"The Oasis of my Soul"... a Lifelong Journey on the road...


Well cheers Ara, I may hold you to that :)
You made Mrs Greeni smile.

I'll wait until you have the 4 more recipes up and get them downloaded.
Stay safe.

20 now... Will keep adding as I keep eating!!! :chef:


“TASCATE 2”... A Star? Yes... TX

Totally enlightening few days Spirit and I roaming “Big Bend Ranch State Park”. Another million acres of desolate land set aside for us it seemed liked with so few others most likely because everyone being so scattered. All unpaved, some decent ones, some bad ones meaning “good” and some we ourselves did not attempt! The campsites are solitary, miles away from each other, it is as the bare spaces are on loan for the duration to be enjoyed, for one such as myself rummage the mind and soul of this Life I have chosen. Clear skies one day with mid thirties throughout the consecutive nights, clouds another day offering the most incredible Sunset witnessed on Thanksgiving Day, and rain for the remainder. Much needed yet allowing us to exit with much ease. It is not designed for an overnight camping! Sauceda, the Welcome Center, is out of the way, it is a space to enjoy for days on end, bags filled with provisions, they do have water. Off Road motorcycles were of a few, 4x4's and a few horses. Probably the most convenient way to get around. It was good, it was better than that!
Enjoy the photos and the cooking!

Be well, always.

Ara and Spirit

www.theoasisofmysoul.com The Journal
www.beemerchef.smugmug.com The Photos

5 years, the Stars, living under them...


11 menu's purchased :)

Let me know how you find them...
I will see which ones when it goes through. Feedback will always be appreciated...
Ara and Spirit

PS: it is all good... enjoy. You have no idea how much I dislike... computers!!!
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On “Oasis” time, our time… TX

The weather has been some form of a miracle this week, Sunrises and Sunsets as never seen before, I even asked myself the question “what is going on?”. My own way to take it all in has been “doing nothing”. Trying anyhow. Just be within this Paradise absorbing every minute given with no relief yet in sight. It could also be taking it all in because we are in route for Austin next week, celebration for two Dear Friends of ours in conjunction with Lone Star's BMW Christmas Party (???) on Saturday the 10th. Ardys Kellerman and Voni Glaves having reached their Million Mile marker each on their motorcycle. A Lifetime achievement I would say. It will be a nice ride for us, rain or shine, another stage filled with Friends I am sure. “Old Faithful” did get some care though this week, one set of headlights working again, brake fluid change, new handlebar grip covers and a windshield extension. All with the Hippos (hand covers they are) should keep the wheels rolling in a bit more comfort. Spirit has always his cover when the skies start dropping on us, also shelters him from the cold winds if ever. We are prepared… always. Almost forgot! Much Music on Sunday in front of the Starlight's Parking lot. Yes, that is how it happens here. Friends get together and make Music.

Enjoy the video…

Be well, always.

Ara and Spirit

www.theoasisofmysoul.com The Journal

www.beemerchef.smugmug.com The Photos

5 years, the Stars, living under them…



And another Sunday in and around Terlingua. TX

My chronological aspect of writing and then on visiting here I am finding odd at times while loosing track of it's days. Does it really matter? We were there... we saw... we felt! Sundays are becoming a ritual riding to Terlingua. It actually started with a planned ride to Big Bend National Park and on to Marathon, to Alpine and back to “The Oasis”. Less than half way through some bad weather turned us around, some good Karma took us back to The Porch, even better, a big crowd were finishing the “Crazy Bicycle Race” (why not? Have to devise some self entertainment often enough) and another big crowd with their arms filled with Musical instruments entertained us. Again. New faces, new sounds and much talents later why not at 5pm endure the good and filling $1 Tacos at the Starlight Theater Restaurant. A cool ride back, mind, body and soul satisfied and filled to the brim with goodness... what more can one ask on a December day?
Photos, thoughts, videos... enjoy them all on the Journal.

Be well, always.

