With the J30 I purchased (June 12) the window had the holes for the windshield wiper but had plugs inserted. I bought a windshield wiper off of a guy for like $70 (they are $100 new) and it is now installed on the window, however I do not have the wire harness yet, and you have to get the computer flashed to run it. I live in Florida and the rain has not made me want to spend the extra money. My advice would be buy a Jeep with the hardtop in place (it is like $800 more as part of certain packages I think) and then sell the top off so the computer is flashed and the wiring is already run. As for the water pooling I have not camped with it in the rain yet but I don't think that will be a problem. I have had the front right corner leak but it was the factory seal and it was leaking with the soft top as well. Stupid dealer wouldn't fix it, so I fixed it myself and have given feedback to John on how to spot the issue since mine was the first to have this issue.