Digging up an old thread....and sort of off topic....
I am a newb when it comes to treakking poles. Until a couple days ago, I had never used them, nor did I have any desire to use them. But while preparing for a backpacking trip, I came across a great deal on a set of Black Diamond Contour trekking poles...so I took a chance and ordered them.
They showed up a couple days before the trip, so I played around with them a bit, and was seriously not impressed...but I took them along anyway. I figured I should at least give them an honest try. On a tight, rocky trail, the poles are kind of a pain. I would have to lift them off the ground well over a foot to swing them forward in order to clear the shrubs that were trying to reclaim the trail, and the rocks didn't make tip placement that easy...not to mention the click--click--click noise I had to put up with (tips hitting rocks). After a mile I was ready to give up on them. I collapsed the poles and kept moving.
It only took a minute, maybe two, before I pulled them back out. Holy crap! I didn't realize how much easier they made hauling a 55 pound load up steep hills! I gotta say, I don't think I'll be backpacking without them anymore. Balance was greatly improved, particularly with the heavy pack on rough trails....they are great for pushing certain offensive bushes (those with thorns) out of the way, large verticle steps are almost effortless...and they completely eliminated the knee pain I suffer from during long steep downhill stretches of trail. These things are friggin great! The noise is still annoying, but not as annoying as sore knees....and they can be a pain on tight trails...but the benefits far outweigh the drawbacks.
If you are on the fence about them, or suffer from knee pain which keeps you from hiking as much as you would like...give them a try. I am simply amazed at how well they work.
BTW--keep your eye on steepandcheap.com. They show up there every so often for a *really* good price.