Ara and Spirit

The Videos

5 years, the Stars, living under them…



Roller Coaster Days... Austin, TX

I differ agreeing with some to the fact that my Journal can be controversial. I do agree with the fact if awaiting for a physical ride report, it is just not it. It can be very boring for the ones that search for such pages within the ones I have written. I think photos left untold can portray better than words. How many times could I have written “We rode 176 miles, stopped to eat a Cheeseburger and drunk a Coke, we got fueled up, the Sun was bright, the engine roared at over 100mph... and we almost hit a cow” and on and on... It is not. I simply think if it is the case, everyone is then on “controversial” as each of us are so uniquely molded to be who we are, do what we do and think how we think. There are not two alike individuals. It is what makes the Spice of this Life. Everyone has their own intricate path coming and going and everyone is riding this roller coaster we are on, up and down, fast and slow. I just happen to write as such for each turn of the wheels. Our wheels. That is about all so very plainly said. I run away from controversy, as fast as we can...
I always take away and remain with good memories as was our few days in Austin. I instantly went on overload mode, it went away. Outstanding hospitality, Friends taking us out on the town and foremost Ardys “One Million Mile” ridden Celebration at “Lone Star BMW” Dealer in conjunction with their Christmas Holiday Open House with such an incredible array of food.
Now back at “The Oasis” after a good old time ride, meaning cold, rain and fog, I am nursing this cold and sore throat! Everything comes to a halt... Spirit has to also endure my lethargic time for now.
Maybe too many photos on the Journal today!

Be well, always.

Ara and Spirit


Hey Ara, I get my 'subscribed' email on my phone as I wake up, so we grab the iPad before we do anything else and read your post and then jump straight onto your Journal to catch up there.

We love reading your journal and love your great photo's, the 'moped/scooter' photo's are just fab.
Wrap up and look after yourself whilst you're sore throat is hitching a ride.
Missus Greeni is now thumbing through your recipes...
Take it easy.


Hey Ara, I get my 'subscribed' email on my phone as I wake up, so we grab the iPad before we do anything else and read your post and then jump straight onto your Journal to catch up there.

We love reading your journal and love your great photo's, the 'moped/scooter' photo's are just fab.
Wrap up and look after yourself whilst you're sore throat is hitching a ride.
Missus Greeni is now thumbing through your recipes...
Take it easy.

Thanks! Trying... another day not going anywhere, slightly better... How much sleep can someone get? !!!...
This too shall pass.... Be well, Ara and Spirit


Merry Christmas Ara and Spirit, from Steve and Kat x

Thank you... Likewise as followed...


A “Colorful” Christmas Week... TX

"Winter Soltice Day"... The shortest day of the Year, Sunrise in company of the Moon.

Wishing a very Merry Christmas to all our Friends, from Spirit and I, wishing for Life's path to smile on yours with much Health and Happiness as it should be.
It has been a trying week! Finally, a bit late but did it anyhow, a visit to the Dr ending up with a couple shots and much antibiotics which are barely doing now their job making me feel 3/5 human instead of none these past days. Enduring some bitter cold and even snow in Alpine, not happy with the heating solution anymore, something has to change, I know I am getting softer by the year and yet rare are these frozen nights and days.
I feel as these past times have been as a forced mental vacation flowing also on the physical side as efforts are just worthless. Sleep, read, try to eat... repeat! Poor Spirit did not get much of any enjoyment throughout his own days but I think he is happy having also done some catching up on his own sleep... I can hear him snoring right now, a nice and peaceful sound as probably he often hears me as such!
It is on to Terlingua today and have a meal with some good Friends, it is nice and nicer to have access to driving a car!!! I do have a big smile behind the steering wheel when the conditions are this rough. Like a kid driving for the first time... I remember those days.
Enjoy the black and white photos on this “Colorful Christmas”!... stay safe.

Be well, always.

Ara and Spirit



Strings attached or not?... Texas.

No week is ever alike, and neither not a single day or hour or minute for that matter as forward is always the constant motion, the non changeable common denominator of our Lives. The ones of 2011 somehow are passing by me as a fast forward reel, every frame inducing such mixed emotions and yet, encompassing past Health issues, mechanical ones, here we are... all well, only missing to hear that 12th ring of the clock with my so much missed Lance. It stuns me always. The motion thought of how did this all happen? A mystery I try to not rebel against anymore, the always “bitter-sweet” thoughts. “My “Gratitude” emerges as learned these past Years. It is a must as to not sink in into a space where I was on the first curves of this Journey of ours. I have so many to “Thank” for. Spirit “my shadow” and the extension of my being here “now”, my many Friends and their incredible support always myself hoping I am worthy of their embrace, Mother Nature having been kind to us even on her days of dark and cold and somber days. Our complete surrounding as it is always “what it is” I bow to with much acceptance.

