I wonder what is creating the issue on the vans you are talking about. I have 15,000 miles on my coil kit and it drives like a dream. Currently we are in Mexico where hitting 1 foot potholes at 70mph is not uncommon. Super happy with my kit.
Too much stress and angle on the drag link/trac bar. DW is common on stock F series trucks, adding lift only makes it worse.
This is the first time you have ever been able to put the words "I sell MGs kit" anywhere for the public to see. You have been really good at referring to "our" coil kit or "the" coil kit whenever its discussed on a public place. For as long as you have sold the kit I think thats intentional and your capitalizing on the fact that MG doesn't care for whatever reason. I wouldn't think much of this but as soon as you got Van Compass's lift kit for a couple transits you couldnt seem to keep them out of your descriptions and went as far as to talk about how amazing the parts are and how impressed you were. Its just not cool.
And then you go as far as to put your logo on his kit to help you "identify" what you have sold. Very clever. Did you do the same for the Van Compass lifts? If only there was some sort of identification for every vehicle ever made that could be used in this sort of situation...
I've stated many times that the coil kit we sell is from MG. It doesn't make any sense to explain that the kit was designed and built by someone else for every kit that I sell or time that I mention it. Just confuses the customer, not necessary, not important unless I decide to get into the business of stoking someones ego. I don't have the time. MG should only be concerned with how many kits I'm ordering and selling, especially because its easy $$ for him at this point. Phone call/email, make $$ w/o doing anything. I sold more coil kits than him anyway, if I had someone outselling me with my own product I'd be ecstatic. Thats a dream as far as owning a business goes!
The MG brackets are part of an entire kit that we sell to make a van 4wd. It doesn't come to us complete, we finish it and make/source all of the additional parts needed to actually build a 4wd van so I see no issue adding our logo to it for our own clever inside reasons. I get a TON of emails about vans that are already 4wd and this helps me ID them because I don't require VIN#s when we sell parts. What should I do if someone buys a kit in stages and it winds up on another van? There are many many reasons to add the gear logo.
The VanCompass kit is complete, comes to us done and ready for install, not apples to apples. We've done TWO Transit lifts, one was my own. I've sold almost 30 coil conversions. Big difference.
I'll be announcing our new modified coil kit parts next week as a complete package. Have a good weekend