"The Oasis of my Soul"... a Lifelong Journey on the road...



From the “Three Rivers Petroglyphs” site... NM

I think I have seen this Photo in a Magazine. Something about it I like. This whole area is to be liked, this above included within the White Dunes National Monument where we spend the whole day going around and around awaiting an incredible Sunset as the clouds filled the skies to no end. Not quite cold yet, the nights are and wondering how far North we will push. Slowly getting into getting use to such temperatures as I know we have seen nothing dramatic yet. Maybe a mild winter it will be. New Mexico! I always wonder when in a new space why we have never been here? Time and the fashion we travel or more likely live on the road with no schedule and limitations, the days passing by, decisions taken only when a fork is present. Luck again was on our side discovering this isolated BLM Campground only yards away from over 20,000 Petroglyphs and a dirt road into the Sacramento Mountains. We will be here for a while, “a while” having no definition for us...
Enjoy the centuries old “tablets” as I have been calling them. I think they are the original I-Pads!

Be well... Always.
Ara and Spirit



“Gotta' Keep Movin' on” . NM

Camping at “Three Rivers”, New Mexico, has only been the tip of the iceberg. This great gifted State we have never quite explored before however is still in it's cold state of mind with shorter days increasing the logistical difficulties. Maybe not difficulties, only the discipline getting back to camp for some dinner cooking, feeding Spirit before darkness prevails. Ah! Just short days...
Besides the many branched out unpaved roads present, a single area with over 20,000 Petroglyphs, a little Church at the bottom of the adjacent Mountains where we spend the day on Lance's Eight year passing away Anniversary, one of the main highlights has been the White Sands Dunes National Monuments. Wishing we could have stayed there for days even if the winds sandblasted us and yet having enough reprise to take some photos of the area on a day so lucky with the skies filled with clouds.
A couple entries, has been quiet times, painful on January 26th, another year ahead of us to confront and stay strong. Thank you for your support...

Be well... Always.
Ara and Spirit

5 years, the Stars, living under them…


Panamint Springs

Hi beemerchef ,

I just saw your report and thought you looked familiar and checked your report to see where you were in April of last year . I'm sure me met at Panamint Springs campground around the 12th of April . You were camping with your dog and a friend "Brain " and we came in late on our dual-sport bikes . My XR650L's battery died so we got a spot a few sites down from you . I remember you saying you had been on the road for about 5 years . You ask us what Saline Valley road was like since we said we had just came from there and you wanted to check out the hot springs out there , I think . We said real bumpy and didn't think you would want to go that way with your rig and dog .

Anyway small world and nice to see your story here .

Happy travels haulindave:bike_rider::camping:


Hi beemerchef ,

I just saw your report and thought you looked familiar and checked your report to see where you were in April of last year . I'm sure me met at Panamint Springs campground around the 12th of April . You were camping with your dog and a friend "Brain " and we came in late on our dual-sport bikes . My XR650L's battery died so we got a spot a few sites down from you . I remember you saying you had been on the road for about 5 years . You ask us what Saline Valley road was like since we said we had just came from there and you wanted to check out the hot springs out there , I think . We said real bumpy and didn't think you would want to go that way with your rig and dog .

Anyway small world and nice to see your story here .

Happy travels haulindave:bike_rider::camping:

Yes, I remember you very well... We are actually thinking about heading back there, leaving Tucson this Tuesday!


Fort Stanton. Ghost Town. NM.

It seems as throughout our wanderings, there is always a harsher reality when the Human element has come into play with the space we are planted on. Such was the case while in Fort Stanton, New Mexico. It was as instantly Mother Nature gave away what could have just been rolling hills and a landscape so inviting while on the way. Buildings after buildings, now unoccupied, vestiges of past History, only the winds of a different pitch were the sounds of what was once filled with voices of Human presence. I read the words and pages of such History and can only find an unfairness of past acts, I know of a touchy subject, maybe taboo for most, and yet without personally much comprehension on how such greed has lead to such times. “Riding”, “The Road”... all are such incredible sources of constant thoughts, it is when they enter the mind and the thinking goes on and on, so much so I can only pull over to write them down with always the fear I will forget, or better often dictate as the memory can linger and loose them, loose the correlation between my own present time and those words making their way, jumping in some sort expressing their own reality. Yes, Fort Stanton is worth the visit. You can read about how it made me feel, maybe your own take will be different.
Be well... Always.
Ara and Spirit



Mystified in Death Valley, NV.

