Toilet Solution for LONG TERM Overlanding trips


Be aware that how many days the urine reservoir can wait to be dumped depends on how much you pee.
How much you pee depends on liquid/water intake. If not taken to extreme, more water is much healthier - for many reasons.
So take estimates with knowing amounts/days are individually very variable.


SE Expedition Society
Does Yeti have a bucket toilet system? Asking for a friend.
I'm sure they will be shortly because of you.
---- First Law of Sales: Create an overwhelming want or desire in the mind of the customer
Which you just did, considering the demographic. Call YETI and let them know you'll be expecting your cut.

Be aware that how many days the urine reservoir can wait to be dumped depends on how much you pee.
How much you pee depends on liquid/water intake. If not taken to extreme, more water is much healthier - for many reasons.
So take estimates with knowing amounts/days are individually very variable.
And asparagus. Don't forget asparagus pee necessitates more frequent cleansing of the reservoir.


In my rock climbing days, we used to poop in a paper bag then stuff it in a capped off piece of pvc until returning to the ground and a dumpster.

I've often though a modified diaper genie would be an ok solution(except for the plastic cased ******** sausage).


Tea pot tester
The Separett composting loo from Sweden is often used with bracken because that's what there is there.

I can't imagine any composting toilet "needs" any specific organic matter, just something that will compost and will enlarge the surface area the moisture you add can evaporate from. And the extractor fan could be solar driven from it's own little panel because it's tiny.

The urine tank is not built in, so you can buy the dedicated tank, or plumb it to wherever you want.

The bucket receiving solids comes with a nicely tight fitting lid if you want to use it during transit.


Hillbilly of Leisure
Overland toilet option

Have you looked at the Wrappon toilet system ? Design from Japan.
Sealed bag with gelatin powder added with each use.
12 volt required
Pricy $800.
Lots of moving parts.
Requires proprietary plastic sleeve.( $48.00 @Cabalas) good for 50 uses.
Has a USA distributer located in Colorado.

Can Google for info

Holy Crap! (pun intended) That might be what I've been looking for.

Flame me all you like, but I don't like dooky. Not even my own. Not crazy about dooky-related chores either (dumping, cleaning, etc.) I don't like paying dumping fees or the time it takes to stop at an RV park and mess around with dumping. All of the composting and other toilets I've been reading about have a plethora of dooky-related chores that vary in their particular flavors of disgustingness.

Anyone around here actually own or use one of these Wrappons? A grand is a bit steep, but if it solves the car-camping-bathroom problem I'd pay it. I imagine a lot of people would pay it. Well, the sort of people that own $4000.00 tents and $15,000.00 trailers would pay it.


Any River...Any Place
Holy Crap! (pun intended) That might be what I've been looking for.

Flame me all you like, but I don't like dooky. Not even my own. Not crazy about dooky-related chores either (dumping, cleaning, etc.) I don't like paying dumping fees or the time it takes to stop at an RV park and mess around with dumping. All of the composting and other toilets I've been reading about have a plethora of dooky-related chores that vary in their particular flavors of disgustingness.

Anyone around here actually own or use one of these Wrappons? A grand is a bit steep, but if it solves the car-camping-bathroom problem I'd pay it. I imagine a lot of people would pay it. Well, the sort of people that own $4000.00 tents and $15,000.00 trailers would pay it.

LOL.......So right on so many levels......


lost on the mainland
that wrappon reminds me of the diaper genie ;)

when the wagg bags first came out they were quite cheap for generic ones anything that is a buck or more a dump is way to much $$ my crap ain't worth that much :) and with kids etc..


Try one of the Reduced Impact Overland Toilets out. I bought one as I hated my wag bag system, literally felt like I was picking up after my dog. on one trip, I used a bag a day for myself over two weeks. In Canada that was nearly 50 dollars in wag bags. That is damn pricey for pooping.

The rio although a high upfront cost, was just used for a two week trip well 8 days in Death valley, which would have cost me 30 bucks in wag bags, give or take. throw in the 3-4 trips I take a year and I am saving a lot of cash. IN two years of use, maybe less it will have paid for itself and should last a long time, provided it is cared for.

You just dump it at an RV waste station the same as an RV would. The couple of times I have emptied it, they didn't charge me at all and there is a lot of free stations to get ride of waste. takes maybe 5 mins, there is a fill port, and a dump hose included, tucks into an ammo can and voila.


Try one of the Reduced Impact Overland Toilets

high upfront cost

You just dump it at an RV waste station the same as an RV would
Does it use any chemicals or other consumables? How is the smell issue dealt with? No urine separation?

I couldn't find details, forum discussion, user reports etc



Yup its a cassette toilet/holdin tank. You buy the little packs of chemicals. Dump one in add some water. Its just like an rv black water tank. Easy to use and handle.

You can go without the chemicals. It has a lid you seal it back up. Smell, well its a container your pooping in, its going to smell like a toilet. Short of the incinerator toilets its going to have a smell.

This using nature’s head and other contraptions is over complicating the process and they are not acceptable for use in parks if i remember correctly, might be wrong on that.

Really a shovel and some tp is all i use to use, but I went civilized for the lady a few years back and to be honest i prefer it over digging a cat hole or poohing in a bag.

I’ve looked at thedford, composting toilets, wag bags. etc all over complicated the process if going to the bathroom.


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My ideal, if I went RV-style fixed install, would be NH-style composter and separate urine.

But really prefer tent+teardrop, so easy portability and no vent, big plus then is no electric usage.

Hate the idea of looking for chemical stations, so bag in a sealed bucket is it I guess.

Seems like this RIO unit could be adapted to be used for that, I do like the look and form factor and the ammo box idea way better than a bucket.


Expedition Leader
... and they are not acceptable for use in parks if i remember correctly, might be wrong on that.

Really a shovel and some tp is all i use to use, ...

Why on earth could you not use a composting toilet in a park?

Shovels are really hard to use in the middle of towns - we're talking long term overloading, not camping in the woods.

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