TLC has diesel news


As a TLC customer, I receive their quarterly newsletters. In this last one TLC announced that they will be covering not only Land Cruisers, but FJC's, Tacos, Tundras, 4Runners and Sequoias as well.

What really got my attention was their announcement about a victory with California lawmakers regarding diesel conversion projects for Land Cruisers up to 1997. Any guesses as to what this victory is???


Supporting Sponsor
Making it legal for the swap!!! There have been a few done already, and the ICON dept just finished up a bad *** FJ60 with a diesel conversion. There's also a diesel ICON for sale right now. I'm the parts dept manager, and we're planning to expand to ALL Toyota's, not just the Cruisers!!----Chris
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Supporting Sponsor
Yea, there are some nice rigs coming in & out of the doors here. I'm working on the pricing as well, we'll be competitive with everybody as far as after market parts go. And portal members will of course get a little extra TLC.....:)


Expedition Leader
Are you serious!! I want a diesel 80 so bad. That's part of the reason I bought the FJ55, because its smog exempt. I had pretty much given up all hope of easily obtaining a more modern diesel LC in CA. I'm planning on moving back to San Diego in about 5 months. This is awesome news!!!!


What diesel are we talking? The 2.8 International? I have always wanted to do the 4bt but I keep hearing that it would be a no-go in CA because the 4bt was designated for a medium chassis classification (or whatever it's called) and the law wouldn't let it get dropped into a SUV.


Supporting Sponsor
The problem in the past was that out local BAR referee wouldn't pass the diesel engine swap. So we took it to the Sacramento BAR, and they gave us an exemption. ---- The engine is the International 2.8, I'll try & get some pics for you guys.------Chris


Ujoint, are you talking about a victory for TLC only or for all California's? Can you give some idea of pricing for a 80 series?


Supporting Sponsor
The victory is just for TLC, and there's nothing in the works for the 80 series yet. It can be done, but you would have to purchase used non USA parts from an importer like Specter, and then it would be fitted to the vehicle on an hourly basis. Over 100hrs for sure.....


Expedition Leader
I'm assuming there are no issues with a pre-1975 vehicle and the International motor correct?

What is the parts availibility like in the US for these motors?

I'm also interested in which tranny you are using?


I was told the same thing about the 4BT.
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Supporting Sponsor
As far as I know, parts availability is good for these engines. The transmission depends on the exact application, either the H55F Toyota 5 speed or a NV4500. We don't recommend an Auto trans for the swap.

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