Hi everyone. Please forgive my frequent posts over the holidays - as a new Ursa Minor owner I've excitedly and obsessively been reading through this entire thread and flooding fellow owners with mod related questions. Here's my latest: has anyone out there experimented with the "Froli Sleep System" under their mattress? For anyone not familiar, it adds little springs under you mattress for increased comfort and the shape is configurable which may work well with the mattress/hatch shape. It looks like the 'Travel Edition' adds just 1 3/8" of height which I believe will fit without impacting the roof closing. See
https://nickleatlantic.com/collecti...i-travel-modular-bed-system?variant=709846003 . I was thinking that a double size would probably work - the Ursa Minor mattress is 85" x 51" and the double Froli is 76" x 54 which should come very close to working out when reconfigured for the shape of the UM. Froli also offers a 30 day money back guarantee in case it doesn't work. Of the 145 pages of this thread that I've read, I've not seen this topic discussed before.
FROLI editions
Travel model has the lowest installed height of 1 3/8" = 33 mm (this is the one I'm currently considering)
Star model installs a little taller at 1 3/4" = 43 mm (this one might fit, but I'm not sure)
Zona model uses baffle type springs and is the tallest with an installed height of 2 3/8" = 60 mm (I think that this one is likely too tall for the UM, but of course it's also the most comfortable).
What do you think?
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