TMC'S XJ project "Fire-Road Runner"


Well, I got a hold of some slightly used RC shackle relocation brackets. Bought them from a fellow member on CF, thanks again Chad!

I went to install them this weekend and it turns out my factory shackle buckets have just the one hole facing the front of the Jeep. The RC brackets require two holes for mounting...looks like I get to do a little fab work next time I get a chance to work on it. No offense to RC or Chad what-so-ever, I just think it can happen on some of the "earlier" older models.

Actually a fellow NAXJA member ran across the same problem with his Renix era 88. Heres a LINK Ill honesty just have to do what he did.

This should level me out with the front and give me a great ride.

Updates soon.......

(for those following :D )


Haha! A new header panel might look good. :D

Although the dash? That would be quite a feat! Lol

Yea it would be quite the feat! I know I've seen it before on an MJ, they did an entire conversion. Looked pretty nice.

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I am interested to see these brackets installed.
How much lift will you be running?

They should work great once their on. They advertise 1-1.5in lift, and I am currently at 3" in the rear. The shackle angle will be much better and will technically be lowered once installed so Im assuming/hoping Ill be at 3.5-4 inches. My front is at 3.5, so that would be perfect.

I eventually want to build a dakota pack for the rear, but the aal and shackle relo should work until then.


I went to work on the shackle buckets, and I broke my socket and adapter :Wow1: so it looks like another week of PB Blaster soaking and a run to the parts store. First time Ive had any type of "hiccup" since I got the Jeep, so Im pretty happy actually. :D

So I moved on to another item I had on my to-do list. On my Wrangler I had a few years ago, I had removed its so called carpet and bedlined the floors. I loved it. Clean up was so easy. Just removed the rubber mats, vacuum and/or wipe/wash the floor and your done. Naturally I had to use my past Jeep knowledge on another Jeep. You always hear about horror stories of people removing theirs in a XJ and finding rust, holes, or both. was mine:



The driver side was pretty much perfect, couple of surface spots to scrub down and clean and it was good to go.



Now those with a keen eye or have done this before may notice something peculiar about my pass floor board (not the small rust spots). I cant remember if I ever mentioned this, but this XJ has a WA Rebuilt title. I was able to register/insure it under my name without any problems, but it obviously had something happen to it to where the state had to issue it. I dont have any other picture except for this one. This is after I cleaned up the rust and laid some primer down before the 'liner.


If you somehow cant see it or have never seen an XJ's floors, there is a crinkle in the sheet metal in the transmission hump that follows the channel and at the base going across the floor board.

Now I know it looks bad because of the lighting/shadows. When I first saw it, I immediately got under the Jeep and started inspecting the frame rail, motor/trans mounts, control arms/brackets, door jams, and under-hood cowling/firewall. I didnt find anything that seemed bent, patched, or re-welded.

My best guess?

Sometime in its life it took a hit in the right front fender or front corner and this is where the unitbody "gave way" along the factory floor pan channels.

At any rate, Im not too worried about it because:
-the front end is measuring true
-both frame rails are straight and solid
-all motor/trans/control arm mounts are solid/intact
-there is no other sign of damage
-its obviously been inspected to be able to receive a state registration approval
-a friend had the same thing happen to him with his old XJ in a similar spot

Moving on, so after the surface rust was removed, wiped down, then primed I started laying down bedliner. I wanted it to be textured but not super rough so I went with Duplicolor Truck Bed coating again. It took about 1 1/2 to 2 cans for multiple light coats. There were some spots that ran a little, but I think it turned out great since I didnt fully remove the interior.

Driver side:



The black makes the sheet metal crinkles look worse than they actually are

Passenger side:


After thoughts:

Extra road noise? None, although its a Jeep. If I wanted a quiet ride I would've bought a sedan.

Extra heat? I drove it for quite awhile after it dried and I didn't notice any difference what so ever. I think its because these would be thinner coats than if I would have used something like Herculiner or others.

Prep work? I didnt have the time/place to fully gut the interior and let it dry.
So for me the name of the game was masking. Also since I didnt have any rusted through spots or sheet metal to replace it went a lot faster.

-Frog Tape. Amazing stuff. Period.
-A couple open boxes of A&H Baking Soda zapped the smell out of mine.

Ill be buying some HD floor mats for at least the front and back seats. Also I still have to do the cargo area and under the back seat, but I think the front came out great!


Still more plans in the works, so keep checking back if your interested!


