Trans Vermont Expedition (Nov.1 - Nov.5, 2007)

Jarek M

The reason that I'm asking is, we went down roads like that in Canada the locals call them 15 min trailes, well they are... for tree or less trucks. We rename one to Four Hour one and we had only 5 trucks. Have fun man!


expeditionswest said:
A years subscription to the highest quality Off-Highway travel publication in North America is less than a tank of gas. Think of it that way :)

I think every issue so far has been well worth the price and everyone who has seen it has been absolutely mesmorized by the content/quality, but you might wanna use a better comparison next time. These days, there's a lot of things cheaper than a tank of gas. :( Still love the Journal though!!!!!! AMAZING!


Expedition Leader
Vermont is so close...

expeditionswest said:
Watch for coverage of this expedition in Overland Journal.

This sounds very interesting! It's so close as well.
Can't wait to read about it in Overland Journal. Worth every penny in my opinion! As one wise dude said: "Buy the best, cry once..." applies to this scenario as well.



Good luck on the Expedition............Great news......

I was in Vermont the last 2 september's and found many forest roads open. We had a great time, I was on the way to Maine for the annual "mother-in-law" visit. I like VT better than NH these days.
I even got rousted out of a NF campground by a Lady Forest Ranger last year. She was mad because it was closed already (the week after labor day?), the gate was open so she felt partialy at fault. In the end she told me all about how it's OK to drive the forest roads and gave me her only map, then showed me the coolest places to go.

She said they are not anti-motorized useage.. Guess which state got my vacation money the next year..


I'm looking forward to seeing the results of this. I'm planning to do a New England trip in the springso maybe I can steal a few ideas from ya'll :shakin:


CLynn85 said:
I'm looking forward to seeing the results of this. I'm planning to do a New England trip in the springso maybe I can steal a few ideas from ya'll :shakin:

2 days til the trip. New heater core installed today to make it comfy.

Many of the town Select Boards close the class IV roads, Unmaintained class IV roads and Legal Trails until May 15th to avoid excessive damage during "Mud Season". Yes that is really what they call spring in VT. Just an FYI to help with your planning.


New member
are you guys gonna be checking in during the trip?

I assume you guys will be too far north at the time, but EC4WDA is having a food drive/wheeling outing in North Adams on Saturday


We'll be too far north unfortunately for Saturday. We may check in throughout the trip as I will have my laptop, radio, etc. Depends on whether their is enough time given the amount of distance we need to cover.


KevinNY said:
Too many. 12 I think now, we wanted to keep it to 8 but it was tough to say no to club members who wanted to go along. As with most things, a person or two will likely drop out near the date due to unforseen circumstances.

We may have 8 given the last minute mechanical drop-outs.


16 Years on ExPo. Whoa!!
congrats guys that is aweomse.. I know quite a few of these roads from when I attended University of Vermont. It should be a hello a trip. ADK related I'm from Keene/Keene Valley originally :)


Keene Valley is beautiful, I used to do a lot of snowshoeing and winter camping up there. Sadly, the Adirondack Park Agency( anti-access Gestapo ) has shut down all of the old roads and denied the history of the adirondacks railroads, great camps, logging towns etc. Access is so concentrated now that overuse of whats left is itself becoming destructive, the Mt. Marcy hiking trail is worn 7 feet deep to the bedrock and wide enough to drive a truck up it.


dieselcruiserhead said:
congrats guys that is aweomse.. I know quite a few of these roads from when I attended University of Vermont. It should be a hello a trip. ADK related I'm from Keene/Keene Valley originally :)

So did my sister. I attended St. Mike's. :)

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