"The Oasis of my Soul"... a Lifelong Journey on the road...



My “Mistress”, the Road. AZ

Realizations do not take up much time in this element of Life, consciousness does, the inner battle often not wanting fully to realize the deeply rooted presence of an aspect one cannot anymore escape. We are for another day in Tucson, I could not avoid having to come back for some personal matters needing prompt attention, and within this go around here, there is now not an ounce of doubt, a full understanding that we will never be again filled with the ability to remotely survive while the call of the road is left behind. I have surrendered without a battle to such concept as amazing as it could be, seeing a constant horizon ahead with no end in sight, no gates and no doors and no locks as all a free passage even if so the stage is of a universal one, those are the components for a forward momentum too late to now stop. It is as a daily taste which has turned into a must, a need I could say as these days present again are as my breathing is curtailed from the lack of my own personal Life support. We dropped 1400 miles in about 3 days. We managed to stay at higher elevation and Karma took care of us in lower elevations throughout an unusual cool day even going through Moab, Bluff, the lower plains. It was a great ride with the winds carrying us on. Be safe and well.
Peace, Love and Courage.

Ara & Spirit



I can think, on Muley Point. UT

Colorado bound, yet cool weather, quick thinking at the last chance, the last intersection I could make a left instead of a right and Muley Point, Utah, it was. A few cars at the first look out, no one at the last one, the one I call “The Point of the Point”. What a gift it has been, great temperatures, a nice wind blowing away, almost cold throughout the night and a few photos, Sunset, Sunrise, a new painting for every moment passed. It was a need more than anything else after a few days in Tucson and the heat almost intolerable. We “are” headed toward Colorado, the high altitudes, the passes we can ride, a space we can find where we will settle for a while. We have been moving around too much, there is balance I feel we have lost and the necessary steps are ahead to regain it. To start with the ability to think, as Muley Point has allowed me to do so. The hottest month of the year it is, it is for us the only solution to maintain composure on this path we are on, up and up. Enjoy the photos... Be safe and well.
Peace, Love and Courage.

Ara & Spirit

Mad Max

New member
Ara and Spirit,
Great to here that the two of you have found peace on CO. It sounds like you have had a rough go it at over the last few months! I noticed that your in Ridgeway today and wondered if you had any good recommendations for primitive campsites? Amber , Logan and I plan to make a loop (Sep 10-20) from Benson, AZ to Moab then Telluride/ Ouray area, then return home. I have camped near Moab but never in SW Colorado. If there is a perfect spot for beauty and solitude, I am sure you have found it!

Be safe,


Ara and Spirit,
Great to here that the two of you have found peace on CO. It sounds like you have had a rough go it at over the last few months! I noticed that your in Ridgeway today and wondered if you had any good recommendations for primitive campsites? Amber , Logan and I plan to make a loop (Sep 10-20) from Benson, AZ to Moab then Telluride/ Ouray area, then return home. I have camped near Moab but never in SW Colorado. If there is a perfect spot for beauty and solitude, I am sure you have found it!

Be safe,

Just got back from Beaver Creek Lake, plenty of primitive sites on CR858. Check it out... Nice...


Beaver Lake, Co.

A picture perfect space and weather and all. Colorado in the summer at higher altitudes is a gem, almost cold at night! As always “Nature” brings on much thoughts unlike this one time World Traveler who told me not to ask myself any questions about Life as it would bring answers and so, more questions. He shall remain nameless. All in such space is in such parallel of mind and body, present times and past memories, some future thoughts, nights and days as all passes on at it's designated speed one moment at the time. We are back in Ouray for one night and back on the road in the morning toward Crested Butte as being there a couple years ago without a chance to really explore it's own spaces. I remember snow throughout those days which I am sure will be melted this month. Spirit as always is having the time of his Life, abundant smells and the cool weather always suit him best. All is well... going down the chosen and sometimes unplanned roads, thinking some and not thinking some but always lots of photos! Be safe and well.
Peace, Love and Courage.

Ara & Spirit



Crested Butte, Lost Lake... more... Co.

The depth of the spaces present have deepened, magic it has been and like floating on those cottonball clouds we witness daily, we are emerging from the bowels of this Journey, time escaping unavailing me to come here and check with my good Friends of this Forum their own ongoing summer. There seem to be always the occasion to post an entry into the Journal as all is written on my phone off line and my photos are moved on also off line with now the help of portable solar power. A couple entries later, here we are again on this pages while physically in and around Lake City, San Cristobal Lake, reminiscing about those past entries when camped at Lost Lake and also visiting more than once Crested Butte, CO. We have been to Colorado before! Why is it only now the repercussions of it's space conductive to my seeking have come forward? Maybe we were not looking deep enough, maybe we were not ready. So many roads, so many dirt roads, lakes, little towns each with their own charm, so much more... and so many photos. Be safe and well.
Peace, Love and Courage.

