"The Oasis of my Soul"... a Lifelong Journey on the road...



A Birthday filled with “Hope”. TX

This week has not been about riding. A big weight descends always on Lance's Birthday, the mind takes a path always unexpected nourished only from this avenue we embraced 5 years ago. I go back 34 years when my flesh and blood screaming and rambling already in his own ways suddenly appeared, I was not aware at the time he would be such an Old Soul staying around only long enough to give me some of his wisdom and pave today's moments, the present and near past. I today so much realize the Wealth within he has given me. The ability emanating from my own desire to roam and take in Mother Nature's constant offerings, my Buddy Spirit, my constant shadow and immediate support never for one instant failing with his own gifts, my constant growing list of Friends unknown not so long ago showering me with always kind words, support and understanding of maybe this “odd” path we are on and with “hope” that myself am worthy of their time and relationship.
Today is such a special day, I can close my eyes and relive that day past, the one justifiably we call “Birth Day” for now I understand also all of the right reasons. A quiet day. Moment by moment after a Sunrise ride on Aqua Fria Rd yesterday. A beautiful simple Sunrise to celebrate this very special week.

Be well, always.

Ara and Spirit


As I'm a newbie on ExPo, I still feel bad I've only just found your adventures.

I'm gonna take some time and read it from the beginning.

Beautiful story, so well written and fantastic pictures, Mrs Greeni and I have enjoyed looking at this whole thread, we need to sit and read it now.

Best wishes from the UK

Be safe.


As I'm a newbie on ExPo, I still feel bad I've only just found your adventures.

I'm gonna take some time and read it from the beginning.

Beautiful story, so well written and fantastic pictures, Mrs Greeni and I have enjoyed looking at this whole thread, we need to sit and read it now.

Best wishes from the UK

Be safe.

Thank you, you are very kind. Would love to ship "Old Faithful" overseas maybe next year and start a RTW... maybe! Have to get through this winter first. Have fun... :)


Days of “Paradise”. TX

Romancing the Road surfaces within these present times when the feel and the act of the season changes are imminent. When suddenly there is a table ahead of me and not a handlebar. When I am reading in the darkness of the evening which approaches by the day faster, others past rides, drives, hikes. When the maps are laid out instead of a glance toward a GPS and slowly eyes half closed, head resting on a pillow the imagination runs wild and the questions of if we have been here or there arises to no end. A cold spell was welcome a few days ago, again the heat has come back yet without it's past degrees, however enough to harbor shade with a big welcome. I feel as we are in between costume changes, as the stage is turning around on it's own axis not quiet yet and smooth on gears which makes her hesitate.
“Mariscal Mines” in the Big Bend Park had been calling since last winter. We could not make due with the present road. We end up in the heat of “Terlingua Abaja” instead, a road a bit friendlier. The Sunrise at “Santa Elena Canyon” one morning offered a state of mind unlike any others while within the solitude of the tall rocks. It offered photos I now cherish, the ones which bring me the coolness of that morning. A ride to one of my favorite little town “Alpine” discovering “Murphy Street” which slowly is dressing up in vivacious colors.
The heated gear will be out soon... no doubt, I now feel it throughout every night.
The writing goes on, the photos show up and a couple entries later standing in the middle of this vast one million acre land here we are!

Be well, always.

Ara and Spirit

www.theoasisofmysoul.com The Journal
www.beemerchef.smugmug.com The Photos

5 years, the Stars, living under them...



