U.P. Overland 2009


Wendy here -- It is great to see everyone with their rigs (thanks Dave for taking all those shots!)....a couple folks we didn't get to talk to very much - like the newly-engaged Mark & Jaeme - CONGRATS - what a great place to get engaged! THANKS Jenn for always jumpin out of the LC to take videos of all of us! It's great to see from another perspective! Everyone - your pictures are absolutely incredible! Considering Brendan & I completely missed the one sunset that was spectacular - I'm glad everyone got such great shots of it!


Perpetual Transient

Brandon and Anna at the mouth of the Two Hearted


Sunday morning, the morning grouch still slumbering.. hahahaa


After having the raffle Sunday morning (what a great raffle it was too with very nice prizes, thanks for everyone who contributed) we rolled out to Crisp Point. In this shot, Brendan consolidating fuel at Crisp Point.


Brian's sweet diesel 40


Climbing the Crisp Point lighthouse


Flex at the hatch in the top of the lighthouse


At the top of the lighthouse


The next stop after Crisp Point was the old life saving station of Vermillion. This shot is from one of the old outbuildings.


The crew in route to Whitefish Point from Vermillion


Perpetual Transient

The Rooney's on the climb near Iroquois Pt




Hod (who was often heard exclaiming "and its totally stock!")and Joash on the steep/sandy decent.


Dave and the Alaskan camper







Perpetual Transient


After finally arriving at Sault Ste. Marie, the remaining crew parked at the Soo locks.


We observed a 700 foot freighter pass through the locks going up into Lake Superior, really cool.


After dinner we said our goodbyes. Jenn and I snapped a few pictures of the Edison hydro power plant in the last light. Awesome building.


with the cruiser and its patina from 6 days of offroad adventuring



We camped out that night on the western edge of the Seney National Wildlife Refuge. This is a shot of rolling back north to M28 Monday morning. It is a very remote area. We rolled back into Marquette around 12:30. What an incredible trip. It had all the elemets of greatness. The trails, the personalities, the rigs, the weather, the challenges, the outstanding vistas all combined to make it an epic trip with a little bit of everything. It was alot of planning leading up to it but as was the case last year, it was all worth it. Thanks everyone for coming along and sharing. I am already eagerly anticipating next year's event and hope to see all of you again around the campfire...... er, uh, maybe a giant trail washout with shovels in hand.:victory:

Here is the link to the album that contains more pictures as well as what I posted.

There are more video coming from Jenn. Youtube disabled the audio in the second clip so she will be updating it to a better site to host it as well as editing the the rest of the footage.


Perpetual Transient
Very nice Jenn. Yup, the song was too cool. I saw Old Crow perform a few years ago, and of their entire set, that particular song made the greatest impression on me(..pickin' me bouquet of dog-wood flowers....classic)- enough to inspire me to record a cover- complete with four part harmony, and all the fixins except the fiddle parts which I did on electric guitar. It was so much fun. So if you (or anybody else) wants to hear an Indian singing WAGON WHEEL, send me a pm and I'll send you a CD. :) I don't know how to post an audio link..

@Josie-24- I love your pictures. Especially the comp and tones in #5.Wow!

I would love to hear it, I think Jenn is going to be PMing you too about it. She's enroute to Colorado right now so might not be today. This reminds me, next year we need to bring instruments and have a jam around the campfire. I know a few of us this year that play and it would have been great.


this was a great weekend. I had chance to go on another run that weekend and do some hard, technical wheeling but I chose this run. I made the right choice!!


nice to see we have the "digital documentation" thing down as a whole :D

cool set with the people their vehicles!


I would love to hear it, I think Jenn is going to be PMing you too about it. She's enroute to Colorado right now so might not be today. This reminds me, next year we need to bring instruments and have a jam around the campfire. I know a few of us this year that play and it would have been great.

That would be great. I had brought my guitar but somehow just didn't get around to bringing it out that last night. Shame on me.



That would be great. I had brought my guitar but somehow just didn't get around to bringing it out that last night. Shame on me.


I kept thinking of that scene from Role Models with the dude mad at the camping guitarists that can't actually play an entire song.

Well, I sound good to me dang it!


Thornton Melon's Kid
That huge Sammi we passed in Houghton/Hancock was a buddy of Mark's he claimed. He is on another board I frequent.

Dave, I told you you would have a great time!


Next year maybe head west towards the Porkies? We are debating a trip out west though and we will have to wait and see if it will interfere with the UPOA.

I have all my photos up. I will put a link to the album up in the near future.
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Whoa, we have been cleaning out our camping stuff and the Jeep since monday and I'm still finding sand everywhere. This whole trip got me interested again in tent camping instead of the camper, but a/c and a micro is so nice...


Perpetual Transient
For you facebookers, join the facebook group. Search for Upper Penisula Overland and post up some of your pictures.


That huge Sammi we passed in Houghton/Hancock was a buddy of Mark's he claimed. He is on another board I frequent.

Dave, I told you you would have a great time!


Next year maybe head west towards the Porkies? We are debating a trip out west though and we will have to wait and see if it will interfere with the UPOA.

I have all my photos up. I will put a link to the album up in the near future.

The Porkies would be cool!! I used to work for Mead and cruised timber in the western UP and the area is remote and the trails are great.

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