So the plan for the end of summer was to take the kids out to the west coast and see Seattle down to the redwoods. With the house project, a new job and a new kid on the way time and money have run short. So again we loaded up the van and headed to the hills.

Devils tower WY.

Our cabin on terry peak.

Hippie hole. A great place to cool down. Also tour’d an old mine.
For this trip I added an ARB 50 qt to the back of the van. Hope I fall in love with it as the price was hard to swallow. So far so good. May add a deep cycle batt. to the list of needs. Had a good time and enjoyed using the van. After a lot of miles I can say she gets 11.5 on the highway and if you run it hard, tow, or a lot of short trips she gets around 10.5. I love the 87 octane tow tune from 5 Star. The downshifts in the mountains can be a little aggressive with tow/haul on but as a bonus I rarely need to touch the brakes going down steep grades which is pretty good in an 8k pound plus rig.