Found some numbers for Azdel: http://www.matweb.com/search/datasheet.aspx?matguid=6fd6a598b3a84974b3abe57a6134a6a8&ckck=1
vs Lauan plywood:http://www.matweb.com/search/DataSheet.aspx?MatGUID=d00cc2310a2045a3b2636bf6a256f4cc
vs unspecified plywood: http://www.matweb.com/search/DataSheet.aspx?MatGUID=bd6620450973496ea2578c283e9fb807
30% glass FRP: http://www.matweb.com/search/DataSheet.aspx?MatGUID=065c3e17d9f04496a9eb51dedb9fb3bb
Density: Azdel is .25 g/cc vs .44 g/cc for Lauan. FRP with 30% glass is typically 1.85 g/cc.
Flexural Modulus: Azdel is 116 ksi vs 1080 ksi for Lauan... Lauan is nearly 10x stiffer. FRP is 1740 ksi.
Tensile Strength: Azdel is 1740 psi vs ~4000 psi for Lauan. FRP is 12,000 ksi.
The Azdel won't be adding much bending stiffness or strength to the panels because it's much weaker and less stiff compared to FRP. It's for impact and pressure loads I guess, though with very poor stiffness it seems like it wouldn't be great for that.
.63 cm (.25") of Azdel x .25 g/cc / 454 g/lb x 929 cm^2/ft^2 = .322 lb/ft^2. That's a decent chunk of weight for one skin, and not including the FRP.
vs Lauan plywood:http://www.matweb.com/search/DataSheet.aspx?MatGUID=d00cc2310a2045a3b2636bf6a256f4cc
vs unspecified plywood: http://www.matweb.com/search/DataSheet.aspx?MatGUID=bd6620450973496ea2578c283e9fb807
30% glass FRP: http://www.matweb.com/search/DataSheet.aspx?MatGUID=065c3e17d9f04496a9eb51dedb9fb3bb
Density: Azdel is .25 g/cc vs .44 g/cc for Lauan. FRP with 30% glass is typically 1.85 g/cc.
Flexural Modulus: Azdel is 116 ksi vs 1080 ksi for Lauan... Lauan is nearly 10x stiffer. FRP is 1740 ksi.
Tensile Strength: Azdel is 1740 psi vs ~4000 psi for Lauan. FRP is 12,000 ksi.
The Azdel won't be adding much bending stiffness or strength to the panels because it's much weaker and less stiff compared to FRP. It's for impact and pressure loads I guess, though with very poor stiffness it seems like it wouldn't be great for that.
.63 cm (.25") of Azdel x .25 g/cc / 454 g/lb x 929 cm^2/ft^2 = .322 lb/ft^2. That's a decent chunk of weight for one skin, and not including the FRP.