The ManVan. 06 E350 Chateau V10


That picture of the transfer case linkage looks like its in 2wd but its hard to tell with a photo. It doesn't have to move very far to go from one to the other.

The transfer case is in 2WD in that picture and the link wont quite reach.. If I pull the shift arm on the TC forward so the linkage reaches its no longer in 2WD..

The tranny line interference and the short shift link seem to point to the fact that the main shift pivot needs to be moved farther back. Maybe Ill have to take this stuff off and do some measuring to verify with chris that its all correct. Maybe the main bracket with 4 holes in it got drilled wrong? I have no idea..

I did figure out what's making my van look so rusty in the pictures.. There is a fine coating of red dirt on everything from a trip down to Arizona last summer.
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Supporting Sponsor
I'll text you an answer in the am, there shouldn't be an interference issue with the cooler lines or the linkage length. I think a dim has changed on that plate...... will know in the AM.


Expedition Leader
I think your lines are off. Here's the orientation on VANdiana. Note where the lines are in relation to the ribs on the floor above.



Supporting Sponsor
Neil just pulled the drawing, our old drawing, new drawing, etc. Everything is correct on the bracket, I agree with Brad that they lines appear off. I'll be crawling under V7 today to confirm (same year/transmission as you)

I was afraid that the bracket was off, causing both issues but apparently not....! I don't think there's a way to move or adjust those lines, have to scratch the head on this one.



Yeah I don't know what could be different. The lines are attatched with a black plastic clip on the top of the tranny that you can just see in this picture. They run from the tranny to the external filter on the drivers side. Don't know how or why mine could be different..

Can see here that if I rotate the linkage up it will be a little short too.

With a little work I could modify everything and make it work fine I just don't understand why I seem to be special enough to have a different van.

Thanks for everyone's input.


Theres a bit of slop in the 4 holes on the main bracket, try loosing those bolts and orienting everything back a smidge?


I didn't get it figured out yet. I spent the weekend getting the front end put together. It went pretty well. Had a problem with the large alignment nub on the bottom of the drivers side spring not bottoming out in the spring perch. Looks like a lot of slag and crap was left in the hole so I ground down the pin some. Took some time to get the rest together but it went pretty good.



For you guys have have done the ujor kit what did you do for drive shafts? Did you have a local shop measure or did you do it yourself and mail order? What did you pay? My t-case and sterling rear don't have the yokes just the round hubs. Any advice, ideas, tricks, or tips?


Expedition goofball
That garage door doesn't looks big enough to fit your van through... optical illusion?

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