Toilet Solution for LONG TERM Overlanding trips

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That is the exact toilet I talked about using during my last 2 month trip to Baja. Apparently it's being rebranded by various companies, but it is the exact same.
I honestly prefer the composting toilet solution, but was attracted to the chem toilet for its size and theoretical simplicity.

I like the Idea of the "rio" toilet, but the design of the bowl and holding tank resulted in unnecessary cleaning (not a big deal if your at an RV dump station with running water, but if your camping with limited water supply, it's a problem) and they aren't stable outside of an amo box. By the time you put it in an ammo box and a separate box to hold the toilet bowl and cleaning supplies they aren't compact anymore.

Currently I am considering the smallest Natures Head composter on the market, or making my own chem toilet. AKA a biowaist bucket with a toilet seat.


Ah, i thought you guys wrre looking for normal camping/1-2wk trip solutions. My bad, should have read the entire thread.

I never found the rio that large, you only need one ammo box the lid/etc can be stowed somewhere else. Mine came with two, doubtful ill use the second one.

Cleanout, yeah with limited water it could be a pain. But RV stations/etc is where i dump mine, on the way back from trips. Or do you mean after each use? Never had a probkem with pooping into the centre hole, and j rarely pee at the sametime. A clorox wipe/etc and its all clean and ready for the next use. Same as any other camping toilet the bowls small And you have to clean it.

Still finding this thread interesting, never realized there wa so many different toilet options!

Carry on


That is the exact toilet I talked about using during my last 2 month trip to Baja. Apparently it's being rebranded by various companies, but it is the exact same.
I honestly prefer the composting toilet solution, but was attracted to the chem toilet for its size and theoretical simplicity.

I like the Idea of the "rio" toilet, but the design of the bowl and holding tank resulted in unnecessary cleaning (not a big deal if your at an RV dump station with running water, but if your camping with limited water supply, it's a problem) and they aren't stable outside of an amo box. By the time you put it in an ammo box and a separate box to hold the toilet bowl and cleaning supplies they aren't compact anymore.

Currently I am considering the smallest Natures Head composter on the market, or making my own chem toilet. AKA a biowaist bucket with a toilet seat.

the situation.
Never had a probkem with pooping into the centre hole, and j rarely pee at the sametime. A clorox wipe/etc and its all clean and ready for the next use. Same as any other camping toilet the bowls small And you have to clean it.

So why have a bowl at all?

Seriously. I thought the container was exceptably strong and sealed well. If it was square instead of rectangular you could have a larger hole at the top, more storage space in the tank, easier cleanup and decrease the overall size since you would be getting rid of the bowl.

The bowl in this design just made no sense. it was flat at the bottom so it didn't provide any "funneling" effect really. It also wasn't sealed or well attached to the tank, so it allowed for plenty of escaping smell and poor protection against any curious animal. We removed the bowl, wiped it down and set it next to the tank each night and put the cap on in hopes of keeping the critters and bugs out.


So maybe just the PETT for the furniture side, or whatever satisfies BLM, present as if using chemical tank

but actually poop into a generic (super cheap) plastic bag that ties off,

and can seal into optional tougher ziploc if you need/want that, still cheap

If needed use the ammo box for secure storage for however long you're out there away from civilization.

And just toss in an appropriate dumpster next time you hit paved roads.


Hillbilly of Leisure
This belongs here:

LOL. How, exactly, does one academic ask another to donate poo? "So Dr. Pupenstein...would you considering providing us with a small amount of your excrement for our exhibit? Delivery in a small mason jar would be preferred, and please take care not to get any on the sides. Thank you so much!"

The strangest thing I've watched in a while. :)


So maybe just the PETT for the furniture side, or whatever satisfies BLM,.... And just toss in an appropriate dumpster next time you hit paved roads.
Well that is the point of issue.... unless you use PETT you can not throw it the dumpster. Nasty, against county codes..... if you are discovered you will be arrested and/or fined and rightly so. Human waste must be disposed of properly. The spread of disease,,,, attraction of flies that spread disease etc etc..... that is just not acceptable. People mention, but you throw out diapers and sanitary napkins??? well that is slowly changing too. Places are slowly coming around to both diaper and women's sanitary product incinerators in many places. IMHO somewhere in this century something similar will be required in all restrooms and new home construction.


And in practice the garbage is being removed to landfill or incinerator very quickly.

unless you use PETT you can not throw it the dumpster. Nasty, against county codes..... if you are discovered you will be arrested and/or fined and rightly so. Human waste must be disposed of properly. The spread of disease,,,, attraction of flies that spread disease etc etc..... that is just not acceptable.
What a crock of ********! I'm not saying dump 5gal of poo into a public trash can.

There are much more actually dangerous waste items out there in our waste stream than used diapers or tampons.

Some people were just too harshly toilet trained. :cool:

To clarify, I was **only** referring to the portable furniture component of the PETT system.

If I had more room for a "permanent" space allocation inside the living space, I would go with a composting head, and only need to dispose (again, into a passing dumpster) every few weeks.

No way I would mix my waste with chemicals.

So maybe just the PETT for the furniture side, or whatever satisfies BLM, present as if using chemical tank

but actually poop into a generic (super cheap) plastic bag that ties off,

and can seal into optional tougher ziploc if you need/want that, still cheap

If needed use the ammo box for secure storage for however long you're out there away from civilization.

And just toss in an appropriate dumpster next time you hit paved roads.
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Excellent common-sense resource to give skeptics, thanks!
Yes a good guide for Partially composted material. May be mistaken but UK regulations are much tighter.
Was surprised by the trash bins being ok. Seems to fly in the face (pardon the pun) of other info read previously.
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