The new FJ62...


Active member
Here are a couple links. I'll see if I can get Berg to chime in, he has a make yourself that is nearly identical and much cheaper...
Wow- my first Post

Guess I am a month late reading the post...I still use the home brew waxoyl
recipe in a garden sprayer..since I plow snow with my rig I coat it 2x each winter. Works well IMO.

Take a pound or so of paraffin wax and grind
it up with a cheese grater. Soak it in a half gallon of mineral spirits until all of the wax is dissolved. This might require allowing it to sit in a closed container for a couple of weeks (I just used a 5 gal. bucket with lid). Stirring will cause most of the wax to dissolve, but soaking should take care of the rest. Generally try to dissolve as much wax as the mineral spirits will hold.

After that, dump in a couple of pints of mineral oil ( less of a smell ) or non-detergent motor oil.

If the mixture is thick, thin it further with more mineral spirits until it is of a spray-able consistency.

Buy a cheap pump pesticide sprayer to apply it. I bought mine on sale at Lowes. That's all there is to it.

Here is a recipe for home made "Waxoyl". It's an old fashioned rust treatment / undercoating:

2 1/2 quarts turpentine
12 oz. beeswax / candle wax
1 quart light machine oil

With a cheese shredder, cut the wax into the turpentine, stir until the wax has dissolved, (takes a long time; you can use very low heat (a warm room) to aid but be careful) and thin with the machine oil to a brush-able / spray-able consistency. Apply liberally. You can use a hand spray bottle to get into closed-off sections if you have a small access hole.

Nice first post! Can't wait for the second one!

Welcome to the ExPo!

Might have to try this.

Thanks for sharing.

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