UT_I_SKOGEN 80 series build


Recently took a trip to Death Valley with my dad and brother. I posted a few pics in the completed adventure section, but I thought I would put a couple on my thread.




And here is a small water crossing

<embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf" flashvars="file=http%3A%2F%2Fvid1127.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fl640%2Fsempertoy%2Fa4267499.mp4">


Very cool cruiser, what part of sd are you in? And what troop are you with? Are those pictures on ~ page 5 next to that army reserve/maintenance lot by Mesa college?


Very cool cruiser, what part of sd are you in? And what troop are you with? Are those pictures on ~ page 5 next to that army reserve/maintenance lot by Mesa college?

Thanks, Im on Miramar. Good question with the troop number, I can't think of it right now lol.. pics are of a secret location on base.


Semper, How is the Plastikote...I think that's what you used...holding up on your hood? I thought it looked great and am thinking of doing something similar. Any recent pics showing your hood? Would you still recommend using it? Have you found the finish to scratch easily? Thank you.


Ha, is it accessible from the 15 freeway? I may have "accidentally" stumbled onto Miramar from a little dirt road on the side of the freeway but not sure... My girlfriend lives right across the freeway in scripps ranch so I probably drive past you just about every day!! There are some sweet looking dirt roads up in the hills off pomerdado rd and Miramar rd, if only they were open to the public...
There are some cool little trails through scripps ranch and up in rancho peñasquitos, ever been up that way?
What area is your troop from?


Semper, How is the Plastikote...I think that's what you used...holding up on your hood? I thought it looked great and am thinking of doing something similar. Any recent pics showing your hood? Would you still recommend using it? Have you found the finish to scratch easily? Thank you.

It is holding up well, It is called plasti dip-easy to find at home depot. I need to go over it at least twice more for it to look great but so far so good. I would recommend doing a little more research before tackling the project though. I have heard reports of the coating not liking to come off once it has been baked on there. For me it isn't an issue because the paint is toast, but for you with that nice white, it would be sad to see the paint get ruined. Have you looked at the LC 3mm hood decals? That may be a better option.


Ha, is it accessible from the 15 freeway? I may have "accidentally" stumbled onto Miramar from a little dirt road on the side of the freeway but not sure... My girlfriend lives right across the freeway in scripps ranch so I probably drive past you just about every day!! There are some sweet looking dirt roads up in the hills off pomerdado rd and Miramar rd, if only they were open to the public...
There are some cool little trails through scripps ranch and up in rancho peñasquitos, ever been up that way?
What area is your troop from?

I doubt you "stumbled" on to miramar lol, if that was the case you would have had some angry guys with rifles asking you some serious questions. Unless you just came to the edge of the base, it is right off the 15. I have seen some fun looking trails in the area you are talking about, mostly on my way out to Anza Borrego.

The scouts are part of a group with the LDS church. Our building is located up on black mountain road right off ted williams park way.


Haha ya that's why I didn't go too much further,
I'm not too familiar with the group up there. I got my eagle with a little troop out of La Jolla/UC area.
Do you have any idea how "used" that area off pomerdado is? Every now and then some humvees that say Lockheed Martin on them roll in and out of there but they leave that giant gate open? Ive heard of some people who ventured in there with mountain bikes along that road with no problems but have been scared to drive in there with my Jeep.

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