TrailWerks Racks? $1600?!?!?!


...or animantium



That's what I was thinking! I could probably get Adam at 4xInnovations to make me one for around $300.

I don't see any possible way that they could justify $1500+ for that rack.

07 Elephant

The gobi racks are expensive but worth every penny imo. I have the stealth rack on my 07 4runner. The finish details are top notch. I also like their accessories for hi-lift and ax and shovel mounts. Plus it's pre wired for lights inside the tubes so there aren't any wires zip tied to get snagged or rubbed.

And with a 300lb dynamic load it's more than twice the factory rack's.
I use thule bars and fit my maggiolia and ezi awn awning to it as well.

All in all a great platform. But you have to pay for it. Or copy their hard work and make your own or have it made. You might save a few hundred bucks...

Christian P.

Expedition Leader
Staff member
Funny I was just talking with someone yesterday about how a company had to increase the prices of their roof racks for Land was priced too low and people had the expectations that it was cheaply made because of that.
People think they have to spend $1000+ for a rack otherwise it won't be good.

$1600 is crazy. It may have a nice finish but use it in the real world and it will get abused and end up as beaten as any other rack. Prewiring inside does not cost much more, just fish the wire through the hollow tube. It's all about marketing.

Here's my problem - by creating expensive racks and a demand for that, we are creating a vicious circle. Everything becomes more expensive, people have to work even more to make more money to buy these products, the rat race pick up speed and it means less time to enjoy life.



It doesn't seem that far out of line to me.

Very limited production
Lots of welding
Expensive hardware (gutter mounts)
Steel stock
$200 in powdercoating

And, they do have to make a profit or why bother?

$1300 is a lot, but it looks like a premium rack. If someone can make a better rack and sell it for less, they should do so.


I really like the look of the rack. Guess I may have to whip out the tubing bender and get a little more creative with my overhead storage. For $1600 you could still powder coat your own for $200, buy a JD2 bender and die for $600, tubing for $150 and spend a couple weekends putting it together. I agree for those that can't do all that then maybe $1600 for a rack is just fine. For a savings of $650 plus the ability to make other stuff for your rig with the bender I'd think long and hard.


Active member
It is a nice rack i have to agree.

There price is a little out there....I could see $1200

I could make that rack for me for about $400 my cost. I have all the tools in my fab shop....time for me is the factor! Don't want the wife getting mad....

I will be building a new rack for my new 60 i just picked up....:)



You don't need all the expensive benders just use a foot bender and it will come out fine.

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