VMI Offroad Trailer Registry... and support group.


New member
I did take delivery. But then the timbren suspension failed.
So it's back in the shop for a good old fashioned axle setup.

So what was the outcome here? You are the first I have heard of an issue with the Timbren. I'm sure Mike and the gang took care of you.


Expedition Leader
I'm Susan (of Susan & Samn) and we're the proud owners of a custom built Alpine XL. Pretty sure we are the first on the East Coast.

View attachment 331111


more of the story and better pictures can be found at:


Turns out I'm a horrible blogger but I always have good intentions... LOL

Good luck getting those fiberglass tanks a recertification. Unless you are in Norway.

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New member
I saw your replies to the other thread. Did you try reaching out to Viking cylinders and see if they would be willing to contact your local requalifier? I'm sure they want to expand the market maybe you could help them help you.

Outside somewhere

Overland certified public figure brand ambassador
Good luck getting those fiberglass tanks a recertification. Unless you are in Norway.

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My buddy in south west missouri sent me his to get the recert here because no one would touch them. I was told in May of last year they had more 11# on the way by Aug and the last I checked in January they were still sold out. Finally folded and bought two new steel tanks.


New member
I'm in no way experienced when it comes to off-road
Had to replace timbren with an axle. The axle is about
9-10 inches of the ground. Matches my truck
Lowest point on the transfer case?
But the leaf springs are mounted below axle
Giving me about 4.5 inches above ground.
The axle is offset from my wheel. A 285-76/16
For you guys out there. What's your opinion

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