No it is not made in the same factory as Vaughan, I also never put any information on this thread about the hatchet, it was from a review that was written about it I am guessing. I don't own any Vaughan tools so I couldn't say if ours is better or not. If you don't see the value in our product that is ok, we are not interested in selling our products to people who won't use or enjoy them (this is not meant to come across rude) This is the information from our website, let me know if you have any other questions. Thanks.
More of a tool than an axe, the Half Hatchet is a lightweight, highly adaptable hatchet. Use it for chopping, trimming, as a hammer, for removing nails, or just for getting you out of that jam in which your latest adventure may have landed you. The head is forged of high carbon steel, coated in durable paint to deter rust and has a polished wide cutting edge with a beveled nail slot on one end and a striking face on the other. The Hickory handle is comfortable and straight grained. The Half Hatched weighs 1.5 lbs and has an overall length of 13 inches. The premium leather sheath protects the tool and user. All Treeline axes come with an owners manual to ensure your axe stays sharp and performing well. Ships for free throughout Canada and the US. Made in the USA.
That statement kind of bothers me, you're looking at this as me attacking you and it couldn't be further from the truth. I am new to expedition wheeling, but not my first rodeo when buying tools. There's a reason I have snap on ratchets and wrenches and not pittsburgh. Because there is something that separates them other than price. I pick tools based on price vs quality/features. That being is a comparison of their tool vs yours.
· 1.5 lb forged steel head
· 3.5” cutting blade with polished edge
· Beveled nail slot
· Head coated in durable paint to deter rust
· 13” Hickory handle with Gunstock stain
· Handle hole for strap (strap not included)
· Used for trimming, cutting and splitting.
· Striking face is used for driving nails and stakes
· Durable sheath with snap and belt slit is included
· Made in the USA
Fully polished
Forged entirely of high quality, high carbon steel
Beveled nail slot in polished head
13" fine flame treated hickory handle
Extra large, crowned striking face for accurate power blows
1.88 lb overall weight
13.88 end to end length
Made in the USA
So...strikingly similar products, nearly identical if you ask me. Other than the green paint and gunstock stain, and the obvious price difference. This is not me being a jerk. This is me being a smart and informed shopper. Because if I can have 1 product for 25 bucks and one for 90+ I'm going to pick the 25 if it's the same....the only reason I wouldn't is if the 90+$ one is markedly different and justifies the price.
You do include a sheath, and that is nice.
Like I said, I don't understand the difference. You saying that I won't want to buy your product because I won't enjoy it for $90 when I can get the same thing for $25 is probably correct. Because that's almost 2 tanks of gas in my rig, and I can do a lot of exploring with that kind of gas and have my Vaughan with me.
I'm sure your tents are amazing, they looks absolutely incredible. Your mugs are ************, and I'll likely order one because you can never have too many good coffee mugs. But in my humble opinion you missed the mark with this product, both in price and uniqueness in the market.