URE!8 Uwharrie Rover Expedition!8


The info you've all been waiting for.. the official registration for URE!8.

This event will be held in the Uwharrie National Forest in Central North Carolina October 21-23, 2011. We certainly hope that you find the information you need in the link below, and that you have the opportunity to come out!

URE!8 Information and Registration

Hope you can join us; it looks like it will be a great year!!
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Per the hit on the 'new to me 6.2L diesel...' thread (to mitigate further hijacking there); I may well try to make it down. I hit the link and looked at the google map, looks to be ~6hrs transit time...for some reason I thought it was further from NoVA.
Per the hit on the 'new to me 6.2L diesel...' thread (to mitigate further hijacking there); I may well try to make it down. I hit the link and looked at the google map, looks to be ~6hrs transit time...for some reason I thought it was further from NoVA.

Charles,Bobeck, and I are also planning on going.
Caravan ?


Per the hit on the 'new to me 6.2L diesel...' thread (to mitigate further hijacking there); I may well try to make it down. I hit the link and looked at the google map, looks to be ~6hrs transit time...for some reason I thought it was further from NoVA.

6 hour drive for me too. Hope you can make it... However, I'd watch out for Doug, Dave and Charles... Nothing but trouble from them boys ;)


6 hour drive for me too. Hope you can make it... However, I'd watch out for Doug, Dave and Charles... Nothing but trouble from them boys ;)

Very true regarding Doug, Dave and Charles...

Maybe on the caravan-based off the ROAV thread it looks like you guys are going down Thurs? I/we may not be able to go down till Fri (would still be worth it), I need to deconflict all of this with higher authority when she gets back from a trip and determine if it is going to be feasible. Since we're out for Rovers on the Rocks b/c of a schedule conflict this would be a good way to get another wheeling event in over the early fall.


Expedition Leader
I'm registered and paid, can't wait. As for drives, it used to be a 5-5:30 drive for me in the IIa (at a whopping 50 mph top end!) so I'm looking forward to cutting that by at least two hours in the DI. I will admit I'll miss going through all the small towns as I used to take only 2 lane rural highways in the IIa and it was fun seeing the expressions of the people as I drove by. Hmmm coil spring comfort on the trail, this will be nice!


Supporting Sponsor
Don't scratch the White Camel Matt- I'll bring a hammer for the first dent;-) Ready for the front bumper setup yet? I just got another XD, and thinking it may go on it with a 200:)

I am not sure if URE will compare to the roadtrip with that crowd- danger factor is about equal I suppose...


Dad and I will be there as usual:bike_rider: can't wait to get out there and get away from here for a few days and see everyone!


Have not registered yet, but plan on being there, for my first Land Rover event. My son will come along in his "early inheritance" 2000 Jeep TJ. We won't be there until Saturday morning since his football game is on Friday night. We are planning to camp with the Pop up and bring the wife and the two year old also.

Long trip though.... about 30 minutes for me :)

Look forward to meeting you guys.



Expedition Leader
Don't scratch the White Camel Matt- I'll bring a hammer for the first dent;-) Ready for the front bumper setup yet? I just got another XD, and thinking it may go on it with a 200:)

I am not sure if URE will compare to the roadtrip with that crowd- danger factor is about equal I suppose...

I'll do my best to keep it intact. You still haven't mounted that bumper!? I'll trade you a nice ARB for it and some factory DI running boards for it!


Something to note:

Just like the previous 2 years, we will not have a formal registration tent. We are encouraging everyone to register/pay online before October 14. However, If you are not able to pay online and need to pay at the event, we will be accepting membership fees and such at dinner that Saturday evening of the event. At this time we will also be distributing the preordered shirts as well.

We may set up a small self-service tent with trail maps and schedule board near the entrance/exit of the Badin Lake Group Camp where we will be staying.

85% of the folks going to this event, the Uwharrie Rover Expedition! (URE!), know how we, the Old North State Land Rover Society run a large event like this and know what to expect because they have been joining us every October for the past several years. For the other 15% that are going to come for the first time and have questions, please do not hesitate to ask! We DO THINGS DIFFERENTLY. This is a very laid back and relaxed event.

That said, I hope you find the opportunity to join us for an excellent weekend in October!

Again, contact us if you have any questions:
oldnorthstate@gmail.com or facebook


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