unURBAN Adventures - Alaska to Argentina to AFRICA!


Lalibela and the road north

Our first stop going north from Addis Ababa was Lalibela. In Lalibela you find one of those rare historical sites in the world that you struggle to believe even if you are staring right at it. The roch hewn churches in Lalibela are carved out of solid rock, and there are thirteen of them!


The local history explains that the kingdom of Lalibela got help from God to make the churches. Some archeologists on the other hand, have estimated that it took about 40 000 men to build these over a period of about 80 years. Anyway, they are IMPRESSIVE!


Fortunately, it was market day when we arrived, and for the first time in Ethiopia we could walk around without being followed by begging kids. We got the impression that the kids in Lalibela had been thought in school to welcome tourists and not ask for money or pens. It was a great experience to see daily life and not being the center of attention which is often the case if we stop along the way somewhere.


An interesting thing we found was that lots of bags from USAID were sold on the market. Further north we saw more warehouses filled with bags of rice, maize, and flour. This is actually the first time in Africa we’ve seen food aid for poor areas.


From Lalibela we drove straight north over the mountains, and this is along with Turkana some of the most beautiful landscapes we’ve seen in Africa. The road takes you up to about 4000 meters, the hills are terraced for farming, and in the valleys below are canyons and rivers. Amazing!




More soon!


Northern Ethiopia

Before I start writing this blog I would like to write short about the Ethiopian salaries and also the cost level in Ethiopia. During our stay this is level of salaries we have been told about: a small scale farmer maybe make 500 birr (26 USD) a month, a security guard at a hotel makes 1000-1300 birr (55 – 72 USD) a month and a truck driver that drives all over Northern Ethiopia makes 2000 birr (110 USD) a month. In Debark area a sheep costs about 600 birr (33 USD) and a draft pint in a local bar costs 10 birr (50 cents USD), but of course everything that gets close to tourists costs a bit more. I think we tourists should have the local price level in mind when we travel and trade with locals, and especially when it comes to tipping. Even if we think a tip is small compared to the price level we are used to at home we have to remember that a tip of 50 birr (2,5 USD) is 8 % the cost of a sheep or 5 beers in a local bar. Norwegian price level is pretty high, but if someone gave me a tip of 5 beers in Norway it would be equal to a tip of more than 50 USD.

Ok, then it is time for the blog. After a beautiful drive north from Lalibela we reached the Tigray region of Ethiopia. On the drive north the landscape and building techniques changed.


Close to Lalibela most people lived in round mud huts, while up in Tigray most of the houses were square and built of rocks.


The landscape in Tigray is also amazing, and what makes this an even more fascinating area to visit, are the rock-hewn churches that are cut into the red rock in the area.
After reading about these churches, we found some that we wanted to visit. First stop was the 10th century Abraha Atsbeha church. It was carved out of a small cliff face and was only free from the rock on three sides, only attached to the rock on the back side. On the front of the church, the Italians (back in the days) had attached a newer section to the church to show the locals they were not Muslims. From the outside it looked really strange.


To enter the churches in Tigray costs 150 birr per person per church (so for the two of us it is equal to half a sheep in Debark) and this price was posted on the entrance of the Abraha Atsbeha church. When we arrived the priest was sleeping outside the church in the shade of a tree, and a local boy woke him up for us. As we were looking around in the church he fell asleep on a chair. After visiting the church we were going to pay for the ticket, and he seemed really upset that we would like a recipe. We do not know if that was because he could then not take the money himself or if it made him embarrassed because it turned out that he could not write. Fair enough. Espen wrote the recipe. After paying our fee the priest asked if he could have some money too. We replied “no”, as we had paid our fee to the church, and we assumed that he, as a priest, will be paid from the church. It could be that this assumption is wrong, of course, and maybe the Ethiopian church takes the whole entry fee and does not pay their priests at all?

In Hawsien we spent the night in a local hotel and eat dinner at Gheralta restaurant in town. The restaurant was owned by a young local man who used to work as a cook in a hotel in Lailibela until he started his own restaurant in his home town. It is a quiet town, and he hoped for some more tourists to come to visit this area of Ethiopia. Please do if you’re there. It’s the best restaurant in town. To get to the Abuna Yemata Guh church we had to drive through the small town of Megab where we stopped in the city center to buy some bread. While we were parked there, we were approached by some young men who said they worked for the local guide association, and they asked if we would like to hire them as guides for the day. We kindly declined the offer.


