Camp stove 1
Well this week I got to order two new supplies. One an 18" Partner Stove with windscreen, and a Grizzly 25 degree Two person Sleeping bag.
I had a plan to "Horizonize" the stove into my side box so that it pulled out and made the box spaced out for more orginization. Here is the progress and results.
First in this process I learned why AT uses the basic stove with no lid or windscreen, however, I was determined to make screens work since I think they are handy and I like them. Plus it made the process alot more challenging and fun figuring out how to do it.
One of the first things I found in testing was that the stove itself is 12" deep, however the lid is just shy of a half inch deeper as it has to have a lip over the back and front. Well I placed the stove in the box and attempted to shut the lid, and BINK- it wouldn't shut, not quite a half inch short. BUT upon further investigation I found it was the handle and latch that was out past the lid about another 3/8" and so they had to go.
Well I needed walls to house the stove and shelf so I got some 18"x12" 16ga steel from Lowes, measured and marked it and took it to a local sheet metal shop and they did the bends for me, too bad Mike wasn't closer to use his handy Brake!
And here is the space I was working with.
As you can see they are bowed quite a bit when squeezed in there. I spent a good hour or longer with my grinder to get them just the right size, especially in the corners, to fit with minimal bow.
I had planned on leaving the lid on and getting another latch like what came on it or getting two of a different sort and mounting them on the outsides of the stove to keep the lid shut since I had to take the original off of the front, but I couldn't find any that worked, and it would have been very difficult to mount them in such a narrow space with just the width of the drawer glides between the side of the stove and the wall, so I instead hatched a plan to mount "L" metal to the walls that would hold the lid down as it is pushed in.