Ursa Minor Pop-Top Jeep JK


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I can also swing by UM in San Diego in the next day or so and confirm the JL and JK brackets are the same if you'd like. Just PM me on here. Happy to help.


Willing Wanderer
So it has been confirmed that the hinge assembly is the same between the models of Jeep tops. Thanks dmulk!
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Happy to help. Hope the solution works. I should be getting my top sometime in February / March from others posting time tables. ?????


Can anyone tell me if the hinge mechanism on the new JLU top is the same as the JKU series? I made the plunge tonight and ordered enough materials to build 26 sets. I don't think my wife will be very happy when she sees the CC bill, LOL!
I might be interested, as well.


Active member
Just ordered a JKURX because of this top. If I had the cash reserves, I'd have just bought BrianJWilson's rig, as it's setup pretty much perfect (IMO).
My last "overlander" was a VW Eurovan Camper. Did well in the desert/river washes, but not so well on trails with the LP tank hanging down. The pop top was awesome.
One thing that would be really advantageous would be some kind of heater. The Eurovan had an excellent forced air LP heater system, that would keep the whole van toasty in really cold nasty weather. Also kept the humidity down inside the vehicle.

Hi Scott. I know that your comment is ancient - I'm just reading it now. I too used to have a eurovan which I loved dearly. I only sold it in 2020 because I was worried that the engine and transmission wouldn't last much longer. Campervanning experience is a natural background for understanding and pursuing a j30!


Active member
John has already changed most of the things I would change: higher opening, stainless bolts, etc.

Things I would like changed/added: A external latch in addition to the internal latches on the back. I would just like the added security.
I would prefer the front of the top be latched down to the jeep the same way a normal Jeep top is. Currently John use bolts through the roll bar, which led to leaking here in Florida (would drip down the bolt right into the jeep). I have sealed it up, but I still like the idea of using the footman's loop instead. Only other item that would be a nice to have is Colorado Camper van makes something called a wee bunk that can be used for gear or kids. If that could be incorporated in that would be awesome

Only Mod I have made is to put Velcro on the panels to keep them from bouncing around and I painted the entire top black. Top gets hot to the touch but I have no complaints about temperature inside from it.

Only thing I would have done different would have been to get a second rotopax carrier on the passenger side instead of the window. Wife would have probably went with the J180 for the room. With the J30 it gets a little tight with 2 adults kid and dog all in there at night.
Where did you install the Velcro for the panels exactly? Could you please describe in detail and send some pics?


Can't get to the jeep for pictures right now but I installed the Velcro around the lip of the panel. On the top it is the very edge of where you access / opening into the top (I believe the top has a thin lip that runs all the way around). On the panels it is the edge lip where they sit in the top when closed (edge lip will be thinner than rest of panel). Put the loop or soft side of the Velcro on the top and the hook part on panels (keeps it from grabbing stuff when you climb in). I bought a roll of Velcro at Lowe's and cut it in half length wise as this is a pretty thin area.
I did the entire lip which can make it hard to open so you may consider doing only portions. If you do whole lip push panels up in the middle where they meet as you will have better leverage.


Active member
A little off topic, but has anyone run a Smittybilt Overhead console or something of that type (http://www.smittybilt.com/product/index/92.htm) with the J30? Planning on a long trip this summer and I am looking for as much storage as possible for the smaller item as I can get so I don't have to dig for them or take up the kid/dog space.
I know you posted this 6 years ago (I'm reading my way through the UM thread to learn everything I can). What storage solutions did you land on? The smitybilt product you linked to is interesting although I worry it might not play well with the UM headliner (I don't have one yet). I'm working on creating my own maximum storage solution now by essentially adding molle everywhere I can (sun visor, seat backs, headrest backs) as well as those jk gama bags on one side of the roll bar and superee bags on the forward side. I'm also working on a molle and bag solution on the ceiling of the trunk area that won't interfere with visibility. I would love to learn what you came up with!


Smittybilt Overhead console worked fine. It blocks switch for disconnect to the bunk lights but I can still fit my hand in there to turn it on.
-I removed sound bar which gave me access to roll bar and I stuff small things (clothes) between roll bar and top. You could also just remove speakers and stuff items in the plastic sound bar. Might not be easiest to get stuff out.

-Used smittybilt seat covers for the molle

-attached springtail solution bags (http://store.springtailsolutions.com/MOLLE-Pouches_c_30.html).

-Tailgate table with molle slots/bags.

-Generic motorcycle net stretched between roll bar to hold sleeping bags.

-bags that can strap to roll bar (). Jschreb made a much better solution for this so might consider that.

-morryde rotopax side mounts for water

-dirt bagz (https://jeepswag.com/dirt-bagz-black-jeep-jk-wheel-well-saddle-bags-kit). These have been great but there are several other options that are worth looking into.

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