The Ultimate Road Trip!


Expedition Leader
After pushing you to finish, I just found the time to finish reading! Great write up and pics. Funny how you mentioned the negative comments from Youtube about Latin American travel. I find myself leary of travelling outside the U.S. as well. I guess you can attribute that to the news, although I relaize they only write about the bad stuff. Anyway, my point is I think there is a big portion of Americans that feel this way, mainly due to ignorance. Your thread goes a long way to disproving this. :sombrero:

To each their own....

But I see no reason to stink up somebodies trip report or videos with fear mongering and saying bad things about such and such place. Especially if you have never been there!!!

I don't watch TV or pay attention to the media. I am current on world events and what is going on in the world but I don't get my info from any kind of news source, especially mass media. I haven't watched TV since the Simpsons were prime time and brand yeah like nearly 20yrs. Plenty of things to do in a day without TV. Heck even without TV I can't find time in a day to do all thhe things I want.

Off topic but....when you go as long as I have with no TV. Well, you find people who watch it to be, hmmmnnnn can't come up with the right word so will just say much different than somebody who does not watch it.

As far as travel, it is like anything. You never know until you try it. If you try it with a closed mind, preconcieved ideas and are afraid. Well then it may not end up being enjoyable for you. If you go in it with an open mind and clearly understand just because it is not the USA and things are not done the same...well, then you can learn to respect other countries and enjoy yourself in their culture!

I agree about Americans and your ignorant statement but I also think from that ignorance comes fear. I really hate to come out and say it but it seems to me a large majority of our population lives in fear. Afraid of so many things...most of which is not even close to being justified. And I will just leave it at that.

Thanks though Cambo for keeping an open mind and supporting the effort I have put into my trip report. :)

Trip report shall continue and be completed fairly soon. All that is left is leaving Panama and home to the USA.
I agree about Americans and your ignorant statement but I also think from that ignorance comes fear. I really hate to come out and say it but it seems to me a large majority of our population lives in fear. Afraid of so many things...most of which is not even close to being justified. And I will just leave it at that.

Amen to that!! I find it difficult trying to tell someone who has never been outside of the US why I like Mexico and Latin America so much.... especially my brother...


Again, the trip report is awesome and as for the idiots trying to muck up your report on Youtube, thats pretty ridiculous. Especially considering the efffort you put into this thing! How much time do you have in this so far anyway? :Wow1:


Your thread goes a long way to disproving this. :sombrero:

The thread has caused me to decide to not drive to central america.
But why do people need to make "yea or nay" decisions for other people?
The thread reports one adventure. If it proves to you that Mexico is safe for car travel, fine. That's your tolerance level. My tolerance ends at being extorted for two grand under the threat of being framed for cocaine possession. We don't need to decide where other people should travel.

I enjoy and appreciate the report. The pics are great too.


The thread has caused me to decide to not drive to central america.
But why do people need to make "yea or nay" decisions for other people?
The thread reports one adventure. If it proves to you that Mexico is safe for car travel, fine. That's your tolerance level. My tolerance ends at being extorted for two grand under the threat of being framed for cocaine possession. We don't need to decide where other people should travel.

I enjoy and appreciate the report. The pics are great too.

Who's making decisions for whom? This is a great write up about an adventure! Sure there were roadblocks along the way, that is why they call it adventure. I posted how I felt, not how you should feel. Also, I took in the bigger picture, not just the bad. As far as the yeah or nay I never said I would travel there one way or the other. You have posted your feelings as a definite no. Wouldn't that be posting a "nay" decision that might influence others? Anyway, this is a superb write up that doesn't need our junk cluttering it up. Your opinion is appreciated. :sombrero:


Expedition Leader
The thread has caused me to decide to not drive to central america.
But why do people need to make "yea or nay" decisions for other people?
The thread reports one adventure. If it proves to you that Mexico is safe for car travel, fine. That's your tolerance level. My tolerance ends at being extorted for two grand under the threat of being framed for cocaine possession. We don't need to decide where other people should travel.

I enjoy and appreciate the report. The pics are great too.