This time around we are here for about a month as already a week has passed. Fast it goes within this incredibly immense stage. Stage which is also the death of any kind of Internet connection, it is Nature and us and some unseasonably warm weather. Some nice clouds here and there, sunrises ans sunsets always a treat while cooking dinner in the open air, nothing like it. Yet, the space has been a bit intimidating. As I see groups riding, driving, I feel as being by ourselves a bit more caution is a must around here. Point A to point B is always a lot of miles and even though we have a SPOT and a SAT phone with the local numbers (911 from a SAT phone goes to New Jersey!) and it has taken me a bit to absorb what this area is all about. A winter in Death Valley! Thinking snow and cold as our previous short trips here, instead mid seventies every day... Good Karma!
Enjoy the Photos...
There will be more as we are able to connect.

Be well... Ara and Spirit


Death Valley again

Ara and Spirit ,

I'm am glad you remember us from last year in Death Valley . You have a life that is vary special . Most could not handle it , traveling all the time without even a camper to hide in . When I was young I traveled the states for a few years and stayed in tents and caves or just out under the stars . It was a great time in my life. Now married , my wife kids that with the economy the way it is we might end up on the road or ditch . She could not handle it without a camper , but I think I could even though it would be tough and lonely at times , a great life still , the freedom of the open road on a motorcycle .:bike_rider:

Enjoy Death Valley again , a very special place . :camping:



Ara and Spirit ,

I'm am glad you remember us from last year in Death Valley . You have a life that is vary special . Most could not handle it , traveling all the time without even a camper to hide in . When I was young I traveled the states for a few years and stayed in tents and caves or just out under the stars . It was a great time in my life. Now married , my wife kids that with the economy the way it is we might end up on the road or ditch . She could not handle it without a camper , but I think I could even though it would be tough and lonely at times , a great life still , the freedom of the open road on a motorcycle .:bike_rider:

Enjoy Death Valley again , a very special place . :camping:


Thank You Dave... Yes, I am finding out it IS a very special space...


Imperfect Perfection. Death Valley. CA

If nothing else we have joined the mile marker "Tea Kettle" en route for the "Racetrack". Yet, there is much more when one has the chance to spend camping a few nights in that desolate space. It feels "way out there" and it is. No light pollution, a few tourists throughout the day a couple miles away, coming in and getting out as fast as they did. Sometimes I don't know why they bother, some not even removing their helmets or a quick window down and up, quick photo and back to where they came from. Mystery.
Spirit had a blast on the Playa which reminded me a bit of the "salt flats" only smaller. One on one, closer we have become. There is a promised certitude of not leaving such a space being the same person inside out. Changes happen as it has happened. It has been a space like no other I must say leaving me to often speechless throughout the time spend.
The "Racetrack" will become as "Valley of the Gods" have, most likely a once a year pilgrimage.
More photos on the Journal...

Be well, Ara and Spirit.



One Bad Day for all the Good Days. DV. CA.

Just stepped out of the Park heading South East through Mojave National Preserve. I could not find any room in my heart to go back through Las Vegas, Phoenix and Tucson.. It is a bit bitter~sweet today leaving. Leaving while discovering more spaces we could be camping on while the entity of this enormous Park finally has turned into Friendliness. “Warm Springs” Rd off “West Side Rd”, “Hole in the Wall”, “Echo Canyon”, “Skidoo”, “The Racetrack”, “Marble Canyon”... and the names could go on and on. One bad day in exchange for all the good days while being here, it happens everywhere, mental downfall as much as physical when such a storm as in the recent past days takes place. “Death Valley” has now taken a different form in my mind, it has become a bit more familiar and yet, demanding a respect due for every moment spend.
It has been quite an experience, another landmark we will come back to no doubt.
More Photos on the Journal and a quote from “Spirit”

Be well, always.

