UJOR Build Thread


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Wheels & tires for V4 are mounted! So excited to see it coming together. We're finally starting to catch up on some deadlines so we can get V4 together. Little pieces here & there ready for final assy.


Ambo progress



Expedition goofball

That's some very serious bling, I can't wait to see V4 rolling out.
How much for one of the stock bling? And two center caps?


Expedition goofball
If you could pretty please put two caps and one stock al wheel on the side for me? I should be able to swing by this summer to grab 'em
Just text me a price, thanks Chris!

Yes, omgwtfbbqlol those caps!


Expedition Leader

Chris, if you get a chance, would you ask him what awning model and length that is? I have a Wheeled Coach also, and that is the exact setup I need for mine.

I love his use of marine hatch covers as windows also, even if they are a little 'bug-eyed' looking! :)


New member
I think it's a standard top mount Fiamma. I'll have to check the model at the shop. The hatches are great. Poked around til I found some new/salvage at http://www.minneysyachtsurplus.com/. He has some more. Size 50 sit in the frame perfectly on mine. I also have a link to 3d CAD download I can post if you're interested. I have a fairly extensive 3d model of my rig. Wish I could find a download of the cab. Hadn't thought about them protruding. I think they're lower profile than the Seitz and seem way more robust and maintainable to me. The Seitz just don't seem like an offroad product to me.


Expedition Leader
I think it's a standard top mount Fiamma. I'll have to check the model at the shop. The hatches are great. Poked around til I found some new/salvage at http://www.minneysyachtsurplus.com/. He has some more. Size 50 sit in the frame perfectly on mine. I also have a link to 3d CAD download I can post if you're interested. I have a fairly extensive 3d model of my rig. Wish I could find a download of the cab. Hadn't thought about them protruding. I think they're lower profile than the Seitz and seem way more robust and maintainable to me. The Seitz just don't seem like an offroad product to me.

Not to hijack Chris' thread, but real quickly... That awning runs full length and still fits between the marker lights which is perfect, and that's what I'm looking for.

Not slamming the hatch covers at all. I was thinking of doing the same thing, which is probably why I noticed them right away. I've been hearing some bad things about the Seitz also, namely the cheap quality.

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