Hey man that is worries here at all. I like people to post their thoughts or opinions...I welcome it all except negativity! There is no need for being negative about such and such place or such and such incident, especially if you have not been there and experienced it first hand.

This type of trip is not for everyone, very obviously right!? That is one reason I do this (the trip report) those who wonder why or should I go can take from my experience and make up their own mind. My trip was MY adventure, no other persons. What I did is not maybe what you would do. If you go yes you may face the same things I did, then again you may not. Many people have done a road trip like I did and did not experience the same things, good ro bad.

They tried to get me for $2k but only got me for $1k. Still way to much yes....but I am 90% sure it will never happen again to me and yes I do plan to do the drive again. It is like anything, you fall down and get up. If you don't learn from it you fall down many more times.

And hey...if it was just like driving across the USA everyone would be doing it and the "adventure" would be much more tame. I hope it always stays wild in Latin America because that is a big part of what makes it so much fiun! No being robbed by cops is not fun but without the threat of that it is just another road trip across America.


Expedition Leader
Who's making decisions for whom? This is a great write up about an adventure! Sure there were roadblocks along the way, that is why they call it adventure. I posted how I felt, not how you should feel. Also, I took in the bigger picture, not just the bad. As far as the yeah or nay I never said I would travel there one way or the other. You have posted your feelings as a definite no. Wouldn't that be posting a "nay" decision that might influence others? Anyway, this is a superb write up that doesn't need our junk cluttering it up. Your opinion is appreciated. :sombrero:

Honestly Cambo, that is what everyone should take from my road trip...the bigger picture. If all I got out of the trip was how bad it sucked to be extorted by cops then I would never want to leave the USA. For me it is just the opposite....I am ready to leave 10 days I can be surfing in Latin America! Who wants to GO!?

I am good with the "junk", like I said above just no negativity. If you been there and done that and have something negative to say then I am all ears. If you haven't been there and done that then keep it to yourself! I think that should go for anybodies trip report or blog. That is normal and logical to me (and also respectful)....anything else doesn't make very much sense (to me).

It is not like there is a bunch of people saying negative things....just the one ******** on YouTube. I guess since I am being totally honest and open about my trip report (I could leave out the parts about the cops and being extorted)...well, I guess I just don't want people to read it and think Latin America is negative because my trip was in no way negative. It was a very positive experience for me and I am deeply craving more!

Here is an example of how I felt privledged to be part of something (even if it is something I made)....

While I was in Dangriga, Belize for a week I got fairly well known. Between my truck and my dog it didn't take but a few days for a lot of locals there to know who I am. I am also not shy, I will walk up to a guy on the street and try tot talk to them. I made some friends in Dangriga in just a couple days which also helped my popularity. Jaime and other guides live in Dangirga but do not socialize with the locals much, even though they worked there on and off for years. It is not that cut and dry for them but I am not going to get into that. We would be at the guides house having some beers and rum and keeping it to ourselves if you know what I mean and I would just split out on my own and walk around town. Everybody says Dangriga is a bad seedy town, 2nd to Belize City. I didn't get that experience there at all. The guides I know who live there are hardly known, mostly because they do not socialize with the locals. After 3-4 days of being in town I would take my dog for a walk....sometimes a guide would join me. People everywhere in town, even those I didn't know would say "hey Ian, what is up!" but they hardly noticed the guides I might be walking around with. I met people on the street there who would sing to me reggae songs they wrote. We would share a beer and sit around and talk about the world or Belize or whatever. This is culture first hand, no TV, no books, no blogs, no BS....the real DEAL! It was worth every bribe I paid on the trip and really there is no price that can be put on this.

What this says to me is a town or place is what you make it. If you think it sucks or is a negative place you will experience negative things. If you are open minded and respectful and friendly then it is a postive experience and you can make some friends! Heck man I could drive to Dangrigae right now and I am sure I could find a place to sleep at some locals house (which would be very secure) in under an hour! To me that rocks hard...and I wouldn't trade it for anything. The first day or two I was in Dangriga I was worried about my truck parked on the street loaded with expensive gear and a huge red kayak on the roof. I soon relaized if you get to know the locals and make some friends nobody is going to mess with your stuff. I could go on about this and give many more examples....