These past days at and around “The Oasis”, TX

It is Halloween night... I doubt anyone will find us while out “trick or treating”... Maybe “we” should go there as it seems this year everyone is really going all out for the fun. Maybe a sign of the times trying to put away the daily increasing burdens which too much I think is being written all over the place...
A few rides in Big Bend National Park lately, we love riding those roads, we love being spoken rudely by a Ranger as he even makes a fist branding it back and forth to show me how to restrain Spirit on a leash as he was going to start boxing... and that is without even getting out of his car. I have no clue why “we” have to pay the price almost ruining our moments only because of other irresponsible ones and their Dogs. But, whatever... Smile and go on it was. I only nodded, words were not needed.
It will be the “Day of the Dead” Celebration soon in a couple evenings. Always a special night at Terlingua's “Ghost Town” with many Friends, much food, music and I hope the annual bonfire...
Spending much time trying to fill and put the finishing touches to this “one-pan recipe” store. Everything as in Life takes twice as long as imagined and twice as hard. Should be soon if I was told the codes (???) decide to cooperate. We are so due for some unknown destination once all is settled as the weather has finally turned just right. Perfect I would say.
More photos of the Ghost Town we stopped by last night to witness an incredible Sunset and also Part II of our ride on River Rd last week.

Be well, always.

Ara and Spirit

www.theoasisofmysoul.com The Journal
www.beemerchef.smugmug.com The Photos

5 years, the Stars, living under them...





Day of the Dead, 5 Years later. Terlingua. TX

I was under the impression this one being Monday and the thought of loosing one or two calendar days comes to me at the present as the most “worthy” luxury one can posses. For the best, even better, it is “free”. I don't really know if it takes much practice or if I have just fallen into the path, but it is present or as I think it “the present is not”. Another “Day of Dead” has just come and gone also marking our 5 year Anniversary on the road since we left the Georgia/Florida area, strangely enough, having not been back yet. It is only a number, I keep thinking so unimportant truly, yet it has marked a milestone and has woken me up realizing all the lessons such time has taught and the fact that it is grand time to put it all in perspective applying myself better toward this chosen path. It is grand adventures ahead, more than ever even if winter is almost here, present right now actually for many, meaning for us to sit a bit tight and catch up on some logistics better weather does not allow... because, we don't sit still long enough to do so. As always it was the time to see again the locals of Terlingua gathered around food, much chatting but no bonfire this year. Enjoy the photos and the video in this new entry.

Be well, always.

Ara and Spirit



All in a detour... TX

Strangely enough one as myself sometimes does not realize what is for grabs right under their nose such as into the spaces we went on for a few days. East and a bit North. Del Rio with it's beautiful “Amistad Lake”, Sabinal with “Nora's Tacos”, “Lost Maples State Park”, “Lone Star Motorcycle Museum” and there would have been more if the weather would have cooperated. Last minute change after a glance at the forecast and I repacked everything on Sherpa's back! Yes, it was strange, did not feel quite right as it will never be as such going down the road with “Old Faithful”, but, having a quick shelter, not needing rain gear per say, having the heater on and listening to my favorites tunes, well, as everything it was a good compromise this time around. Spirit sure enjoyed it... It was more of a need to get away as anything else, it was wanting to feel the wanderlust since we had been here for a couple weeks now only taking on local rides. Once North of Sabinal, passed Utopia, the roads turn into Motorcycle riding Heaven and the next time around it will be “Old Faithful” leading the ride. Plenty of photos... some more Music... the Museum was great! Long Journal entry.

Be well, always.

Ara and Spirit

www.theoasisofmysoul.com The Journal
www.beemerchef.smugmug.com The Photos

5 years, the Stars, living under them...


New member
Reading your post reminded me of a backpacking trip I took some years back with my Collie at the time. We backpacked around the outer loop taking our time to enjoy the scenery. We camped overnight 2 nights. Of course I carried my provisions and his.

I envy you traveling in the Big Bend and Alpine areas. They are among my favorites.

I don't know where you are going next, but I always stop at Balmorhea State Park on my return trip to the Dallas area. http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/spdest/findadest/parks/balmorhea/ It breaks up the drive and I enjoy camping in the desert and its dry air with the Davis Mountains nearby. There is a natural spring that feeds a wetlands area and there is also a huge pool built back in the depression era by the CCC. You can swim in the pool year round and many people scuba dive there due to the clear water.


Reading your post reminded me of a backpacking trip I took some years back with my Collie at the time. We backpacked around the outer loop taking our time to enjoy the scenery. We camped overnight 2 nights. Of course I carried my provisions and his.

I envy you traveling in the Big Bend and Alpine areas. They are among my favorites.