As we got to the end of the road close to the church we had to park somewhere, and a local old man said we could park on his property under a small tree. Together with the old man was another local farmer in worn out clothes and they told us he could be our scout. We did not really know where the path went up to the church and thought it would be nice to give this man a job for 2-3 hours and we agreed on a price of 50 birr witch is not too bad, but less than the 280 birr that the guide association would charge.

The path went through some plowed fields, over a dry river, and then it started to climb up the hill. We got to a tree where we could see there was an empty seat. Our “scout” got a bit stressed, and he started to call down to someone at one of the farms. The ticket man had left his seat and was not to be found. The “scout” knew a few English words, and we asked if it would be possible to pay on the way back down because we would like to do the walk up the hill before the sun got too high in the sky and the temperature too high for Norwegians. He agreed and we walked on, but every now and then he stopped and shouted something down to the small village where someone replied to him. Then we got to another tree where three men were resting in the shade, and our “scout” stopped for a chat. After a few minutes a young priest came up the path to the tree and he spoke better English and explained that the man with the tickets was on his way. Some minutes after the priest, the ticket man arrived and we could pay our two tickets, a total of 300 birr (or half a sheep).

As we continued the walk up the hill, the priest came along with us, and also two of the “scout’s” friends. We thought they might come along up to the church to pray. When we got to a section of the path that turned into rock climbing, the priest, our scout, and the two other men explained where we should put our feet and hands (which wasn’t very complicated). Then we should probably have realized that the two last members of the group where not going up to pray, but also wanted something from us. We should have told them to turn around, but we did not say anything.


After a bit of climbing we came up to a lower stage of the church were there was a small cave turned into a tomb for monks and priests that deserved to be buried in such a holy place. From just outside the cave you could see the remains of human bones, and on the skeletons on top there was still some dried and cracked skin. Really, really strange to see as the graves I am used to see are covered with grass, and in front of the burial stone, the family plant flowers. Here it was just a pile of skeletons where the “latest arrival” is piled on top of the others.


The Abuna Yemata Guh church is carved into the red sandstone rock pinnacles that stand out as huge towers, and when we got to the top of the crack you could see how far down it was on the other side. When I get too much “air” around me, like up by this church, with a free fall of 100 meters, and we are 300 meters over the valley floor, I kind of freeze. So I did not go the last meters up where you have to walk a few meters on a one meter wide ledge over this 100 meter free fall to get to the entrance door of the church.


Espen and the rest of our group of one priest and by now three “scout’s” walked up the last bit while I was sitting and enjoying the silence and the incredible view. How anyone come up with the idea to build a church in a place like this I don’t know, and what did it take to carve it into the rock in such surroundings about a 1000 years ago? They could handle the height a lot better than me for sure.


Espen was fascinated about how they were able to build (or carve) this church, and when asking, the reply from the priest was that God made the church and put it in this location. From an Orthodox Christian point of view that is how this church is made, but to an engineer from Northern Europe this is not much of an explanation. Would explain the tolerance for heights, though...


On the walk back down our group stopped again at the second tree. The priest told us this is a holly olive tree and therefore we had to take a rest. That is what people do at holy trees. While obeying the local traditions and we had our rest, the priest took up the question about payment once more. We explained that we had agreed a price with our one “scout” at the parking before we started our hike. The priest said we had tree “scout’s”, and we should pay them all. We said we had never made a deal with the two last “scout’s”, they had just tagged along without even asking or making an agreement with us. And why would the two of us need three “scout’s” to walk up a hill? After all we are still able to walk on our two legs and use our eyes to look for places to put our feet and hands. Then the priest asked for a tip for himself since he had unlocked the church for us. Our reply was that we had already paid 300 birr to see the church, and we thought that he as a priest would get his salary from the church. He then continued to tell us about his family and how poor they were, and he had a wife and children to take care of. I know we have more money than this priest, and compared to us, he is poor. But compared to the local farmer we had hired as a “scout” in the first place, he had new sneakers, nice pants with no holes or patches on them, a nice shirt, a jacket, and a mobile phone. Since he had been a nice guy, explained things and translated for us, until he started asking for money, we thought we could give him 10 birr as that was the smallest change we had. He looked really disappointed and as he was holding up the 10 birr he said in English that other tourists would pay him 50-100 birr in tip. The questions about money continued and we tried to explain to the priest and made him translate to the “scout’s” that the way they were dealing with tourists is not the way to go. When we first got up to the church the priest said he hoped we would tell our friends about the churches in Tigray so more tourists would visit them. We now told him we would tell about all the hassle and greedy priests. And if the “scout’s” want to do business with tourist they have to agree on a price first, not just tag along and demand to be paid.

