I have officially been SLEE'D
As the title states, I recently placed an order with Slee offroad. I wish it were a bumper/sliders or something uber cool like that, but hey you take what you can get right? Like I had mentioned before I noticed that my tie rod was bent and that my rod ends were fuuuugly. A few days later...
Here is the tie rod from slee, zinc coated to prevent rust, OEM tie rod ends from american toyota, and a hi-lift mount for my factory rack. Also from slee.
Here is a picture of the old rod when I took it off next to the new rod. I could not believe the weight difference between the two! The rod from slee is so much beefier! another benefit it has is there is no slit down the side like the OEM rod, thus preventing crud and debris getting stuck in there. I don't think I would have ever been able to get those rod ends out of there. The slee rod has a jam nut that you just tighten down to keep things in place.
note: When I was in highschool I worked at a bike shop down in the basement building bikes. My teacher/instructor/zen master at the shop beat it into my head that ANY time you have metal on metal contact, (i.e. rod end into rod) grease it up!! So that's exactly what I did. I borrowed some packing grease from my shop and greased away!
Here is the Tie rod installed. These are a few things that I learned from the experience.
1. I HATE HATE HATE the scissor jack I bought for my wifes car. Need I expound?
2. When doing the rods, just jack it up and take the wheels of from the beginning. You won't save time cutting corners.
3. Invest in a 3-5 lb sledge hammer. I was beating on those old rods for 15 minutes. ( my neighbors love me)
4. Only start at 5:30 p.m. if you have to. Otherwise save it for the morning where you wont have to work with a headlight.
5. Invest in a pickle fork. Or better yet, rent one from NAPA or vato zone.
6. Get a nice floor jack.
7. I love my landcruiser more than any other vehicle I have ever owned.
And here is my handy dandy hi-lift mount
That's all for now folks, a starter is on the list of things to do before my Death valley trip, also I need to try and refurbish my Fan clutch before then. Other than that, most of the little gremlins are being worked out. I think it's funny how on all of the 80 FAQ's about buying and driving one they mention something about the cost of ownership, and having a budget set aside for basic items. I was pretty excited when I was able to sell my truck and then buy this for 2k less that my truck sold for, I figured I would have some cash set aside for a basic upgrade item, but somehow in the last 2 months or so my budget has been whittled down to only a few hundred dollars. BUT at least I have the peace of mind that every major system of my cruiser has been gone over by me, that I have done all the pm's and have fixed most of the little gremlins that would cause me problems on my adventures. And as much as I want a set of sliders or a nice front bumper, I have fun every time I get to go out and work on my LC. I promised myself last night that I would put 150,000 miles on this myself. I'm sure there will be lots of fun adventures, great memories and interesting situations between now and then, but I know this vehicle can do anything.