Two year circumnaviagtion of Africa in my 2007 JKUR - The Road Chose Me

Dan Grec

Expedition Leader
Hey Everyone,

I've had a challenging few months, and I'm more than overdue to give you all an update.

All the details of what happened and the path forward to Africa are in today's issue of JPFreek Adventure Magazine

I feel extremely lucky to be supported by new friends and family, without their support I don't think I would have found a way forward.

Tons of details in the coming days and weeks,


Dan Grec

Expedition Leader
Dan, great to see things progressing! Are you in Africa yet? I will be in Kenya this Sunday.

Thanks Scott!

Haha, I was about to ask you if you're in Prescott!!
I'll be there on Thursday/Friday and will be swinging by the OJ office :)

Aiming to ship in late April or early May. Should be into Morocco in June.


Scott Brady

Thanks Scott!

Haha, I was about to ask you if you're in Prescott!!
I'll be there on Thursday/Friday and will be swinging by the OJ office :)

Aiming to ship in late April or early May. Should be into Morocco in June.


Yes, please stop by! I am around most of the day on Thursday and Friday. Send me a text as you get closer - lunch is on me.
Mobile = 909-37 4 - 11 and 53


Great looking JKUR - my favorite color actually (similar to the Jeep Africa concept too which seems apropos). I'm glad to see you're able to continue your journey, and I'm sure the factory drivetrain will treat you well. Good luck and cheers!


Looks awesome and congrats on the new rig! Can't wait to follow your adventure.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Dan Grec

Expedition Leader
Thanks everyone for the support!

Good luck Dan....we will be in Kenya in June...what are your plans?

Nice! I should be into Morocco in May or early June, and will spend roughly 1 year heading South on the West Coast, then roughly one year heading North on the East.
I'm going without a Carnet, and it sounds like Kenya might be the only country I won't be able to get into. We'll see.


Jim K in PA

Great work Dan. Thanks for the update link

Quick question, though. I C&P'd this from your latest update: "Now that I’m running a gas engine, mileage and range are more of a consideration. "

What happened to the OM606? I also see the diesel fuel sticker by the filler neck is gone. Wha' happen?

Edit - nevermind - just found the link to the article with the details. My condolences, man. But I am glad to see the trip is not derailed!
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