To start with, I should say that I am not an auto electrician.
Having said this, I have encountered quite a few auto electricians that definitely do not inspire me with their knowledge of wiring extra low voltage systems. Just saying...
I have seen lots of "kits" for charging camper trailer batteries (on eBay and the likes) that use 50 amp Anderson Plugs and 6B&S cable (13.29 sq/mm), but I suspect that these are not really optimal.
The cable that runs from your alternator to your batteries is a bit over 6B&S, probably 4B&S. The cable run is about 3m from the alternator to the batteries on a Canter. Add to that another 4m to the end of your truck (from the starter batteries) and the distance to your battery in the camper trailer, probably another 3m. So, to get power to your camper trailer battery there probably needs to be a 10m cable run, which is quite a long way.
You do not need to run off both batteries, just one. Think about how the batteries get their charge from the alternator now; there is just one power cable from the alternator, then both batteries are in parallel.
Your biggest problem in such a setup is going to be voltage drop, so decent sized cables should be used to get power to your camper trailer battery.
If I were doing this I would probably use 175 amp Anderson plugs and 2B&S cable (33.61 sq/mm) from the starter batteries to the back of the truck. A bit bulky, I know, but in my opinion it is better to over engineer than to under engineer any electrical circuit. Maybe that's just me...
Another thing I would include is a Voltage Sensitive Relay (VSR). This will ensure that the starter batteries are charged first and that the camper trailer batteries cannot drain the starter batteries. A VSR is an isolator too. Google VSR if you need more info on how they work. I have seen Narva 140 Amp VSRs for $48 on eBay, delivered. And, if you want to be really safe, add a 100 amp MEGA fuse at the starter battery, before the VSR.
Definitely more expensive doing it this way, as copper is not cheap, but it's the way I would do it...