UJOR Build Thread


Some sort of lost...
Winnar winnar chicken dinnar!!
brianjwilson and jsweezy; hopefully us Oregonian van'ers can soon welcome you to the UJOR family! :)

Me too. My (8 month pregnant) wife didn't think it was too funny when I mentioned leaving work (Louisiana) in a week, and flying to MN to drive a van home.... Guess I'm going to have to wait until the kid comes before I run off any more than necessary. ;)

New shocks installed on Vandiana Jones yet?


Der Chef der Fahrzeuge
Me too. My (8 month pregnant) wife didn't think it was too funny when I mentioned leaving work (Louisiana) in a week, and flying to MN to drive a van home.... Guess I'm going to have to wait until the kid comes before I run off any more than necessary. ;)

New shocks installed on Vandiana Jones yet?

I might know of someone reputable who might help drive the van back.
Not yet; waiting for 2 more Foxies to arrive. Long list of goodies(see my thread)--exciting!


We have a check list since its a lot of little things and helps us when putting it all back together. Wires at the engine, PS lines, PS shaft, drain the AC, coolant, pull the radiator, intake tubes, transmission shifter cable, e-brake, sure there are a few things I'm forgetting. Obviously have to remove the carpet or floor liner, seats.

Can we see that list? : )


Expedition Leader
Me too. My (8 month pregnant) wife didn't think it was too funny when I mentioned leaving work (Louisiana) in a week, and flying to MN to drive a van home.... Guess I'm going to have to wait until the kid comes before I run off any more than necessary. ;)

New shocks installed on Vandiana Jones yet?

Didn't you just finish your Taco? Going the opposite direction that I took it appears... 4X4 vans are sweet tho...


Some sort of lost...
Didn't you just finish your Taco? Going the opposite direction that I took it appears... 4X4 vans are sweet tho...

Yep, pretty much! Have new leaf springs waiting at home to try out before I sell it. Lol

The Tacoma and FWC have been awesome. But a (not so planned) second kid is very near and we are running out of room in the Tacoma and camper. I was able to get another small car to drive at home too it changes the requirements for a camping rig. I hope this will break the cycle of back to back builds for me though!

Thanks again to Chris for being so responsive and thorough with the emails!
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Supporting Sponsor
Work work work!

Another new arrival, 7.3 Chateau. Nice clean van.


Touchdown on the 6.0. Running, Sterling installed, working that punch list. Still needs to go out for Rhino and then flares with some other goodies.



You can see the pan in this pic

Or not, which is really what I was after. Not sure I like the thought of an aluminum pan hanging down too low but it appears that it doesn't. I know SMB put skid plates on for some folks. Thanks again and back to your regular programming:)


Some sort of lost...
This may be covered somewhere else in the 457 pages :Wow1: but what kind of castor angle are you welding up the spring perches for? And what does the relationship between the pinion and the driveline look like with a 6" lift and CV driveshaft?

I know it's mostly irrelevant with the hubs unlocked, or with hubs locked but the front axle not being driven. But I'm curious still. I would assume this would be the main reason to choose a pro rock 60 (custom setup pinion/castor angles) for a van vs a standard Dana 60. All else being equal, do you have a rough idea what the price difference is starting with a custom pro rock 60 housing vs a used 60 housing?

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