A search on YouTube didn't return but one J30 video that I could find. Could someone do a "show and tell" of theirs? It would be great to see a walk around. Maybe try to get some perspective of space and how you maneuver from into bed and back down.
Another awning note is that my ham\cb antennas on the AEV bumper interfere with the awning. I had to install some grommets so that when deployed the radio will still work.
I don't really know. HRO in Denver hooked me up with it.Bigfish: Is that an NMO mount for your antenna? That base looks slick. Where did you find it?
I've had both the autohome airtop and I've had the J30 now for one winter season. In comparison there is way more room in the autohome (the non-clam style) which is nice really if you need to spend some time in the tent... lazy and bad weather kind of thing. The autohome was a bit better in terms of condensation build up in really cold weather. I'm in Calgary Alberta and will camp in it whenever rain/shine snow etc. Coldest so far in the J30 was about -30 celcius. With two guys there was definitely condensation,even with a window open and a bit of cross flow. Overall, I'd chose the J30 over the autohome everytime for drive ability... lower center of gravity is a huge win, and access to the inside of the jeep is a huge plus. I find the biggest benefit of the connectivity is turn on the vehicle for about 10-15 mins in the morning on those cold days and the dry warm air will expunge any of the build up condensation, which is a huge plus.
I also have the rear sliding window. It's really useful, has a screen and seems pretty sturdy. I'm sure if anyone wanted to break the latch they could, but it'd be just as easy to bust any of the other glass in the Jeep.
bigfish, where did you get the gear net that you show in that picture?
Also how about a description of the "winter panels" that you plan to make. What kind of material will you use?
Thank you.
So, I replaced my rear swaybar with a Road Master 9/8" bar (part number 1129-132). It's the same unit that Earthroamer used on the XV-JP. It virtually eliminated the sketchy top heaviness my Jeep has. I have extra weight of solar panels and other stuff. It was pretty bad and set off the traction control several times on the highway. I'd highly recommend this mod to anyone with an Ursa or other RTT. In my mind, its a safety thing, and in all seriousness, it could save your life. I just thought I'd share.
It is correct. They have a screwy description of it. I ordered this and it exactly fits my '13.