New member
Atleast your floor is being taken care of before it becomes a problem. If my XJ didn't have carpet, I'd see the road!


Yikes! Im sorry to hear that....rust repair, especially in the floors, sucks.

Ive lucked out with this XJ because there is hardly any rust anywhere lol. Thats what no salt during winter in the PNW does I guess lol.


I want to do this to my xj but put the carpet back in from the back seat forward. To keep it quiet

Yeah I thought/read about that...

Honestly in mine? I dont really hear a difference, but I also am more than an hour away from any type of freeway driving lol!

Also since I dont have a place to store the interior pieces, it was just easier to cut it out and unbolt where necessary.

One thing is for sure, every Jeep is different so even though I dont have heat or road noise problems, others might.


Just get the loudest radio you can afford and nice speakers because you can turn up the volume to overcome the road noise....


Just get the loudest radio you can afford and nice speakers because you can turn up the volume to overcome the road noise....

Haha! Yeah I would have to if mine was loud, but again I lucked out with this Jeep and it isnt any louder at all.


I had time to finally install the RC Shackle Relocation brackets I got from a CF member. Thanks again Chad!

Now if youve been following my thread, youll remember that I mentioned my shackle boxes only have one hole facing the front, when the RC brackets need two.

Here is a shot of my driver side for reference:


A fellow NAXJA member had the same problem only his was a Renix-era 88.

Any options......? Drill it out!


I started with the passenger side. You reuse the factory shackle bolt plus the supplied two front bolts.

Here it is with the top bracket bolted in:


Then you bolt up the bottom bracket to the top, as well as set the shackle with the supplied bolt. I think RC recommends trying the middle hole.


Here is another angle. (I know, I gotta change/adjust the exhaust)


Now on to the driver side. You have to remove the gas tank line "skid plate" cover. Get ready for a POUND of dirt to fall when it comes out. :D

Unfortunately the gas tank filler hose/vent tube are right in the way of drilling the upper hole.

My solution....? Unbolt the filler neck and unhook it from the inside of the body panel, and push it down and out of the way.


Here it is with the driver side drilled and upper bracket bolted in, and I hadn't reinstalled the filler neck at this point.


So after installing the lower bracket and lowering the Jeep back down the shackle was bottomed out on the bracket. So I had to reinstall both sides on the next hole back.


So install took me about 6 hours since it was raining off and on and I had to re-adjust the shackles. Now I did receive a slight lift from the brackets like RC states, but unfortunately I still have a slightly-under vertical shackle angle. Mainly due do to the fact that its the stubby/wide factory shackles, with longer/narrow ones I could put it back on the middle hole and have a much better angle and a better ride.

After install thoughts?

-RC made this a pretty sweet and easy install product, just had a little more time in mine.
-Still no driveline vibes (even thought I still need a SYE)

-The back bounces around a little more (obviously cause of the shackle angle)

-I need longer rear shocks/brake line (duh!)


Since I dont have rust anywhere I want to avoid getting it anywhere, so I removed my factory chrome roof trim on the drip rail. Also the Jeep was missing several whole and pieces of its badges/emblems, so I removed the ones remaining for now. (still deciding what to do about the paint)


Only found small surface rust on the spots where the trim's clips attach. Cleaned and just primed them for now, they're only 1" x 2" spots.


Found a guy selling a bunch of random Jeep stuff and got these stock Jeep Turbine center caps.


Complimentary before/after:

Hot/dry September '14:

Rain soaked April '15

I think its coming together pretty good so far. Especially since its on a budget and isn't being built for stuff it will never see/use.

More to come before the little one arrives. :D

Thanks for reading!


I got new rear shackles! I followed the advice of several members and went with the 13-4100's "Lowering Shackles" from O'Reilly's. I got them for $31 after a coupon! :D


They work great, I just had to trim down the bushing because they were slightly wide for my RC relo-brackets.





So with my setup, I had to put it on the highest setting on the shackle cause my leaf eyes would hit/rub the shackle cross piece. I also had to put it in the most forward position in the relo-brackets. Currently I have a nice 45-ish degree shackle angle. I will be building a dakota pack later in the summer and that would replace the AAL and should allow me to adjust the shackle to the next settings.

New stance (with slight rake) but I dont have my spare in at that moment.


Rides better than ever! (Still need longer rear shocks lol)

Will probably be awhile until the next update, my daughter will be here in 9 days!

:D :D

Thanks for reading!
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