I wish Jaime had sent me the videos of working on my Taco in Dangriga because it gave a little bit of a feel on how helpful and cool and down to earth the people are there.....

I crave adventure...this trip was food for my soul. I need more food! :)



Honestly Cambo, that is what everyone should take from my road trip...the bigger picture. If all I got out of the trip was how bad it sucked to be extorted by cops then I would never want to leave the USA. For me it is just the opposite....I am ready to leave 10 days I can be surfing in Latin America! Who wants to GO!?

I am good with the "junk", like I said above just no negativity. If you been there and done that and have something negative to say then I am all ears. If you haven't been there and done that then keep it to yourself! I think that should go for anybodies trip report or blog. That is normal and logical to me (and also respectful)....anything else doesn't make very much sense (to me).

It is not like there is a bunch of people saying negative things....just the one ******** on YouTube. I guess since I am being totally honest and open about my trip report (I could leave out the parts about the cops and being extorted)...well, I guess I just don't want people to read it and think Latin America is negative because my trip was in no way negative. It was a very positive experience for me and I am deeply craving more!

Here is an example of how I felt privledged to be part of something (even if it is something I made)....

While I was in Dangriga, Belize for a week I got fairly well known. Between my truck and my dog it didn't take but a few days for a lot of locals there to know who I am. I am also not shy, I will walk up to a guy on the street and try tot talk to them. I made some friends in Dangriga in just a couple days which also helped my popularity. Jaime and other guides live in Dangirga but do not socialize with the locals much, even though they worked there on and off for years. It is not that cut and dry for them but I am not going to get into that. We would be at the guides house having some beers and rum and keeping it to ourselves if you know what I mean and I would just split out on my own and walk around town. Everybody says Dangriga is a bad seedy town, 2nd to Belize City. I didn't get that experience there at all. The guides I know who live there are hardly known, mostly because they do not socialize with the locals. After 3-4 days of being in town I would take my dog for a walk....sometimes a guide would join me. People everywhere in town, even those I didn't know would say "hey Ian, what is up!" but they hardly noticed the guides I might be walking around with. I met people on the street there who would sing to me reggae songs they wrote. We would share a beer and sit around and talk about the world or Belize or whatever. This is culture first hand, no TV, no books, no blogs, no BS....the real DEAL! It was worth every bribe I paid on the trip and really there is no price that can be put on this.

What this says to me is a town or place is what you make it. If you think it sucks or is a negative place you will experience negative things. If you are open minded and respectful and friendly then it is a postive experience and you can make some friends! Heck man I could drive to Dangrigae right now and I am sure I could find a place to sleep at some locals house (which would be very secure) in under an hour! To me that rocks hard...and I wouldn't trade it for anything. The first day or two I was in Dangriga I was worried about my truck parked on the street loaded with expensive gear and a huge red kayak on the roof. I soon relaized if you get to know the locals and make some friends nobody is going to mess with your stuff. I could go on about this and give many more examples....

I wish Jaime had sent me the videos of working on my Taco in Dangriga because it gave a little bit of a feel on how helpful and cool and down to earth the people are there.....

I crave adventure...this trip was food for my soul. I need more food! :)


Expedition Leader
Alright...time to get back into this trp report!

March 2nd: We drive the guests back to Panama City from Santa Catalina. Along the way we stop off at a roadside comedor for lunch and some local has the hots for one of the guest! I feel sorry for the women but really they don’t seem to mind one bit! The guy speaks good English but has had a bunch of beers. He is friendly enough and ends up telling us about how he worked on the Panama Canal which got him social security from the USA for life. He is also in his 80s!! We stop off at the Panama Canal on the way into Panama City for some pictures. We go back to the same hotel we stayed at last time since it has free shuttle service to the airport. We go out that night for a last hoorah with the guests. We eat at a really good Indian restaurant and then go to the Relic Bar. The Relic bar is under Lunas Castle Hostel in old town Panama City. This is the coolest hostel I have ever seen….art everywhere, guitars sitting out for guests to play and much more! Wish we had of stayed there! The Relic is pretty cool too. About 1 or 2am we call it a night and head back to the hotel. Two of the guests had flights at 5am, ouch!