Our original “scout” followed us back to the car to get his payment for his 3 hours of work. As we were walking, he asked Espen if he could have Espen’s trousers, and when Espen said no he asked if he could have Espen’s shoes. You could see he really needed them, but Espen also needs his shoes. By now we had enough of questions about giving money and giving things. We paid him the money we had agreed on, said thanks for his help and left.

Back at the Gheralta Resturant we needed a cold drink and a coffee to digest all the hassle and appreciate a local running an honest business. In the restaurant we meet a German couple, and it turned out they had visited Abuna Yemata Guh the day before and they had also got in a discussion about money with the priest and the number of “scout’s” they had to pay for. He had also told them about his poor family. A week after leaving Tigray we meet another overlander that visited the church after us, and he had had the same discussion with the priest about the number of “scout’s” and giving tip when you already paid a pretty steep entry fee according to Ethiopian standards. When we meet other travelers and talked about these churches it is sad that what we remember most vividly is hassle and begging priests.

After visiting two churches in Tigray we had enough of the greedy priests and left this beautiful area and headed to Aksum. We would have liked to visited more sights in the area, but it was just too much hassle. We hope that one day the church and the priests realize that the way they behave is bad for their reputation. If they do not like to show their churches to tourists, it is better to say so, but if they want tourist’s money they should also have to behave in a better way. I do understand that people in Ethiopia beg for money from tourists because we have so much more than them. But I expect a different behavior from a priest, maybe that is my mistake. In my opinion they do not behave as a priest should. The priests in Tigray behave worse than the beggars on the street.
Axum, considered the holiest city in Ethiopia, was our next stop. The Church of Our Lady Mary of Zion is said to house the biblical Ark of the Covenant and is an important destination for pilgrimage. We, however, visited Axum because we were more interested in its earlier history. From about 400 BC to 10th century AD, Axum was a trading power and ruled the region.


The kings of Axum had some incredible obelisks made to put on top of their tombs. The Great Stelae is 33 meter tall and weighs 520 tons, but now it lay broken in pieces on the ground.


It is believed the stelae fell and broke under construction. Beside the stelaes, tombs, and some palace ruins, we also saw the Axum Rosetta stones. The Ezana stone is from around 350 AD inscribed in three languages; Sabaean, Ge’ez and Ancient Greek. Beside a few people that wanted to be our guides or sell us something, but respected our “no”. There was no hassle in Axum and that was great after visiting the churches in Tigray. After a couple of interesting days in Axum it was time to leave northern Ethiopia and drive south towards Simien Mountains.



Simian Mountains


The Simian Mountains was one of the first must-see places on our list when we started planning for Africa. Many overlanders have discussed back and forth if this area is safe to visit, but apparently all are believe this is a magical place. For a long time, however, it has been recommended not to travel the “historical loop” in Northern Ethiopia, but lately this has changed. Most tourist fly in to the nearest town to the main attractions, but we met some traveling over land as well.

From the begging priests in Tigray and the tall stelaes of Axum, we head east and then south towards Gonder. The road to Sudan go west from Gonder, and this is the northern most bordercrossing between Ethiopia and Sudan open to tourists. There are roads further to the north, but the border area here is not considered safe due to the conflict between Ethiopia and Eritrea. Many people in these areas have been forced to move from their homes, and there are refugee camps on both sides of the border. It seems quiet and safe along the main roads, but it is not a very long time ago that conditions were very different. Along the main road just south of Shire is one of the refugee camps in the area.


It is a strange feeling to travel through and area where you know there was a terrible war just over ten years ago.

Most travelers going to the Simian Mountains drive north from Gonder and then the same way back out. We came south from Axum and crossed the mountains on our way to Gonder. And of course we stopped for a few days to take in the scenery.


