Tips for Stealth Overnight Parking and Building a Stealth Vehicle

The Wanderer

Since I don't have any inside heat or A/C, I travel with the seasons.

Florida this time of year is just about the hardest area I have found to "stealth" or pad camp. I was told it is because the department stores are pressured to keep anyone from overnight parking because the RV parks want to them to stay in their places ($$$). Plus, the wealthy locals don't want to "riff-raff" parking overnight in their little towns.

So, it requires a little more careful planning than other states. I try to stay well away from the tourist areas at night, like near the beaches. I have found the best places are on smaller state roads in central Florida. I then have to be careful to not be noticed sleeping in my truck at night. Tougher, but I manage.

Most department stores parking lots and strip malls have "tow-away" signs everywhere. So, be very careful where you decide to park.

"Signs, signs, everywhere a sign..." I understand how it got this way, but I don't believe that it has made the world a better or safer place.



New member
hmm I like you truck.. It have very nice color I like yellow color. but you trips photos are awesome. I guess its really cool trip in Alaska. Good sharing and thanks for sharing these photos. Hope you will post you next trip photos soon.

The Wanderer

It have very nice color I like yellow color. but you trips photos are awesome. I guess its really cool trip in Alaska.

Yeah, I like the yellow color also, except there are about a million more out there just like it. Of course, that is part of reason I have been able to stay so "stealthy" and park just about anywhere unnoticed. *smile*

The trip across the U.S. and through Canada on to Alaska was just amazing. I did it in late April-early May so there was still a lot of snow and ice along the side of the road. I woke up many mornings with my water bottle frozen solid. I don't have heat or A/C so I sleep with a heavy -20 degree sleeping bag on the bed as a blanket, so stay warm, but it was hard to get out of bed in the morning. *smile*


New member
I think the windows might start giving it away as an RV (depending on type), but I've seen many cube trucks like this one with side doors, and the sky light would be hard to see from the ground, good idea :thumb:

BoxTruck2.jpg Concord-20120322-00151_600.jpg
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The Wanderer

I also want to know how you budget for this?

I'm not retired. I worked as a computer programmer for a lot of years and was sick of the life of living in a cube.

I sold my house, cashed in my 401K, bought the truck and left. I will travel until the money runs out and then I will decide how to "reinvent" myself all over again. I live as cheap as possible. I travel short distances every couple of days. I don't have medical or life insurance, no retirement, but at 62 years old I am happier than I have ever been.

I am not recommending my lifestyle to anyone. It just works for me. Do what feels right for you.


truck mechanic

As I rite this, I am sitting in a hotel in Nh. I run a shop that fixes bucket trucks, but I am out chaising 50 line trucks for this storm thats about to hit. I am trying to find a way to live just chasing storm work. I live in a 5th wheel and thats preety cheep to do, but I am looking tro travel much more than I can running an shop. Soooooo you have me thinking how great a life like yours could be, Maby soon, just got to tie up some stuff, and leave the 8 5 world behind.

The Wanderer

As I rite this, I am sitting in a hotel in Nh. I run a shop that fixes bucket trucks, but I am out chaising 50 line trucks for this storm thats about to hit. I am trying to find a way to live just chasing storm work. I live in a 5th wheel and thats preety cheep to do, but I am looking tro travel much more than I can running an shop. Soooooo you have me thinking how great a life like yours could be, Maby soon, just got to tie up some stuff, and leave the 8 5 world behind.

I know what you mean. I would love to find a way to tie my years of experience in technology, life and hard knocks into a living that I could do that allowed me to stay on the road and allowed me to earn a living also. I would love to go anywhere in the world. Just me, so any adventure would be fine with me.

I had considered working as a tech doing system integrations/installations worldwide, you know, like new start-up sites. I was thinking of work where you go to a site, install the hardware, setup the software, train the users and then move on to the next site anywhere in the world. I have worked for companies like Turner Broadcasting (CNN), Carnival Cruise Lines, GM and others, but I haven't been able to find an assignment where they would allow me to do short term integration installations and still live free away from an office cubical.

Maybe some day I will, but until then I will just follow the sun as a free spirit...

I hope you find what you are looking for. In fact, I hope everyone does.

Be careful with the storm buddy. It's in the 70's right now here in Florida. *smile*

I hope to see you on the the road some day my friend.

Take care.
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I'm not retired. I worked as a computer programmer for a lot of years and was sick of the life of living in a cube.

I sold my house, cashed in my 401K, bought the truck and left. I will travel until the money runs out and then I will decide how to "reinvent" myself all over again. I live as cheap as possible. I travel short distances every couple of days. I don't have medical or life insurance, no retirement, but at 62 years old I am happier than I have ever been.

I am not recommending my lifestyle to anyone. It just works for me. Do what feels right for you.


HaHa you said sick of living in a cube but you are living in a cube van cant get anymore cubical then that.
Ahh and sold your house,cashed in your 401 k and enough money to last a year....???
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Expedition Leader
so at 62, you could apply for social security. if you don't need much $$$, you're set because you will only be eligible for the minimum. since SS is based on income, it may not make any difference if you work & wait another 4 years. 62 let's you make additional 3k.

and as everywhere, cash is king .......


I am enjoying this thread quite a bit. I only get to travel and camp out about 5 weeks every year not including about 4 weeks at my cottage (Manitoulin Island, about an 8 hour drive). I make decisions and spend money according to my needs and sometimes my wants but it isn't that hard to travel if you cut your costs. If you decide that traveling is more important than stuff it is pretty easy to just do it.:coffee:


hello I'm interested in this because traveling from state park to state park can take some time and a quick sleep over with out paying for a hotel/motel helps a lot. Any suggestions on turning a overland vehicle into a stealth over night er? For these type of emergency over night sleep over I'm going to have inside platform setup. thanks

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