UK Toyota Hilux


May of got it a little dirty today...



Got the tyres put on the rims today... the spare was a pain as the tyre had never been mounted on a rim before and the beads had collapsed in on them selfs so getting a seal to pump air in was never impossible... even tried the WD40 inflation trick but even that wouldnt work!!

In the end we had to put a inner tube in to expand the beads and once we had it inflated we gave up and left the tube in haha

No pictures though! its too dark now and it needs a wash first

Aux Battery ordered and the CTEK 250S came down the other day so the Aux Battery install will be next up

I have given up on the roof console idea but i have found somewhere very neat to hide some switches

All in good time ;)


I have been stock piling a selection of electrical goodies recently so I can complete all the wiring in one go rather then adding buts and bobs and creating a mess haha

What I currently have sat waiting to go in...

Varta AGM dual purpose battery
CTEK 250S DC to DC charger
Custom Switch Panel (as above)
200 amp solinoid
X2 200 amp circuit breakers
A simple 4 way fuse holder
A Common Feed 10 way fuse holder
Carling switches
And a **** load of wire to tie it all together :)


Yes the solinoid is is to self jump

I haven't decided yet where or not to run a relay to disconnect the CTEK unit when the batteries batteries are joined mainly just for peace of of mind

Would be simple to to do I guess just run the same switch wire from the solinoid to a relay on the supply side of the ctek

What What do you think?


I have been told (and don't take this as gospel), that you can self jump with jumper cables and leave the ctek hooked up... NOW... if that is true, there should be no issues using the solenoid while the cteck is hooked up. Perhaps an email to ctek could confirm. I am interested as this is the direction I am going.

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