Tragedy at an idyllic spot on a river


Expedition Leader
The island of Bohol is in the Philippines, about 400 miles southeast
of Manila. Bohol is famous as a tourist destination because of the
Chocolate Hills, a remarkable formation of 1200 symmetrical cone-
shaped limestone hills.

The picnic spot by the river, complete with bamboo shelter and
tables, is typical of Filipino day-use areas. I've been to several
that have tables anchored right in the water, so you can to cool
your feet on a hot day.

Chip Haven


Expedition Leader
Very sad.

This also serves as a good reminder for those of us who play in and around the canyons of the world. Flash floods can happen with little warning and even when conditions are bright and sunny where you are. Pay attention to the weather forecast before heading out, and make sure you consider what's happening in the rest of the watershed.


Expedition Leader
Those are gut wrenching pictures. I was amazed at the writer being concerned about catching the last bus back to town when these two guys were possibly still there. I wonder if after a time the two men were washed away or decided to swim for it. I like to learn from incidents like this, every year the American Whitewater Association puts out a accident report involving rafting and kayaking accidents that are helpful.


Expedition Leader
I agree the AWA accident reports are valuable resources. There have been a lot of river boating deaths in Colorado this year. Not sure there's much that can be done to avoid a siutation like this aprt from keeping a close eye on weather rports on the tributaries. The river looks so inoccuous in the first pictures.


Expedition Leader
"It had been raining, but stopped" usually suggests there is water above finding its way into the river. I don't know what the Filipino climate is and maybe rain is normal and flooding rare, or maybe rain is rare and this flood was predictable.

Either way its definitely a sad reminder, not just to those who kayak, canyoneer, spelunk etc. and routinely check the weather but also to the tourists who may wander in naively. It would be interesting to know whether the witnesses were themselves lucky to escape.


Dave Druck [KI6LBB]
That sucks. Showed Yosh this thread... she has never been there.. but she mentioned that flooding is very common... almost too common.


Expedition Leader
Wow....that's scary & sad. I hope those two guys are ok...

2nd link delineates their fate. They did not survive. I agree their only hope was to swim for it the minute the water started to rise. Very few people would have the presence of mind to act that swiftly and decisively.


Expedition Leader
2nd link delineates their fate. They did not survive. I agree their only hope was to swim for it the minute the water started to rise. Very few people would have the presence of mind to act that swiftly and decisively.

Three things keep coming to mind as I think about this incident.

1. Could they have survived in the cave as the water rose?

2. Did they make a swim for it thinking they would drown in the cave?

3. Were they swept out of the cave?

Compared to the rest of the world I spend a lot of time in canyons and on rivers either rafting, kayaking and canyoneering, this type of scenario is always in the back of my mind.

Several years ago my wife and I and another couple were standing in line at the backcountry desk in Zion to get a overnight permit for the Narrows hike. Before we got to the counter I told my wife and the other couple that I just didnt feel good about the hike and spending the night in there. I have had gut feelings about things before while rafting or skiing and have avoided being in bad situations listening to my gut. We decided to do a one day Subway hike instead. That night as we lay in our bags the clouds moved in and proceeded rain and thunder all night long. Reports from the rangers the next day was that hikers in the canyon were safe but had to scramble to higher ground as the water rose.

Listen to your gut, it's usually right.

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