Ara and Spirit



I need a “wake up” call. Texas.

“Death Valley” is behind us, physically only, my Soul has yet to leave “Warm Springs” Rd, the hills off “Skidoo” Rd and the few others we were lost on. Since exchanging thoughts with others having also experienced “Death Valley” I have been pleased to know that I have not been the only one a bit “intimidated” by such vastness. It has a been what I call a “Life changing experience”. It has reinforced how strongly is the need for “getting lost”, how fully such isolation avoiding the “tourist traps” can keep us afloat days on end. We are now back at “The Oasis” where the skies on the first night welcomed us as never before with a Sunset of epic proportion. The photo above is only one of them, all taken within less than a two hour span. We did drop south through Mojave National Preserve, finding more primitive camping by the Kelso Dunes, and then on “Belle” campground in Joshua National Park, this time around a bit quick for our taste but we needed to get back here and apply myself to some logistical issues. A few days, some serious maintenance and on again...

Be well, always.

Ara and Spirit



Always "rediscovering" myself... Texas.

The route back from Death Valley took us through Mojave and Joshua Tree. We just could not make it a straight line to "The Oasis", this space awaiting for us "again", right now a bit hotter than what we would like to be, yet, with not much of a choice considering "Old Faithful" will be soon in a few days going through some major overhauling. Patience. Death Valley was as kicking us out or sucking us right back in. A ride report! It is never a physical ride report. The stages we are on play too much of their own feelings toward my senses, my Soul, my mind... It has become endless, it has become my own "World" as I discovered for the first time not long ago, just a few days past, it is "OK" to be in our own "World". It is fine even if so not agreable by many for the only reason of it being so different with the lack of switches and a comfort seeked. The "comfort" is within, the dimmers have too often a mind of their own moved around by so many tangents I can only be ahead of them all or too often behind.
So we are here, Spirit with his own freedom to run around as the forever Clown he is and myself these first days being lazy as never before! The word "summer" is sharpening daily. Where will we be? How far can our fuel loosing it's value will take us? Are we going to give in? We cannot. Colorado sounds enticing. The back roads of the many Forest service trails will see us parked and enjoying the coolness of such summer.
In the meantime we are also getting ready for a sharing of the Journey in Albuquerque on April 11th at Sandia BMW Motorcycle Dealer. How to share the so many years within such a short time? A slide show, tid bits on how to move on as we do while writing, photography, meeting new Friends on the shoulders of the roads, the ones paved and unpaved, cooking, all positive aspects of this road taken... The same path will take us to Overland Expo on May 18~19~20ht in Flagstaff. There will be more... Sharing is what it is all about.

Be well, always.

Ara and Spirit



Heating up on “Big Bend Flats”. Texas

I write a bit every day. It is part of my breathing it seems like. Breath out to allow breathing in. The heat index should have been proud of reaching the three digits for days on end while having us as a must to remain here. Of course now, this evening, a large storm moved in with much rain, wind and cold air. So my Journal is only true for the past days and not today. Does it really matter? It was then those days past a must to go on riding, hot or not, part of Life's Therapy to ride, a familiar loop to Terlingua, and on River Road to Presidio, Marfa, Alpine and back here. From “inside my helmet” I should often call the pages created. That is when it happens, the voices express themselves. An “Art Show” in Presidio lured us in. The most important aspect of the week however was “Old Faithful” going, not under the knife, but the wrenches. New rear engine main seal, clutch and a variety of maintenance aspects which will allow us to once again get rolling. Was it my doing? Of course not. My ability does not go that far and my good fortune to have a Friend such as Paul in charge of it all, well, there are no words for my gratitude toward him as not only he is the best “mechanic” around, but also an incredible “Human Being” when truly experiencing the Man one on one for a few days. It is all done, finished, rolling... 3 days it took, 3 days of Spirit being unhappy seeing his car away and apart on one wheel! This body is a bit sore from pulling, lifting, aspects uncommon throughout our “regular” days. On to Albuquerque... should be a good ride.

Be well, always.

Ara and Spirit

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