The Map is Not the Territory: A Northern Maine Adventure


The Credible Hulk
I may have missed it earlier in the thread, but what resources did you use to find these sometimes barely-existent trails?


I may have missed it earlier in the thread, but what resources did you use to find these sometimes barely-existent trails?

Delorme Maine Atlas - the best resource, has almost everything


Garmin Oregon 300 with Topo maps

Google Maps has a surprising amount of roads. Searching for connecting roads that aren't on the map by aerial imagery works well also.

I would say none of these resources were more than 80% accurate when we were really out there.


Thanks to all who read the story, the replies make it worth writing :)

I'm bummed to be done writing about it - almost as much as I was to be done with the trip!

Stay tuned for future adventures!


Supporting Sponsor
I really enjoyed how you recounted the story through the course of days. This was a lot more immersive than simply tossing up a photo album, and describing the trip in a single sitting. This episodic presentation gave the impression that the trip was happening in real-time, and we were following along. I'm sure there are a number of other threads like this on ExPo, but yours in particular stood out to me, and I loved it! Well done!

Now I have my eyes on Maine.


Excellent write up! Really appretiate you sharing the story and pictures. Cannot wait to read your next one. I am working on my first trip like this but still need to do some work to the Discovery to ensure it can do this.
I really enjoyed how you recounted the story through the course of days. This was a lot more immersive than simply tossing up a photo album, and describing the trip in a single sitting. This episodic presentation gave the impression that the trip was happening in real-time, and we were following along. I'm sure there are a number of other threads like this on ExPo, but yours in particular stood out to me, and I loved it! Well done!

Now I have my eyes on Maine.

I completely agree and upon completion of my next trip I will do my best to write it up in this style. Hopefully doing justice to epicxcrider's write-up. Again, thanks.


New member
awesome! i love the north maine woods, having camped at high bridge near the iron works and i also did a solo train mission from boston in my jeep. funny thing is i'm pretty sure i parked in that exact same spot when the trail ended for the trains. thx for the write up, i'll be heading back again and now i have something new to look for(b52):beer:


Awesome write up and pics of an amazing trip!

One of my all time favorite books was written about life long ago near Rangeley, and I’ve often wondered what it was like today. Now I know …

You guys sure packed a lot into a short trip. Fun fun fun - I’ll be tuning in for your next episode, many thanks.


New member
Nice Trip

HaHa, I stumbled across this forum completely by chance, and realized I've seen that Blue FJ Cruiser a couple hundred times around town in NH.
I remember the first time I saw it, and remarked "Look, there's someone actually USES their 4WD for something other than pavement...what a sweet setup, That ride is rokin'!"

Great job getting thru some of those places, I've been on every inch of those trails you guys took, most of the last parts on foot or sled, though. No way would I try some of those boggy crossings.

I'll buy you guys a beer at the <INSERT BAR NAME,,,the Hammer, TJ's, Brewery 'etc> if I cross paths with you. You deserve it after that trip.

Good luck on next years trip, I'd recommend hitting Mt.Carleton area in central NB for a nice boreal forest trip. You can make a nice Northern Maine/ NB /Fundy / Calais Loop with plenty of turnoffs along the Airline back to Bangor.

The South coast of Newfoundland to Burgeo is another spectacular area, you'll never forget that ride. 850 miles from Portsmouth NH,and a 5 hour ferry ride and you are in Newfoundland. That's where I want to drive your FJ to every time I see it parked, LOL.:wings:

Trail Monkey

Adventurer, Overland Certified OC0014
nice job guys, thanks for sharing. if your looking for another vehicle in the future I'm in your neck of the woods and would be very interested..


New member
Brings back memories!

Awesome trip report!, I went to college up in maine and spent many a happy mile bombing around some of those same roads in my ragged out S-10 blazer, canoe on the roof, lloaded with fly rods, tents and coolers, chasing trout and goofing off, good times in a great part of the world!:elkgrin:


Thanks all!

Bolthill: I'm guessing you live around portsmouth? It would be fun to meet up and discuss some locations and trails.

Trail Monkey: If I can get a ride in that Raptor it's a deal ;)


Expedition Leader
Great trip, great words, great pictures. Thanks for sharing! :)

So here's what I love about Maine... I've spent days with the same gazeteer, loitered on dams, scraped through washouts, balanced on bridges, squeezed between trees, turned back at roadblocks, washed the underside of the Jeep, strayed too far into recently logged mud, camped in clearings and generally worried myself silly about running out of fuel... And other than the odd stretch of the some of the bigger roads I don't think I've been anywhere close to anywhere that you went.

And not in as much style either -- you guys rock!

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