
A Birthday filled with “Hope”. TX
This week has not been about riding. A big weight descends always on Lance's Birthday, the mind takes a path always unexpected nourished only from this avenue we embraced 5 years ago. I go back 34 years when my flesh and blood screaming and rambling already in his own ways suddenly appeared, I was not aware at the time he would be such an Old Soul staying around only long enough to give me some of his wisdom and pave today's moments, the present and near past. I today so much realize the Wealth within he has given me. The ability emanating from my own desire to roam and take in Mother Nature's constant offerings, my Buddy Spirit, my constant shadow and immediate support never for one instant failing with his own gifts, my constant growing list of Friends unknown not so long ago showering me with always kind words, support and understanding of maybe this “odd” path we are on and with “hope” that myself am worthy of their time and relationship.
Today is such a special day, I can close my eyes and relive that day past, the one justifiably we call “Birth Day” for now I understand also all of the right reasons. A quiet day. Moment by moment after a Sunrise ride on Aqua Fria Rd yesterday. A beautiful simple Sunrise to celebrate this very special week.
Be well, always.
Ara and Spirit