I don't know where you are going next, but I always stop at Balmorhea State Park on my return trip to the Dallas area. http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/spdest/findadest/parks/balmorhea/ It breaks up the drive and I enjoy camping in the desert and its dry air with the Davis Mountains nearby. There is a natural spring that feeds a wetlands area and there is also a huge pool built back in the depression era by the CCC. You can swim in the pool year round and many people scuba dive there due to the clear water.

Hi, and thanks for writing. We have been at the Pool a couple times! that is something else. We also have Friends in Davis. Next we will go back to the State Park which IS Dog Friendly!!! and always have volunteers cooking a good meal... Who knows! I might also... Let us know if ever close by sometime.


Soul Shuffling... TX

The not so long ago “broken down situation” has since hit me hard throughout this “on the road” path taken. It was I must say the most embarrassing moment I have had, probably throughout my whole existence which has always been self sufficient. There was no “Plan B”, the thought of “Old Faithful” as such was in my mind an almost impossibility. Not so, obviously and naively I must say. Regardless the reasons why someone such as me at the age of 63 ends up with no financial savings, in this instance covering Lance's medical bills, a Child with no Health Insurance in this “not so kind” health care entity, the path has been irresponsible, unpredictable and unstable. We were saved, literally, by the many so kind readers of ours, Friends. This cannot happen again and will not. Winter times are setting in, we are not moving around as much and “time” these past few weeks has allowed me to open a new section within the Journal sharing my “one-pan recipes” in the form of an e-store and also populating my Photo Galleries. They are both work in progress as more recipes will be added as we go along, as I cook along, and more photos are also uploaded as I go through the 100,000 or more of those pictures taken these past five years. In the meantime here, at “The Oasis”, the weather has been more than perfect. Local rides, cooking for some Friends, The Annual “Alpine Art Walk” is happening this weekend, the “Big Bend State Park” is also calling us for some camping days in a bit of a different environment. I am thinking maybe exploring “Baja” soon. Will see...
Enjoy the recipes... the photos... there will be more.

Be well, always.

Ara and Spirit

www.theoasisofmysoul.com The Journal
www.beemerchef.smugmug.com The Photos

5 years, the Stars, living under them...



“Gratitude” and the “Alpine Art Walk”. TX

So much going on at the present time. Inward, outward. All at the right time throughout this “Thanksgiving” week. I stumbled on a great video which I posted on the Journal and as I hope you give it the 6 minutes it takes to watch it, you will realize how could I avoid sharing it with all. I watch it every morning when a connection is available. A reminder to stay grounded “now” and take in a present Life we should all be so thankful about. A far cry from times past in my Life on this path when the steps only took place in this dark tunnel with seemingly no light ever even flickering. All is now so much brighter. It all came about ahead of a fabulous weekend when the “Alpine Art Walk” was taking place which we attended both days. As always great Art displayed, smiling and friendly faces, and a parade of “Art Cars” entertaining more than ever. I also produced a video for that event and another one when the butterfly bicycles where riding around and around! You will just have to watch that one also. One more... a reminder that the “One-Pan Recipe” store is open. Would love to hear feedback, it is and always be work in progress... All this has not left much time for riding. Have to fill that void now as we will be taking off toward “Big Bend State Park” tomorrow morning. A quiet Thanksgiving we will have as soon as I find a patch of dirt to set up our tent for a few days. The weather? Perfection. Cannot ask for more.
Enjoy... we did.

Be well, always.

Ara and Spirit

www.theoasisofmysoul.com The Journal
www.beemerchef.smugmug.com The Photos

5 years, the Stars, living under them...


I looked to see if you did a 'one pan' book, Mrs Greeni would of loved that on Christmas morning.
Just a thought ;-)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Mr GREENI... a book is difficult because I like to add recipes as I go... Like right now there are 4 I am adding soon. It is the reason PDF downloadable works well, you can get it and... make your own book. I could send you a bow for Xmas for the Mrs...

Be well, Ara and Spirit


Well cheers Ara, I may hold you to that :)
You made Mrs Greeni smile.

I'll wait until you have the 4 more recipes up and get them downloaded.
Stay safe.

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