Date is set! Dec 29 and 30, southern Arizona
We are setting the date! Scott Brady, Master Trainer for Tread Lightly, will be giving us this excellent all-day class. We're so lucky to have Scott give his time for this . . . so make time, move schedules, make it happen!
What: Tread Trainer certification from Tread Lightly. You become certified to give informational seminars about Tread Lightly; certification good for 2 years, you have to give a certain # of seminars and keep them up to date.
Where: Ravenrock Camp (aka Hanson's place in southern Arizona, 40 miles more or less southwest of Tucson . . . we'll send directions / track files / coordinates to final attendees).
When: Saturday, December 29, 10 am class starts. About 8 hours.
Fee: Not sure if there will be a materials fee . . . stay tuned. The class itself is free.
Accommodation: Camping in the beautiful Sonoran Desert wilds. Bring your own food, we'll arrange a fire/bbq for Saturday night.
Fun: Sunday we'll head south into the wildlands toward Mexico and have a very beautiful day's drive toward the Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge, through the Cerro Colorado Mountains.
Please sign up here - we can fit a lot of campers but you do need to be self-sufficient, our septic up at our house can't handle more than just us, and we'll have some rules about where you can dry-camp so we don't have any, um, outhouse use near our well !