Treeline Outdoors Half Hatchet


Since Treeline apparently monitors these forums, I would challenge them to assure me this is NOT made by Vaughan. Or if it is, what have they done to improve it so much it is worth nearly 4 times what a Vaughan costs.

Very well put. I will assume a none reply by treeline will mean is the exact same with added paint. Otherwise I will wait for their reply...


Good find on the Walmart made in america hatchet. I think "expo" is sort of a target market for this type of thing where basic items are elaborated into extreme profits. We have to look out for each other for sure.

Blind "get what you pay for" policys will hurt you unless you have enough cash not to care either way.


Expedition Leader
If I may add, IMVHO, most users are better off with an all steel hand axe. Why?

A wood handle is great for daily use, less vibration, comfort, etc. But for the casual user, a steel handle is a better option.

With wood handles, all it takes is one hard swing with a miss, which can result in a broken handle. This can not happen with steel.

Same goes with prying something, etc.

My 2 cents


Crew Chief
About the only way that axe could be worth the price tag is if it some sort of high strength steel alloy not normally used in axe heads. I doubt it is though, since the listing didn't even mention it.

I'm all for made in America, but that doesn't mean the Wal-Mart or hardware store hatchet won't do as well.

I would not go with a steel shaft. The can still bend into a useless angle if struck wrong. Go with either hickory or fiberglass shaft. Hickory is a fine grain that will take a lot of abuse. Fiberglass shafts have flexibility and resistance to weather wear as well.


SE Expedition Society
That Estwing hatchet has lasted me a very long time and sharpens well. Carved up some nice firewood over the weekend with it.
My splitting maul is a fiberglass shaft though. I think it was $30 at Home Depot 7 or 8 years ago.


Expedition Leader
The deafening silence from Treeline on this issue speaks volumes.

Have you called them, or shot them an E-mail directly? most folks do not have excess time to monitor EVERY outdoors oriented forum. Until you have, their silence is not deafening. Your lack of contacting them directly is.


Have you called them, or shot them an E-mail directly? most folks do not have excess time to monitor EVERY outdoors oriented forum. Until you have, their silence is not deafening. Your lack of contacting them directly is.
They are aware of he conversation going on here. They have already posted in this thread. If you think they need to be reminded, then YOU do it.


This is a funny thread. The original poster paid $65 too much for a hatchet and bragged about it. LOL. The exact same hatchet minus the green paint is $24. The company marketing it should be embarrassed. But, they are marketers, not innovators, and not manufacturers. They have a can of green spray paint. It fits with the theme. Paint it Land Rover green, and triple the price. Good job Curmudgeon calling them out on it. Too much of this BS in the "expo" world.


Expedition Leader
This is a funny thread. The original poster paid $65 too much for a hatchet and bragged about it. LOL. The exact same hatchet minus the green paint is $24. The company marketing it should be embarrassed. But, they are marketers, not innovators, and not manufacturers. They have a can of green spray paint. It fits with the theme. Paint it Land Rover green, and triple the price. Good job Curmudgeon calling them out on it. Too much of this BS in the "expo" world.

So they responded to you confirming that it is the exact same hatchet? Funny.


The way I see it, is they have been shamed away! Besides, why would anybody pay that much, for such a common utility item?


New member
Hi everyone, this feed has just come to our attention, the earlier reply was from an email and not posted directly to this feed. Thanks Matthew for sending us an email informing us of this. We are more then happy to be totally transparent about our half hatchet and why the price is what it is. First of all these quality made in USA hatchets costs us $40 a piece to have made and that's before the shipping cost we incurred. So right there you can see that we are not making the regular retail profit that any other company would be making (the lowest standard regular retail mark up is 300%, that's to cover costs and keep your business going as well as leaving a discount for your retail stores. Most products sold are at a higher mark up then 300%) so lets get that out of the way. Yes we are a small family run company, no we did not invent the half hatchet. We simply designed something that we wanted for ourselves and our tool kit and used the best manufacturer we could find and if our customers are so inclined are able to purchase it as well. We do our best to keep business within Canada and the US and produce quality products at the lowest possible price. We chose to use green as it suits our profile and was to our knowledge unique to the market place. Same goes with our gunstock finish on the hickory handle. I wish we could offer this hatchet at a lower cost but it just wasn't possible unless we had them made overseas. We stand by our products and spend a lot of time designing the best products we possibly can as we are dedicated outdoor enthusiast and try to release products that we think are useful and unique (understanding that axes and hatchets are a common tool but something we wanted in our inventory). We also take the time to make sure all of our customers are satisfied and we deal with every issue personally until any and all matters are dealt with in our customers favor. I understand there will always be people who don't like us and are eager to talk us down before knowing who we are and what we stand for, this is something I cannot help and have come to terms with. We run our business from our home in Turner Valley, Alberta. The business consists of Chad (me), my fiancé Erin and my mom does our books. Our flagship product is our roof top tent which we designed and currently have multiple patent applications pending. We are releasing our generation 2 tents this winter which will include multiple upgrades both in material and function. We have a long list of original products that we are excited to get Into production but unfortunately don't have the funds to do so all at once so we rely on our current products to hopefully fund these future projects. That is a little bit of background information so everyone on this feed (if they choose to read this post) has a better idea of who we are. I am happy to answer any questions from here on out. If you still think negatively about us that is ok too, we are all entitled to voicing our opinions. I hope this helps clear the air a bit and I am also always open to any suggestions. Thanks for your time
Treeline - I am all for a better made product, but you didn't tell us what was better or different. Other than it had green paint?

Honestly nothing looks different than the Vaughan than the paint and the handle stain. Is it a different steel? Different blade contour? I'm not asking because I'm a jerk, simply trying to understand why I'd say 4x as much for essentially the same tool. Also, I am interested in the answer to the question that a previous member asked of if it's made in the same factory as the Vaughan Standard Half Hatchet? It is remarkably similar, just looking at pics it even appears to have the same profile on the handle.

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