In the Simian National Park it is mandatory to bring an armed guard. Some travelers tried to get in without, but this is not possible at the time. We do not believe it is necessary though, but it is more money for the locals who are trained as “scouts”. We suspect that this park has changed a lot the last few years, and there is now a good gravel road going all the way through the park. In and around this park there are about 20 000 people farming the land. Our plan was to stay a few days in the mountains for hiking, but we ended up driving more than hiking. The scenery is great, but we found the area to be a little too crowded and developed for the good mountaineering feeling.



According to our scout is Bwahit Mountain the second highest in Ethiopia with its 4430 meters (14535 ft). We parked the Patrol at 4130 meters and walked the rest. Not exactly what we had in mind when we talked about the Simians months before, but hiking along a gravel road wasn’t in our plans either. And I like to drive…


The mountains ARE beautiful, but we were a little disappointed when it came to the possibilities for hiking.

The Simians are also known for the Gelada Baboons. This is a baboon with a thick fur that protects it from the cold weather in the high mountains. Those living close to the camps were relatively comfortable with people, so we had to keep windows and doors closed at all times…



Gonder has a castle. A real medieval castle. We weren’t prepared to find anything like this in Africa, but there it was. It was built by an emperor called Fasiladas in sixteen-hundred-and-something.


Our last stop in Ethiopia we talked about as “the decompression stop”. I think we were both tired and a little worn out after more than six weeks travels in a fantastic country. There is more than 90 million people living in Ethiopia, and there are people everywhere. Because of this traveling here can be quite intense, but we had no problems of any kind. People are very friendly. Still, it was good to drive in to Tim and Kim’s Camp by Lake Tana. This is a Dutch couple running a great camp site (and they have cabins as well), and every overlander coming up the east coast stops here (and you should!). There are no people around trying to sell you stuff or begging for money. As Norwegians we are used to a bit of “space”, and it was good to have a little break here. We stayed six days reading and relaxing.


There wasn’t many other overlanders in camp, and according to Tim and Kim this was the quiet time of year. The Sahara is too hot in the north, and Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda has rainy season in the south. Fortunately, we had excellent entertainment….


And the GPS was loaded with maps for Sudan!


New member
Hi E&M

I have just spent several hours over the last two days reading your incredible journal of your travels. I am so sorry i did not find your adventures earlier as I live in Botswana and would have loved to meet up with you and host you for a couple of days. As you have said several times throughout your travels - "maybe next time". I have long dreamed of travelling as you do and when the opportunity presents itself I will surely use your travel experiences as a guide. Enjoy the rest of your African adventure and safe travels.




Currently we are on the island of Oahu Hawaii. I have just spent fours hours of my morning poring over this thread and your website. Your journey has been inspirational. My wife Tas and I are planning our over landing trip and we were planning the basic same route you guys have taken. We`ll be in our 85 FJ60 Land Cruiser "ZEVRO". I know your running a diesel but I was curious if you paid attention to gasoline availability? What was your availability for diesel like? I`ve heard gasoline is easier to come by. Is this true in your travels?
Well, may the road to anywhere be safe and smooth. We will be following your trial in the near future.
Charlie & Tas


Expedition Leader

Really enjoyed your recent posts and info about wages, money and so forth in Ethiopia. I think your experience as a world traveler is really showing in these posts. Not only are you posting but you are also thinking with an open mind and considering all possibilities. The priest who maybe gets no wage for example. I think this really helps when traveling in understanding what is going on around you and why. It at the least is the right frame of mind to travel in. I have dealt with the people just asking for money and usually for me it was the types that had been given money before by previous travelers in one way or another. A friend of mine said something to me once that really stuck while we were on the road to Panama. That was, "you have a responsibility as a traveler to set an example for those that come after you. If you toss around money or act in negative ways the people here will learn that all those like you do this." That really stuck home with me and stuck and I have thought about it a lot since. I think you are doing an excellent job of setting the example for those who will follow in your footsteps (or tire tracks!).




Currently we are on the island of Oahu Hawaii. I have just spent fours hours of my morning poring over this thread and your website. Your journey has been inspirational. My wife Tas and I are planning our over landing trip and we were planning the basic same route you guys have taken. We`ll be in our 85 FJ60 Land Cruiser "ZEVRO". I know your running a diesel but I was curious if you paid attention to gasoline availability? What was your availability for diesel like? I`ve heard gasoline is easier to come by. Is this true in your travels?
Well, may the road to anywhere be safe and smooth. We will be following your trial in the near future.
Charlie & Tas

Are you shipping your rig to the mainland or is already there?



