a little something I'd sure like to read about it.


Expedition Leader
Welcome to the site and welcome to the insanity! Random people stopping is one of those things that remind us that these trucks aren't so common and are something special. I've had several offers to buy my IIa from strangers and one guy that paced me in a parking lot that yelled-just tell me the year and model so I can look it up later.


haha yeah all part of being a rover owner...ive had people wave at me, thumbs up and even laugh at me(while driving their redneck jacked up z-71:REOutShootinghunter).

the most common comment i seem to get is: you sure do have alot of lights and stickers on that thing. :smiley_drive:

sweet classic by the way!!


Great looking Rangie! I love he looks of the little kids whipping thier heads around on the Hwy to stare at mine. I get a kick out of it. I also had a kid at the grocery store a month ago say to his dad while parked next to me that "dad his truck is cooler than yours" hahahahaha......


well i'm gald some people get complements.there is alot of rovers where i'm at and nobody notices except other rover drivers. it seems like all i get is dirty looks from them, like i'm runing their astute snobby land rover image or something because mine is lifted and usually dirty :smilies27


красный октябрь
First, Nice truck.

Im in the middle of alove hate relationship with Range Rover in general, but I do like a good classic when I see it, I missed buying one the same color by literally just a few minutes, 3 years ago.

I get a lot of attention in both my off road trucks, I would say more in the Cruiser, but its almost exclusively by other cruiser owners. Other disco drivers are almost all mall crawling women, so they just dont even acknowledge me in the discovery. But the disco gets a lot of nods, waves, and the occasional, is that aDisco II or I? etc, and it has started conversations, and even friendships in the parking lot.

All in all, its a net plus.


Well-known member
did you get the classic at red mountain rovers? it is a great looking truck btw. if you ever want to ride there are a quite a few places north of birmingham. shoot me a PM if you'd like to in the spring


well i'm gald some people get complements.there is alot of rovers where i'm at and nobody notices except other rover drivers. it seems like all i get is dirty looks from them, like i'm runing their astute snobby land rover image or something because mine is lifted and usually dirty :smilies27

Don't worry about them, they have no idea you're in an LR. The only reason they have one is because someone they idolize said they were the thing to have, so they now have it and try to look put upon to look upon anyone, not just you... find me, I'll shoot you a wave!


I wave at most any modified rig that looks like it's ventured off the tarmac, and get most to wave back. Offroader brother & sisterhood (lots of women around here driving 4dr Wranglers with 35's and extra fuel cans).

My favorite conversation came from a woman at my girls private Christian school... she walked up to my salt covered 34" tyred dented stickered RR and said (get that think out of here, what kind of example are you setting for our children with your 11 MPG and your baby seal clubbing tyres.. oh my mind raced) Back in reality.. it went more like, I had the coolest truck of all the people who pick up kids! She has a current Land Cruiser and cannot wait to lift it and make it a mean old camping overlanding machine!

I am trying to get her to take a few easy trails with her stocker just to have some fun with it now! Wish me luck!


New member
Glad to see you post some pictures up here man. My favorite recent story happened while i was at a local shop talking to the owner up front. A guy came up from back and said: hey i know you, you pulled so-and-sos f250 out of that ditch that time at the football game... nice truck. I laughed and said thanks. (this had happened over a year before, and i was surprised he recognized it from so long ago since he wasnt a rover guy)


New member
did you get the classic at red mountain rovers? it is a great looking truck btw. if you ever want to ride there are a quite a few places north of birmingham. shoot me a PM if you'd like to in the spring

Haha. yeah I did, nice catch. PM sent.

well i'm gald some people get complements.there is alot of rovers where i'm at and nobody notices except other rover drivers. it seems like all i get is dirty looks from them, like i'm runing their astute snobby land rover image or something because mine is lifted and usually dirty :smilies27

I guess I do have the advantage of being in a low RRC area, so it might get a few more looks.


Beautiful Rangie!!! I love the RRC. Honestly, as long as you like it who cares what anybody else thinks? I have had both reactions and thank folks for the compliments and ignore the others ...


nice rover :)

i live in LA and if those Hollywoody >>>>> dumb, tree hugging, hypocrite, prius driving, environmentally damaging suv hating <<<<<people like the rover, anywhere else people will love it .


Expedition Leader
i bought a P38 RR. It died on me the first day of ownership. Just put $300 into it, and now the starter is dead. Tomorrow new starter, who knows what will be next. Its almost like owning a Jeep, just harder to get parts for.:elkgrin:


My favorite conversation came from a woman at my girls private Christian school... she walked up to my salt covered 34" tyred dented stickered RR and said (get that think out of here, what kind of example are you setting for our children with your 11 MPG and your baby seal clubbing tyres.. oh my mind raced) Back in reality.. it went more like, I had the coolest truck of all the people who pick up kids! She has a current Land Cruiser and cannot wait to lift it and make it a mean old camping overlanding machine!
I get similar reactions at my kids' schools - most of the parents have either BMWs or Chelsea tractors (the English term for modern flashy but inept SUVs), and while my '95 RRC is not rare enough over here to be appreciated by many, the 109 and Lightweight draw a lot of envious looks from the kids and fathers (and a couple of mums too).

That's a very tidy looking RRC - lose the bullbar and it'll look wonderful!

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