Thoughts on used EarthRoamer?


New member
If its built exactly how you want it, then Id say maybe worth it

But with the way I think, which is not like most, itd be better to get your own truck and go from there. I don't need all the fancy decor or fancy systems. While convenient, not for me.

If youre looking for a 4x4, theres plenty of good options. Whats your main goal?
4x4, sleeps 3/4 people, dining area for those rainy days, shower, toilet. Pretty simple needs. I'd consider a trailer but leaning away from it. Not a marble countertop guy.

goin camping

The only downside I see to an older ER is engine and trans wearing out or failing.

On the other hand. The engine and trans are probably the lowest cost items on the rig.

My opinion is of course based entirely on supposition. So you probably should not listen to me.


Well-known member
It wouldn't work for us. It's got 108,500 miles on it, it's too fragile and underpowered, and we desire much more off-road performance than something based on the same chassis as a U-Haul truck could ever provide.


It wouldn't work for us. It's got 108,500 miles on it, it's too fragile and underpowered, and we desire much more off-road performance than something based on the same chassis as a U-Haul truck could ever provide.
Ya, but it's ready to roll. How far off are you from completing your build?


New member
How do you get the cab off the truck for repairs?

$100k builds a really nice LMTV with a Total Composites box.

If you wait, some always pop up here.
Ya but...LMTVs are slowly being made illegal by states. So far, California and Colorado are putting medium and heavy duty trucks without DEF systems on the no registration list.


Well-known member if anyone needed yet another reason not to live in the People's Republic of California...
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OG Portal Member #183
My thought on ER's is they are often very low mileage for age, why don't they get used? and so often they have lower profile street tires on them.

I know 2 folks that had ERs with 2 sets of wheels. The ones in this ad for long road trips on asphalt so the wife is comfy and happy, and the other standard large MPT81 for when it was time to go offroad with the fellas.

This one looks to have stock suspension (not their usual lift and air ride) and probably wont even fit the larger tires, but the folks i know with 2 sets of wheels kept them upon selling and used them on their next ones.

My .02


Active member
Buying used versus new is different for each type of purchase. For a run of the mill mass produced depreciating asset like most daily drivers, finding a used vehicle with all or most of what you like makes sense. When purchasing a higher dollar item, it becomes more blurred as it's much more about how you plan to use it and what it will allow you to do that you may not otherwise be able to do so there is an intangible component to the decision. If international travel is in the picture, then either older diesels or newer gas engines offer lots of flexibility. DEF diesels are fine for North American travel but much trickier the further away you go. And as mentioned some of the older diesels may be in jeopardy for emissions reasons in some locations. Also, new innovations with newer EVs can make a lot sense. Lithium and Solar have advanced allowing you to stay out there for longer. If you're going to spend a lot of money, it makes sense to get what you really want so you'll use it plenty. I currently have Hallmark truck camper that gets us most places but we're upgrading to an EarthCruiser for a little more capability and a lot more comfort for extended travel. My popup TC is fine for short trips and does great year around. I love popups for lots of reasons! However, the EC will actually have a tighter turning radius and is shorter than our current setup so it will fit in our postage stamp of a driveway, and of course tight camping spots. If the length and turning radius aren't a big consideration, the Nimbl Evolution on a new Ford 350 gasser is very promising. Both the EC and Nimbl will get you on your way capably, comfortably and internationally via container if that's an option important to you. There is not one perfect vehicle but there is one that's best for you. Good luck!

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