The truck is still in Oahu and will be shipping back to the mainland through Matson. It will be about $1200 to ship RORO.

steve c

Really enjoying your trip. I started reading a few days ago. It's strange to time travel 3 years through someone else's writings.





All the travelers we have met on this continent have told us Sudan has the friendliest people in Africa. We were looking forward to meet the people in Sudan, and we were curious about the country since most of what we read about Sudan in the media is bad news. The same can be said about media’s coverage for many of the countries we have visited on this trip, for example Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Colombia, and Ethiopia. From reading the news, none of these countries would be on the top of my list of counties to go to on a holiday. The good thing about traveling overland is that you are kind of forced to travel through countries that you would not have thought to visit otherwise.

Sudan is the second country on this trip where we had to apply for a visa before we got to the border. The first was Ethiopia. From what we heard from other travellers, the procedures on how to get the visa, how long the processing takes, and how many days you get on the visa, all depends on the embassy where you apply. In a combination of dealing with the embassies in Oslo and in Addis, we got a 60 days tourist visa, and were ready to enter Sudan.

One thing you should know before you enter is that Sudan does not have any international ATMs. Your Visa and MasterCard will be useless. The reason for this is U.S. sanctions against Sudan, and the consequence is that you have to bring in cash that you can change into Sudanese Pounds when you get there. American dollars are the most favorable currency, which I though was quite ironic. When we checked online, the official exchange rate is 1 USD = 4, 4 Sudanese Pounds, but on the black market, 1 USD can give you 6, 5 Sudanese Pounds. Luckily we had stocked up on enough USD in Nairobi. Other travelers we met, tried to get USD in a few cities in Ethiopia, but it is only the banks in Addis Ababa that are allowed to sell USD.

Crossing the border from Ethiopia was pretty straight forward, just a little bit time consuming as everything have to be written down in the right books. We thought we would wild camp somewhere along the road on our first day in Sudan, but roads were amazingly good. We drove the 580 km to Khartoum after crossing the border in the morning. After Ethiopia with all the people, cattle, and goats on the roads, this was quite a change.



After entering Sudan you have three days to register your visa. For us the easiest place to do the registration was at Khartoum Airport the day after we arrived. At the airport parking lot, a local car pulled up to us, and a man asked if he could take some photos of the Patrol. He had a friend who was rebuilding a Patrol and would like to show him ours. Later in the afternoon we were driving around Khartoum looking for the office where you get your photo-and-travel-permit. A car pulled up behind us and was really honking the horn. We hesitated, but stopped and a man walked up to us. It turned out he was “the friend with the Patrol”, and he even had a photo of Espen and the man from the airport in front of our Patrol on his phone. He and some local overland-friends would meet the next day for dinner, and he would like to invite us to join them.

Next day we meet in a garage owned by one of the men, and in the end ten people showed up. Espen and the other men discussed vehicles and different off road options. Some in this group wanted to drive to Tanzania, and they had some questions for us about roads and the countries they wanted to visit. From the garage we moved on to the “the best local fish restaurant in Khartoum” for dinner. The food was really good. It was a great group of interesting people, and we had a fantastic day. Thank you, Khartoum overlanders, for the hospitality!!!


Some locals we talked to in stores etc. asked us what kind of work we were doing in Sudan. We told them that we were tourists and just travelling around. They were apparently not used to tourists, only foreigners coming to Sudan on some kind of business. One boy did not think there was much to see for a tourist in his country. We tried to explain to him that for us the old temples, pyramids and the desert is exotic, and well worth a visit.

In Khartoum we also stopped by the National Museum. Outside, they had three temples that were moved from Wadi Halfa area to save them from the raising water in the Lake Nubia / Nasser after the High Dam was built. As we were looking around in the main Museum a school class entered the museum, and after a little while it seemed like we became a bigger attraction than what was on display in the museum. Many of the students came over and asked “What is your name?” and “Where do you some from?” and then other questions they could come up with. I think they were practicing their English. Then they wanted photos taken with me, and after a while the teachers also wanted their photos taken.



