Well last Wednesday I went home and replaced my passenger door window assembly. The window now works and is now somewhat fast. I also fabbed up a quick ram mount drop down from the grab handle to mount my Garmin Etrex.
Then, the truck was ready for an 800 mile trip that started last Thursday and ended Sunday. I met up with some friends from Houston who were on their way to explore the High Water Mark Route and Ozark National Forest. I drove out there with a friend and his Hundy. The truck ran great, and cruised at 70+ miles per hour most of the way. For some reason it even held some long extended hills at 80!
It might have performed so well due to the recent wash and detailing I have it. Or the starting fluid that was sprayed in the Idle Air Control Valve to clean it out.
Everyone was eager to set up camp after a long day of driving. We took some county roads in from Appleton, AR and found what appeared to be a reclaimed well site that was nice and leveled off. The roads were extremely dusty and it was obvious it hasn't rained much in the past.
After about 4 hours on the trail, it was nice to get some rain to help calm down the dust. We ended up making a couple wrong turns onto some extremely tight trails that had me cringing for the paint.
Our second night's campsite was down on some rocks in an amazing River valley.
Exiting one trail and hitting the pavement to link up with the next section.
No one ended up with any body damage. We just had to take it slow and carefully and it was easy to avoid.
Our final campsite wasn't anything spectacular. We spent the evening trying to get down a muddy trail that ended up with winching one guy out. We ended up having to make camp outside of a campground.