Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0018
Mick Love the high sides on the 6m. Just awesome. Better than having this happen to you next time you head to the Top End. Haha
Last time I was in FNQ (cousins have a shack at the mouth of the Daintree) we had just come back from Snapper Island in a little tinnie like yours and we're heading back into the river and my cousin wants to show me this big croc. He has a habit of standing on the back seat and steering the tiller with his foot when we are at trolling speeds.
So its low tide and this croc is a couple of feet above our eye level on a steep mud ledge. Really big sucker too. Don't even know how it got up there. Anyway we are moving in really slowly so we can get in close without spooking it and Johnny goes to turn the boat so we don't hit the ledge and he accidently rolls on full throttle and full lock with his foot. The boat shot straight on its side and very nearly flipped. I was up the bow with my face looking at this massive snout and then landed back on the floor on top of an Ugly Stik which broke. When I looked around Johnny had gone over the back but luckily had one leg caught between the seat and the transom the rest of him was in the water next to the prop still going full noise till I shut it down and dragged him back in the boat. As soon as the revs shot up the croc jumped aside of us and into the drink. Never saw it again. Could have easily landed in the boat with us. We would have really been stuffed if it flipped cause the bank was way too steep and greasy to climb up and the other bank was 100s of metres away.
Sorry for the hijak but thought you would appreciate the humour .
See ya

Last time I was in FNQ (cousins have a shack at the mouth of the Daintree) we had just come back from Snapper Island in a little tinnie like yours and we're heading back into the river and my cousin wants to show me this big croc. He has a habit of standing on the back seat and steering the tiller with his foot when we are at trolling speeds.
So its low tide and this croc is a couple of feet above our eye level on a steep mud ledge. Really big sucker too. Don't even know how it got up there. Anyway we are moving in really slowly so we can get in close without spooking it and Johnny goes to turn the boat so we don't hit the ledge and he accidently rolls on full throttle and full lock with his foot. The boat shot straight on its side and very nearly flipped. I was up the bow with my face looking at this massive snout and then landed back on the floor on top of an Ugly Stik which broke. When I looked around Johnny had gone over the back but luckily had one leg caught between the seat and the transom the rest of him was in the water next to the prop still going full noise till I shut it down and dragged him back in the boat. As soon as the revs shot up the croc jumped aside of us and into the drink. Never saw it again. Could have easily landed in the boat with us. We would have really been stuffed if it flipped cause the bank was way too steep and greasy to climb up and the other bank was 100s of metres away.
Sorry for the hijak but thought you would appreciate the humour .
See ya