Toilet Paper transportation and dispensing


Google "cotton buds toilet tissue to go". This is a tubeless roll of TP that is in a small dispensor. Easily fits in the truck door pocket, glove box, pocket, back pack, tackle box....etc.

Lucky j

flatten it and stick it in a Ziploc bag. If you need a higher tech solution Sea to Summit makes a nice carrier; I know one person who has one and although I give him hell about his $20 toilet paper bag he likes is it.

Ok, this would not work in a tree less area, unless you leave the shovel near by! But I like it enough to make my self one. I will probably spend an hour on my machine in front of the tv do to it with scrap piece of material.


flatten it and stick it in a Ziploc bag. If you need a higher tech solution Sea to Summit makes a nice carrier; I know one person who has one and although I give him hell about his $20 toilet paper bag he likes is it.

I clicked on the link, and now I want one. I used to be a zip-lock kind of guy, but with this thing I can have it hanging around my neck at the ready. Too cool.


I clicked on the link, and now I want one. I used to be a zip-lock kind of guy, but with this thing I can have it hanging around my neck at the ready. Too cool.

Intriguing, a long handled spoon is often purchased with this.

Zip lock for me, worked well for years.


...But maybe I should come up with a roll protector by a cut in half coffee can on a stick that you plant in the ground and sell, go for fundanything and sell for a ton of money here on expo. I could pay for my upgrades to rig and trailer and travel around the world taking picture of the TP expo holder for my blog. ...

Paint it tan and stencil YETI on the back for more $$$$$ :sombrero:

Happy Joe

Apprentice Geezer
I use one of 3 TP carriers;
Years (decades) ago I bought a screw top holder that is very compact and still works well (but is no longer made).
Since I use one of several vehicles I keep an emergency roll, and E-tool in each and have found that a large, (34+ ounce), square, Planters peanut jar works well once a roll has been used enough to fit (install fresh roll in the house then when it is used to the point where it fits; install a fresh new one and put the reduced roll in the peanut jar.
A year or two ago I got a port-a-pottie (Thetford). Since it is near certainty that something (vital) will be forgotten on nearly every trip I made a center dispensing holder out of a 2 liter soda bottle; once cut down its short enough to fit into the (clean) port-a-pottie with the lid down thus making sure that there will be a TP supply on hand, without the need to stop and run to the vehicle.. (The fall back plan is the traditional e-tool and the TP in a peanut jar.. always have a backup plan for the important things...).

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I'm looking for a solution to dispense and transport toilet paper while wild camping. Does anyone have a suggested practice or product to keep stored/transported TP dry, clean, free from being crushed? In the past I have used a metal coffee can with removable plastic lid but it is not particularly efficient, if there's a better solution I am ready to adopt it.

I use an empty CD/DVD round stack case. The ones you can purchase blank CD/DVDs in.


I am disappointed nobody has suggested the Snow Peak Titanium Toilet Paper Vault.

 they really have such a thing?

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