Trailers, RTT and Bears

matt s

I'll stay away from some of the firearm or not issues. But here is an idea anyone can use. I was camping with a friend in BC Canada in a campground overrun with black bears. He had a car alarm with a key fob and panic button. Every time the bears came too close he just put his hand in his pocket and set off the car alarm. Worked every time. Many cars even without alarms have a panic button on the key fob that sets of the horn and lights.

That night we slept with our feet under the bumper (van was full of stuff) and any time one of us hear the bears in camp we would just kick the bumper to make the car alarm "chirp", roll over and go back to sleep.

Pretty slick idea and generally you have your keys in your pockets at all times.


No, I meant because he was warned to hide any lipstick. :Wow1:

What no one warned you of the Prada Bear that likes to dress up??? :wings:

The reason lipstick is mentioned is in bear country ALL things with scents (sunscreen, deodorant, soaps, food, ect.) should get put in bear proof containers.

In reality though, most authority figures in the woods understand that you are keeping the bears and people safer if you DO defend your property non-lethally from the bears..... bears that get into human food and property with no intervention loose their fear of humans. this ends at best case the bear getting destroyed, worst case people end up dead too.

Just stay safe out there... I like the fence idea and yes most farm stores have the stuff to build your own kit.


Expedition Leader
I took this photo a few years back at Lake Mary Campground in Mammoth Lakes. The momma bear and her cubs just showed up in the middle of the day and rummaged through the entire place.



Sadly, one of those cubs had to be put down (last year?). It was getting too Agressive. My wife had close encounter once with one of those cubs. Pretty sure Momma bear licked the side of my head once too. We were sleeping in our ground tend at Coldwater (other side of Lake Mary in Mammoth), when I woke up to the sounds of s bear in our camp. Then she started sniffing the side of the tent, about 3 inches from my head. I've never been more awake in my entire life. Had my whole family with me, all sleeping. Once the bear licked the tent, I decided to not worry about waking them and started yelling "Yah! Beat it, Git!" and she left.

The Swiss

Expedition Leader
This got me to thinking about RTT. If I have a trailer that is my kitchen/pantry (and yes of course everything not in use is cleaned and sealed in side), doesn't seem a little funny to stick the house on top? Ideally wouldn't it be better to pitch the tent away from any lingering odors?

Did I already ask this question?
:Wow1: Never thought of this. You've got a point.

Bear-proofed motor home :elkgrin:


Expedition Leader
Sadly, one of those cubs had to be put down (last year?).

It's too bad our society decided it was OK to let bears rummage through campgrounds, so we could take pictures, instead of scaring them off so they retain their natural fear of humans. Then when a bear inevitably learns to be aggressive to protect the food source, we shoot them. I guess that's what we call wildlife conservation?
go down a bit further to 500 lb. man vs. that scares me! Theres a good reason to hide the beer....:Wow1:

Oh, I can do better. Just give me a saw. Something tells me that the bears one day would be able to use a saws-all, open it up, and pop the beer on the pop-top - Planet of the Bears, if you will. I suppose bears could figure out how to climb from tree to tree to get to the food bag (I would not be surprised if the following has happened - suppose the tree with the supporting branch is growing out of a cliff a short ways up, and the bear can't get to that tree; no problem, just find a tree that is grounded and runs up close enough to reach the branch of that other tree).
I don't know why they don't just shoot them. I understand some people might not like it, but... black bears are not endangered, and this association of people to food is not good. The 150lbers are just a nuisance, but 3-400lbs becomes a real problem.

Hmmm, so what do you say when we have Goa'ulds coming through the Stargate and start taking us out because "We are in the way of their mining operations for their naquada needs." Oh, your uncle died two weeks ago when the Goa'uld raided his encampment by an 8,000-year-old abandoned naquada mine. You remember very clearly the day your wife or partner was killed near the museum housing the Stargate (which turned out to be active merely from being unburied and connected to the console), or that your oldest son was kidnapped for experimentation (learning the difference between former hosts and those who have never hosted a Goa'uld).

If anything, we are in THEIR way, because we have encroached upon their habitat. We all need to get the snip-snip so that we can get the population growth under control and in fact a population decline through natural attrition is needed. So, I'll see your Dominion and raise you a snip-snip. I already did my part to not contribute to the population problem.

I'm sorry if I seem confrontational about this, but this is getting so old, watching people being unaware of the impact of their actions on others (human or not) around them.

One thing that did it for me was this crime statistic: The Windsor police force in a given year, maybe 2004, were assaulted some number of time. A few times with knives, twice with a television set :Wow1:, and only once with a gun.

Wait, is this the trailer forum?

Uhh, yeah, and the topic wandered off into guns again. a very hot topic, but I'll do a very deft hockey check here. I'm sorry about the glass shattered all over the hockey fans about 10 rows back. If you have any glass in your eyes, give me your name and address and I'll send you a check for the medical bills.

What you fail to understand with the statistic is that those with knives and TV sets going against cops are hotheads who don't think things through. The one guy with a gun was an example. Criminals with firearms and cool, (or cold) calculating heads will not go against people visibly carrying firearms because they don't want to risk getting shot themselves. It doesn't feel very good when you get shot. These criminals will go into what we call "gun-free" zones with little fear of being shot back as long they don't attract the attention of police or armed security beforehand and position themselves to reduce the risk of being shot while escaping. In other words, these zones make their job safer and easier to accomplish, and that is the kind of environment that an armed society prevents. An armed society recognizes that any and everyone is capable of criminal behavior or fatal, but heroic action to save someone's life. I realize that an armed society is not all that will be needed. I think that there are a lot of other things that have contributed to the decay of the empire of America. We are a country in decline. I hope that it doesn't decline to the point that we have 1.3 billion people populating the US. I wonder if it would be legal for someone to sign a piece of paper saying that they promise to kill me with a single shot if the population reaches this number within my lifetime.

There's no icon here for a drama actress fainting. :dramaqueen:


Hmmm, so what do you say when we have Goa'ulds coming through the Stargate and start taking us out because "We are in the way of their mining operations for their naquada needs." Oh, your uncle died two weeks ago when the Goa'uld raided his encampment by an 8,000-year-old abandoned naquada mine. You remember very clearly the day your wife or partner was killed near the museum housing the Stargate (which turned out to be active merely from being unburied and connected to the console), or that your oldest son was kidnapped for experimentation (learning the difference between former hosts and those who have never hosted a Goa'uld).

If anything, we are in THEIR way, because we have encroached upon their habitat. We all need to get the snip-snip so that we can get the population growth under control and in fact a population decline through natural attrition is needed. So, I'll see your Dominion and raise you a snip-snip. I already did my part to not contribute to the population problem.

I'm sorry if I seem confrontational about this, but this is getting so old, watching people being unaware of the impact of their actions on others (human or not) around them.


I was interested in this thread until you started with your sci-fi analogy.. I suppose the end of the world will begin May 20, 2011 as well.

TOO MUCH SCI-FI FOR YOU.... get down from there...

how did a simple thread about bears looking for food turn into a 3 part sci-fi thriller about stargates and a snip snip...



New member
Engel also have a Bear Proof cooler, Scroll down to the 3rd video:

Bears are very smart just watch the Kung-**** Bear:

[ame=""]YouTube- Kung **** Bear in Japan! (UNEDITED)[/ame]

The more we encroach on their territory the worse it will get.

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