My Taco at the Panama Canal....




fueling up in route to Panama City....


Expedition Leader
March 3rd: We get breakfast with the last guest in the morning and then go for a walk around the area. I need to hit up the internet since I only have 4 or so pages left in my passport. This will not be enough for the trip home and I don’t want to give them any reasons to get a bribe out of me on the way home. I am thinking that hitting the USA embassy in Panama City will be easy to get some new pages in my passport. After checking on the internet it looks like getting to the embassy will be a pain and I can find no contact info for it. I decide to skip it here and try in Costa Rica. We say good bye to the last guest about 11am and then head back to Santa Catalina.

At the internet cafe' in Panama City....

March 4th-8th: We stay at Mike’s house in Santa Catalina, thanks a bunch Mike! We spend our days relaxing, surfing, eating and our nights partying. I get up the balls one morning to surf the point, i.e. La Punte. It is a world class wave over a shallow reef break, usually only surfed at high tide. The entry and exit is tricky due to tons of sharp rocks. I never caught a wave on La Punte but it was good to paddle out there, try for a few and paddle back in…with no dramas! Self esteem booster to say the least! We get invited to a birthday party at Hibiscus Gardens just outside Santa Catalina. A nice place owned by some very cool Germans, thanks Ollie for the invite! We also go to a party at Oasis one night, some people go all night but I turn in about 1230am.

Last bit of pictures from Santa Catalina....







From a night out on the town in Santa Catalina....

ahhh yes, black and tan!

Mike's house where we stayed....

And this guy lived in the bathroom!


Expedition Leader
March 8th: We say goodbye to Santa Catalina on the morning of the 8th. I hated to do that!! I was really short on cash and didn't have enough to get home. So I sold a bunch of gear in Santa Catalina…my kayak, spear gun, long board and more! I hated to do that but hey it was just gear I can replace and it was going to get me home! I also sold the Engel out of my truck, really hated to do that but I got $750 for it so lost very little cash. It was a last minute sale at 7am on the morning that we left. All the gear I got good prices for, thanks guys a bunch! We hit up Santiago after leaving Santa Catalina so I can get the Taco serviced. Do a full service on it including tranny fluid change. It doesn't cost me much but takes nearly 4hrs! Great bunch of guys though that run the 4wd shop in Santiago. It was at this time I really discovered how popular off-roading is in Panama. The owner of the 4wd shops son had a big Jeep with a v8! I spent a bunch of time chatting with him about 4wds, off-roading and all that jazz.

We head out for David and then head up to Boquete. We had planned to get to Costa Rica that day but it was late so we just decided on a small detour up to Boquete. Wow I really liked it here! Being from Jackson Hole it was like the Jackson of Panama! We got in at dark and it took an hour or so to find a good hostel. We settle for Hostel Verde, nice clean big rooms and bathroom just on the east edge of town. I think it ran us about $8/each per night. We grab a hot shower and head out for dinner and beers. I don't recall the name of the place we ate at but it was good, yet expensive. We go to a bar, also don't recall the name but it is the African themed place. Service kind of sucks and it is dead. We have a few drinks and a few beers and try to pay our tab. Standing at the counter for 20mins with money in hand and being ignored we finally just walk out. Thanks for the free beers and drinks! Back at the hostel it seems deserted. In the living area is a TV and DVD player with a pirated copy of Sherlock Holmes so we get about halfway through it before falling asleep. Hostel Verde is about $8/night per person and has secure parking.

Video of leaving Santa Catalina and from around Boquete....including waterfall jumping!
[ame=""]YouTube- The Ultimate Road Trip - Leaving Santa Catalina, Panama & heading north...[/ame]

A Jeep in Santiago...

On the road up to Boquete from David....
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