Ara & Spirit

Mad Max

New member
We plan to take a road trip to SW Colorado leaving AZ Sep. 9th. We will keep an eye on your Spot location and if your still close, hopefully, we will meet ya for a cup of coffee or a meal. It will be on us! Stay safe.


We plan to take a road trip to SW Colorado leaving AZ Sep. 9th. We will keep an eye on your Spot location and if your still close, hopefully, we will meet ya for a cup of coffee or a meal. It will be on us! Stay safe.

WE are unfortunately headed to TX for a couple days, then CA till end of the month. Part of a sponsorship I have accepted! There goes September in CO!!! Next year...
Visit Texas!!! We will be there this winter... coffee on me! Ara & Spirit



Lake City, Lake San Cristobal, CO.

There is as a medical condition while being on the road, a “malady” I call it. The path of the mind becomes wide open emptying itself from the mundane traffic jams, the imperceptible fills up it's space, the detailed lightly brushed surroundings suddenly become the deepening aspect of what one notices. What I notice anyhow... It is as a different Life takes effect, different values, colors and even smells unlike a path I cannot even remember from the past even if so exposed to it at times while running through towns and cities when such becomes a must.
Amongst all the towns we have gone through, Lake City has taken a forefront seat. So has Lake San Cristobal where we had the good fortune camping high up perched on the cliffs about maybe at the most 15 feet away from the ledge. From the Lake toward Creede and South Fork, all in between, dozens of unpaved roads await each with their own silhouettes of a mountain set as always incredible backgrounds.
It is endless truly, so endless that I think next summer such roads will be seeing us for a few months enticed also by the permanent cool weather present.
The photos for sure have been fun to take...
Be safe and well.
Peace, Love and Courage.

Ara & Spirit



We are here and there... NM, CO.

Moving on fast lately. From Colorado to a few “HOT” days at “The Oasis”, back in Tucson and at the present time nearing San Luis Obispo for a few days. Will be dropping to San Diego next week for a few needed nights and finally on back to Texas... I think! The imprints are of many, they are now marked on the map for some return visits when the times will be more leisurely as I will announce soon the reason for all this traveling, which I do not call “living on the road”. Such an incredible diversity this Country offers I realize when such occasion makes us go the miles with a pace we are truly not use to. Yet as I have given us plenty of a head start the days do linger and the many miles in big numbers are not needed. Texas was of an oven turned up on convection, it was one of those rare and actually unique time for us to be there. Like a hammer it dropped on our heads but we made it as we will the rest of this route. We will see the Ocean today, the Beaches, always a soothing time and hopefully some cooler weather.
Los Cruces was a nice stop for us with our Friends. Jake took the time to take us to his favorite own personal space, some desolate BLM Land not too far.
Enjoy the photos... keep checking the new entries, sometimes the connection are rare and my visits to this Forum becomes difficult.Sometimes...

Be safe and well.
Peace, Love and Courage.

Ara & Spirit



Rocks, Wind and Water... CA

We sure have been moving around a lot lately. October will see us back at “The Oasis”, the weather should be by then cool enough to catch up on projects lingering now for years such as the Book, organizing our Smugmug Gallery and officially opening the “one-pan recipe” e-store maybe even mixed in with some cooking and camping gear well tried and proven to excel over these past years. In the meantime it was San Luis Obispo avoiding Los Angeles, Pismo Beach with a few nights sleeping right on the sand and listening and feeling the magic of the Ocean, now in Davis visiting our Friends before we head South to San Diego for the last leg of this logistical approach of a sponsorship which will be unveiled by the end of this month. An aspect which will facilitate our Journey... We stopped at “Joshua Tree National Park” for more magic under deep gray skies, a bit of rain, all good enough to cool us down and freeze some of the silhouettes present with the camera. Peaceful times, moving right along one day at the time.
Enjoy the photos and all...
Be safe and well.

Peace, Love and Courage.

Ara & Spirit


http://beemerchef.smugmug.com/ Our Photo Gallery in the works...

5th year on the road under the Stars



Southbound in California...