One of the teachers had not listened to my reply when the students asked me where I was from, and he asked me if I was from China? You just have to smile at this question, and reply no. In Ethiopia we were also asked if we were from China a few times. I guess that is a valid question if you do not meet many foreigners, and they have probably heard quite a bit about the Chinese as they do a lot of work in these countries.


After visiting all the good local restaurants in Khartoum like Subday, Star Box and Facefood it was time to leave the big city and get into the desert.



Nubian Pyramids

The road from Khartoum to the border of Egypt is not as remote as it used to be. Both the direct route from Khartoum to Dongola and the route along the Nile are now new modern highways. Locals told me it is possible to drive from Wadi Halfa to Khartoum in one very long day. Even the eastern route along the railway is mostly paved due to all the mining in the area. Fortunately, it is still easy to get off the highway and just keep driving into the desert.

A few hours north of Khartoum we found some tracks going off from the highway heading south. According to our GPS, this looked to be the direction towards the old temples of Naqa. After almost an hour on a dusty track we found the ruins. A guard came out of a shack and sold us two tickets, and then went with us to open a gate in the fence surrounding the temple. We were the only people there, other than the guard.



As we were quite a bit off the main road, we discussed if we should find a place out here to set up camp for the night. Normally we don’t like to bush camp to close to a main road, and we didn’t know how easy it would be to get off and away from the road further on. This would also be our first real bush camp for months! Is was still early in the afternoon, so we decided to keep driving for another couple of hours, and perhaps reach the Pyramids of Meroe. As we drove north, the landscape became more and more desert-ish, and we saw we could drive off the road and camp almost everywhere. We reached the pyramids, and after looking around for a while, we drove up a hill behind them where we set up camp. Great views!


With such a nice camping spot we were not the first ones to camp here. The local sales people knew about it. As we woke up the next morning the marked had arrived to our camp and they had even taken our shade. Three boys and a man had laid out their merchandise next to the Patrol and were just waiting for us to get up. Espen climbed down the ladder from the roof top tent, had a 4 minutes look and told them we would not buy anything. They packed up and left. We got our shadow back and could eat breakfast without spectators.



The next morning we went to play around the pyramids. We didn’t last long in the sun, though. Way over 40 degrees Celsius. It was great to get back into the car, turn on the air-con, and drink some water. While in Sudan we drank at least 5-6 liters of water each every day, and still felt dehydrated.



It is really nice to be able to just pull off the highway and drive a kilometer into the desert and set up camp. As the Sudanese upgraded the roads, they also put up a mobile network, giving almost a 100% coverage all the way from Khartoum to the Egyptian border. This means that as long as you are not more than a few kilometers from the main road, you’ll have excellent internet connection through your mobile phone. Both good and bad, I guess…


Crossing the Nile after driving for hours and hours through the dessert is kind of surreal. The Nile is a narrow band of fertile land snaking its way for through the desert to the Mediterranean Ocean.


On our way north we also visited Jebel Barkal in Karima, and just outside Dongola, the oldest man made structure south of Sahara. The Western Deffufa was built of adobe bricks about 3500 years ago.


Not really sure why, but on many of the temples we see traces of earlier explorers’ marks. Most are quite old, though, but it is still difficult to understand why it is so important to carve your name into a 3000 year old temple.


Wadi Halfa is the final destination in Sudan for most overlanders. The authorities on both sides have promised now for years that the land border will open soon. Perhaps next month. That the barge owners make more money shipping goods across the border than trucking it is clear, and I have a feeling that somehow parts of this profit find its way to the authorities making the final call as well. If this is the case, it is sad that a region is held down by such a slow and inefficient transport service, especially when the roads and the border have been finished and ready for a long time.

And of course we’ll let you know all about the shipping (barge’ing) process, but not in this post.

More soon!


Lost abound

New member

Just stumbled across your thread, very informative, inspirational and with some great pics.
We are planning a trip for next year in our Troopy camper from London through Central Asia then south to Cape Town.

Sudan looks to be very hospitable, Sudan and Ethiopia are both on the australian travel advisors hotlist for 'travel not recommended' but it looks to be pretty safe from your posts. Did you ever feel at risk in either of these countries?

How do you plan on entering Europe from Africa? We are planning Italy - Tunisia - Libya - Egypt. Although not so sure about Libya at this stage. Would be interested to see how you go.

Did you ship your vehicle from South America to South Africa with all your contents or had to remove and send separately?


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