Hopefully some folks are still traipsing through this thread...
I have a basic question:
What's your greatest interest / attraction to the U.P.?
I'm looking for some diversity to expand upon. Most of it we've covered but if you don't mind, let me know what you're most drawn to.
With apologies to United Airlines' 3PD series, my perfect sequence of three days would be each day repeating variations on the following theme:
1) pack up and leave camp-site around 9am (late enough to allow slow-pokes like me to pack up and have a hot breakfast)
2) drive to VERY difficult to reach remote locations, possibly involving some hiking and/or kayaking to see abandoned mines, kilns, waterfalls, natural geographic curiosities, wrecked boats/planes, islands/sandbars, bluffs, etc. I realize this part is restrictive because it requires a built vehicle and maybe physical fitness.
3) rustic camp, preferably near water (lake/river/waterfall) or something like a mine or plane. pitch camp at 4pm or even sooner, to give time to fish for dinner, explore local trails. I know that by starting late and stopping early, and taking remote/hard trails this is a recipe for not getting very far-- which is fine with me. If I only travel 20 miles by truck on a given day, but hike 5 miles to great sights and cook my freshly-caught fish dinner, and sit around BSing with my camp mates I'm happy.
4) at camp, arrange for people to volunteer to host or talk about something-- how to identify tree varieties, how to scale/cook fish, demo safe winch recovery, have an impromptu 'jam session', talk about how far away the nearest galaxy is/astrophysics, whatever: attendance optional, of course, like everything.
5) Go to sleep late, wake up to the smell of coffee and bacon, and go back to 1)
6) and that's it... depending on the # of people interested, I'd also consider multiple groups by criteria like: more/less remote (some people like showers, toilets, convenience stores), more/less active (some people don't hike/bike/kayak), maybe also break up by date and/or locale (far western UP on one week in say August or maybe June, north-central UP in September).
Good luck, sounds like your minds are feverishly turning ideas over!!!
P.S. I may have missed it but I don't think anyone's mentioned the topic of money-- I'll be politically-incorrect and jump right in with my opinion: free is great, but maybe a little too great. To me, this type of event goes back to the idea of a group of friends just semi-spontaneously having fun together without nasy capitalism sticking its nose in and making it into a buyer-vendor relationship, where people have the right to complain about getting their money's worth. HOWEVER-- there's also the 'you get what you pay for' maxim, and it's tough to expect the organizers to continue to take time from their paying jobs and family obligations to make extensive preparations
pro bono to ensure we all have a great time, no matter how amazingly altruistic they are. And then there's the issue that alternates may not have time to prepare to replace last-minute drop-outs. And we all know when 'you have skin in the game', you're more likely to think about the likelihood of bailing before asking to reserve a spot.
Factoring it all in, I'm in favor of something like a $100 nonrefundable deposit per vehicle, that the organizer(s) keep as a small token of thanks.
Another event that costs more money may also be a viable business model-- it isn't my kind of thing anymore, but I have been on for-profit guided events before, they have their place and can be very fun, and I can see there is plenty scope between 'UP overland' and 'Jeep Jamboree' for a win-win: someone to make money, people to have fun, and the UP to get a tourism boost.