

"At the RV store they have a roll of adhesive, like putty. I can't remember the name"

Butyl putty tape. Great stuff. Stays soft and seals up windows and vents really well.

Sheep Shagger

At the RV store they have a roll of adhesive, like putty. I can't remember the name but you double it up until the ridges are level with each other, then add an entire layer of the tape around the hole. Press and screw down the fan and there's a tube of silicone called self leveling caulk/adhesive that I used once it was all in. Dried in a day and it's leak proof. It will probably require maintenance later on but well worth it. I love that fan.

Butyl putty tape. Great stuff. Stays soft and seals up windows and vents really well.

Thanks very much for the info, I've been pondering a roof fan for a long time. Friend who has them on his RV says they really heat up the the inside if they are not venting, since the plexiglass lets in light and heat. I really only want to use it while parked in the desert and I'm off riding, not while van is parked in the driveway, so that's always put me off. Well that and having to modify my roofrack.
Is there any reason you got Fantastic over Maxxfan? Seems Maxxfan uses a PWM controller for the fan speed, so it'll save a lot of energy over Fantastic which seems to use a rheostat. Of course, only if running at less than max speed.


Just with the vent open without the fan on during the day keeps the van at a comfortable temp. I didn't really put much thought or research into the fan. It was much quieter than the roof vent fans I had in my MH and the life time warranty was attractive. I had been wanting it and I had new saw blades in my air saw ready to go. I'll have to make a custom roof rack if I decide to go that route. I've been contemplating the SMB PH top. Bummer is if I install the roof vent I will void the warranty. Oh well. Maybe they won't get my money either.

OK I want to make a public thank you to NELY for saving my butt today. He was gracious enough to offer me the correct output flange for my T Case so that I could order my driveshafts and install them tomorrow. I owe you another one NELY Thanks Bro !!!!

Gas tank is in, leak free tig welded, T case, Trans, and now I wait for the sun to come up to order the drive shafts. Saturday morning appt. with MR. Vern Sweeney for some Y pipe manipulation and I'm on the road or OFF ROAD !!!!
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SWEET !!! It's been a long time coming but I put the final touches on the conversion to 4 wheel drive this evening. It's done. :victory:

pics will come later

I will be taking it off road this Saturday 11-4-2011 for a quick run down trip to Gorman / Hungry Valley OHV area if anyone local is up for a day trip.:roost:

Let me know


So I took it out yesterday for a shake down run and I am very impressed with it's off road capabilities. However, I blew a reservoir off a 5150 shock, I'm not sure if it fell off, or bottomed out and blew off or what but it's gone
I also and fried the transmission, I was able to nurse it home with a squealing transmission and a missing shock and it drove great. No biggy.

I guess I was wheeling it a little too rough. I may be installing the the Atlas T case and 488's down the road, I was on the brakes way too long in 4 low 1st gear going down some pretty steep hills which I wasn't to thrilled about. Braking down hill is a big no no, but I had no choice.

Also the Viair compressor sucks. It took 20 minutes to air up my tires. I'm going to get a power tank mounted on the opposite side of the frame where the air tank is. The viair ran the lockers just fine but that's about it.

I was having way too much fun, and now I pay the price. Got some bugs to work out yet.


Shake down run

Ya I know, I'm kind of a thrasher.
I use what I build.
If I break it I'm okay with it, in fact I kinda like it.
That's why I build things the way I do. Eventually it will be "Pyscho Mike" proof, like my TJ
Hopefully it will be back on the road by Tuesday night.



For some reason the ring that holds that drum in came off in August, it scored the drum pretty bad. The good thing about it is that I never knew, I just heard a weird noise for a little bit and soon after the noise went away, I just thought the tranny was hot and I kept driving it for a couple of months like that with no problems. So the drum and clip were wasted and this is the new replacement part from Ford. Nick found it along with the ground down C clip when he opened it up to convert the output shaft. I didn't have a choice in the matter, it is a $300 upgrade.. It could be in the newer transmissions already (mine is 2002 4R100)

So to bring the build up to date. I didn't realize that the metal shavings were floating throughout my trans and I didn't flush the lines before I put it all back together. $h@t for brains (Me thinks this is why the trans failed the second time) Nick found some ground up metal crushed between a clip and a bearing, which was making the awful squeal. Again I could have driven it another 2000 miles with no problem, it would have made noise , been a nuisance and would have eventually destroyed the bearing leaving me stranded somewhere. Thankfully he found the problem this time and hopefully everything goes back together today and I'll be back on the road, for good. Or at least until I get heavy pedal syndrome again and break something else.

When I get it home I'm going to trim the rear fenders so that the tires don't rub and probably install some air bags to help with the load, and ride height. Front bump stops are in order as well.


In my constant thirst for knowledge I found this thread

in the Jeep forum that got me thinking, I helped him out with a wiring issue and myself at the same time. So this past holiday weekend I wired up my fog lights to a 2 way toggle in the over head console. So that I could turn the fog lights on independently or with the head light switch in the on position. I did the same to the reverse lights.

I also wired up the Aux output from the alarm so that I can control the rock lights via the remote control on my keys lighting up the entire under carriage of the van and the ground. If I'm walking up to the van at night I can see my way to the van and also see if any unwanted critters are hiding out under there. Very useful feature, I find myself hitting that button just to load passengers and gear when it's dark.



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