This past week has been cooking a private dinner mixed with a slide show and some videos played, some of our experiences, spaces we have lived on. It has been rewarding. So much so I would love to offer more of those and share as such with others throughout the Country we criss cross. It has been a Doctor's visit finally and much medicine to get over this non sense of a bronchitis. Letters from another Traveler questioning his own Journey and my replies... Never a dull moment.
Wishing you all the Best and Happy and Healthy upcoming new 2012 Year...
Be well, always.

Ara and Spirit



And which “Face” should we wear? Texas

The Journal is some paragraphs I wrote over the course of the week leading to New Year's Day. The end of the Year brings on many thoughts as I am sure with everyone, it brings the streamline of the outstanding episodes of months past. Maybe some resolutions are taken, maybe not? Forward momentum is always a good one. Terlingua, mainly the Porch, was an entertaining and kind space for us to spend the Eve and the Day back to back. Much Music, many Friends, Dogs running everywhere, the black-eye pea cook off with again more Music, the best decision for us escaping the sometimes too much solitude of this time of the year. All that chatting with familiar faces and new ones never met before made me think about our reach with each other. For lack of better word, I used “face”. It came to me because we are who we are so deeply spending time projecting our “inner” face, when alone, when “riding” as far as concerning myself, but I am sure for others when driving, sailing and more. And why so have the “proper” face when with Friends... why not be “truly” who we are all the time, speaking freely always from the Heart. I know, all this might be so complicated, but in reality is not... as someone wrote "People are always telling me that I let folks “know too much” about me…but I feel that I am who I am…".
Enjoy the Videos, it was some real good Music and good People...

Be well. Ara and Spirit



1,895 or so Days later, my 700th Journal entry. TX

All is a bit overwhelming when I think of so many taking a week off or maybe two, barely enough time to taste what the Road offers. It is overwhelming to feel as we have just left and yet such time has passed on. It does not seem time means anything anymore, only the "moment" does, "now".
A huge Gift came our way a couple days ago in the form of an incredible time while riding Big Bend National Park. That's Texas. I knew the moments leading to Sunset were going to be spectacular. Cloud formations of all shapes and colors played incessantly in turmoil and at times calm as on cue for each minute passed. “Sotol Look Out” was were I wanted us to be when those final moments took place, when finally through myriads of hues of reds and crimson and magentas and so much more splashed against the skies background.
One of those Days again which will remain forever in the pages of my own memory and one I share here and on the Journal with the photos taken, and a video.

The game of repacking has already started. Not a strange fact that we are going West instead of East, again! And who knows truly which direction we will go. Nothing written in stone till we pull out. Whatever feels good and right, that is the key encompassing the quality of the moment and not quite as much the destination or it's quantity.



We will be escaping the January Blues... TX

I am writing these lines already from Las Cruces, New Mexico, where parked for a couple nights at some Dear Friends Home going over some maps of the State and... eating good food! Spirit is playing with Luca, Guy and Jones! You have never seen four dogs as such having the time of their lives. “The Oasis” is behind us. Took a while to pack as we are trailering “Old Faithful” with “Sherpa”, a new set of logistics, a bit odd for us, strange and yet comfortable for these winter times as expecting to hit some snow and bad weather. It sure was nice yesterday morning to drive away in freezing temperatures with the heater on and some tunes carrying us away toward this destination. The last days in Texas where spend with much mechanical preparations, new tire, oil change, this and that while going over the machines that will carry us these coming couple months till we return for even more mechanical aspects on “Old Faithful” early April, changing the rear main engine seal before the oil sippage reaches the clutch! Before it turns into a leak.
Very exciting times, it was a must to get away from the too much comfort those few acres left behind where providing us, it is a mental must to experience new spaces as we are going to...
The Journal says it all.

Be well... Always.
Ara and Spirit


Hey Ara,don't think i've posted on your thread yet,so here I am :)
Just making sure that we stay in touch before I leave in March to head east to EU for the sidecar and winter rallys.


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