Sitting in San Diego right now for a few days, more precisely “Chula Vista”, awaiting for this final leg of what I feel a whirlwind passage through California. I still feel as being in a different country! We detoured through Davis for a few days visiting some Dear Friends of ours, we even stopped in Los Angeles, I think it was Sherman Oaks spending then one afternoon in “Venice Beach”, being driven luckily as I don't think we would have made it out of the Freeways in one piece and now here. Back to Tucson in a few days, Show Low and even a stop in Phoenix for a quick repair next week. These days even with much anticipated apprehension have been as chapters playing within this path so different for us and the thought alone of “The Oasis” awaiting for us I must say calms me down. Spirit himself now has been quiet, this also is not his element, what a patient being he has been all along. I think we will manage to go back as we did a few years ago to “Anza Borrego”, catch a Sunset, practice a bit of deep breathing while away from it all even if it is just for one day...
Enjoy the photos, from the Wine Country, Highway #1, Venice Beach and more...

Be safe and well.

Peace, Love and Courage.

Ara & Spirit

http://beemerchef.smugmug.com/ Our Photo Gallery in the works...

5th year on the road under the Stars



“Sherpa”, our new Friend coming to Texas with us...

I can only think good “Karma” when today “Old Faithful” is following behind us toward Texas. An “ECamper” from “Ursa Minor Vehicles” in Chula Vista, CA, on an “all wheel drive” Honda Element, lifted 3 inches by CCM in San Luis Obispo. Feels very strange. Yet, the road beat us up these past years and from point A to point B this will be a shelter, well, maybe “deserved”? Park anywhere and in less than one minute the pillow will find it's place and so will Spirit's cushion and blanket and warmth when needed. Not a permanent fixture, we will mix it up at times continuing with “Old Faithful”, at times as I see snow photos in my mind, with “Sherpa” alone, often the complete convoy!
It is winter approaching and this new Friend is more than welcome. I keep thinking daily positive feelings while planted on this path chosen and one after another the generosity of many does not cease to amaze me. The breakdown not long ago with a list of contributors I have finally started to thank personally, the negative results of a biopsy, and now “Sherpa” opening new horizons of Adventures within a vast array of destinations independent from harsh weathers.
We shall be back at “The Oasis” in a couple of days literally picking up the pieces of our tent that has blown away, did not withstand 100mph+ winds! Did not expect it. I was lazy to put away this monster whose fabric alone weighs 86lbs... Will now put up a smaller one and use the wood stove as a smoker much needed... It always works out.
More on the Journal...
Be safe and well.

Peace, Love and Courage.

Ara & Spirit

http://beemerchef.smugmug.com/ Our Photo Gallery in the works...

5th year on the road under the Stars


Dirt Track Traveler
I can see it now . . . another few years and you'll be up to our level of rigs :smiley_drive:

Glad you're doing well.

I'm in the process of getting myself back from N. Nev.

Travel well my friend :sombrero:


I can see it now . . . another few years and you'll be up to our level of rigs :smiley_drive:

Glad you're doing well.

I'm in the process of getting myself back from N. Nev.

Travel well my friend :sombrero:

Low Tech!!! so glad you wrote... I was in your neighborhood coming out of Joshua about 3 weeks ago and I went around and around looking for you guys!!! I even asked a road maintenance guy about you... I should have gone back to town and check the Forum and find you!!! Next time for sure...
E mail me!

BTW, I was going to say the same thing about you... getting UP to my level... :sombrero:

Be well... OX III? May 18th? Flagstaff... yes?

Ara & Spirit



A speechless Stage... Hwy # 79, AZ

We are at “The Oasis”... we made it, trying to sort “things” out and pick up the pieces of this tent blown away by a choleric Mother Nature one night. Actually strange enough I don't see it anymore, the beauty of the surroundings and the calmness that lives here surpasses this bit of destruction.
But my last entry was taken on this Highway which gifted us that afternoon and evening with a Sunset show unparalleled from times past. So much so, we found a side road and stood there for the longest time mesmerized by the changing cloud formations, lights as on a dimmer switch ending up as an almost glaring orange on the road past a bit of rain, the birds in unison in concert and the coyotes applauding. It was just one of those times which will forever be remembered. This is of course after hitting a sand storm a few miles before giving that particular stage an eerie feeling, something one will only see in the Movies!
Time is again escaping me, an easy task here while making it all habitable but definitely not unpacking...
Enjoy the photos.
Be safe and well.
Peace, Love and Courage.

Ara & Spirit

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